Dispatches from the Department of the Bleeding Obvious

7 07 2008

The badly decomposed body of an American actress was discovered in a Sydney flat in 2006. Here’s how Ninemsn reports on the inquest:

Ms Germain’s dress was lifted above her shoulders and a clothes peg was attached to her genitals.Towels, cushions, a foot spa and a construction hat covered her body, obscuring all but her right arm.

An electrical cord was wrapped around her neck and a toaster had been strung from the shower rail.

A knife and a razor blade were discovered near her body and lipstick was smeared throughout the bathroom and on Ms Germain.

“There did not appear to be any knife-inflicted injuries at the time of post-mortem,” Sgt Beecroft said.

While the circumstances were clearly suspicious, two autopsies had been unable to determine a cause of death, she said. [Emphasis added]

Sgt. Beecroft, I dub thee . . .

Politically incorrect executive toy

3 07 2008

On this website you can watch a woman in a bikini plummeting endlessly over, past and through silver spheres. If she comes to a halt, don’t worry: you can just use your mouse to pick her up and set her on her way again.

Enjoy. Read the rest of this entry »

Mashup: Intelligent design creationism vs. Dr Seuss

26 06 2008

(Click image to see the slideshow)

Genius. Via Pharyngula.

Warning: this textbook contains science, and may not be suitable for cognitively immature audiences

17 06 2008

Textbook disclaimer stickers from the biology department at Swarthmore College:

More at the College website.

More Stumbleupon joy . . .

11 06 2008
  1. Drag a series of dots, lines and other shapes of assorted sizes and colours into the circle on the left, and watch them appear in the kaleidoscope on the right. A great way to kill two minutes.
  2. In this optical illusion, you stare at the dot at the centre of the image for 30 seconds, then move your cursor over the image. The image will appear to be in full colour until you move your eyes. And I’d really appreciate knowing why.
  3. If you enjoy reading the classics on your boss’s time, but don’t want him or her to know about it, why not try Read At Work?
  4. Wikipedia’s List of Unusual Deaths is yet another reason why the aformentioned is the greatest site on the Interwebs.
  5. How to beat PacMan. You never know when this sort of information will come in handy.
  6. Nothing says “geek” like a coffee-table-sized NES controller.
  7. Dei Ex Machina.
  8. Yo Suck At Photoshop: a Photoshop tutorial with class. In Episode 7, Donny walks us through Patch Tool and Levels by attempting to transform a sad, recently-divorced woman into a MILF: “Mom I’d Love to Facebook.”
  9. Hell of Sand. Plant things. Grow things. Blow shit up.
  10. Devil’s Pool is a natural rock pool at the top of Victoria Falls in Zambia where, between September and December, idiots can swim just a few feet away from a 100-metre sheer drop.
  11. I might have posted this one previously: Students for an Orwellian Society.

Hierarchy of disagreement

29 05 2008

From My Confined Space.

“Greeg! Dud you hear thet?”

22 05 2008

Today’s useless trivia concerns “Figwit,” a long-forgotten phenomenon of the Peter Jackson-directed Lord of the Rings movies.

“Figwit” was an extra–just a chair-filler at the Council of Elrond with no speaking role–but such was his popularity back in the day that Jackson decided to give him a few lines in Return of the King:

“Figwit,” by the way, stands for “Frodo Is Great . . . Who Is That?” So, who is he? Read the rest of this entry »

The Audacity of Bitch

21 05 2008

Loving Jesus too much can give you a serious case of Tourettes (or is this just what they mean by “speaking in tongues”?).

“I come in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . bitch!”

Massive HT to Lance1977. Read the rest of this entry »

Flight of the Conchords

14 05 2008

. . . is the shiznit. My girlfriend just introduced me to this sitcom featuring the adventures of the eponymous New Zealand musical comedy duo in New York. Great supporting cast, hilarious songs, dead-on David Bowie impersonations and lashings of NZ inferiority complex.

“If You’re Into It”

“Foux Da Fa Fa” (available here if the embed doesn’t work)
Read the rest of this entry »

Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City XII

29 04 2008

The week in fundie:

  1. Firstly, kudos to Petro Georgiou for his opposition to the Australian citizenship test, an icon of that other but equally virulent form of magical thinking: flag-waving jingoistic nationalism. On the test itself: what Ninglun said. On the fat lot of good this artefact of Howard-era dogwhistle politics has done: “Just 16,024 migrants applied to be citizens between January and March, compared with 38,850 at the same time last year.” (The Age)
  2. The fundamentalist war on women in “liberated” Iraq: how the sharia-based Iraqi constution enables honour killings. (The Independent)
  3. In Pakistan, the anti-blasphemy law enabled Muslim workers in a Karachi leather factory to beat a Hindu worker to death for “defiling the name of the prophet.” They beat him for half an hour. The assailants were charged with . . . (get this) . . . “failure to inform the police that blasphemy was underway.” Now the victim’s family is in danger. (AsiaNews)
  4. Meanwhile, the Pakistan National Assembly unanimously passed resolutions calling upon the Dutch and Danish governments to prosecute Dutch MP and filmmaker Geert Wilders, and urged the UN to “take legal, political and administrative measures to ensure respect for all religions in these societies.” (Pakistan Link)
  5. The Pope’s war on liberal democracy: Benedict urges US bishops to continue heavying Catholic politicians, demanding that they place religious dogma above their responsibilities to the people that elected them. (US News)
  6. The bishops appear to be listening. (New York Times)
  7. Everything you need to know about Expelled (short of watching it) you can find at The Bad Idea Blog. If you’re still not satisfied, visit Expelled Exposed.
  8. Christian students take a stand in favour of anti-gay bigotry and bullying in schools. (Baptist Press News)

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