Your movement
Together, we are powerful. Help us build a future for all of us.
What we do next matters
Welcome to the Greens! For 28 years, protecting the environment, putting people first and planning for the future have been at the very heart of our movement. But right now, things are getting serious.
This wasn't the 2020 most of us had imagined. First we endured the devastating climate-bushfires and now COVID-19 has knocked us sideways and shut down the global economy. But for many people, things haven’t been easy for a very long time.
Before the pandemic, we were staring down the climate crisis and supercharged economic inequality. The fact is, the major parties’ don’t have a plan that addresses these crises – they support ongoing fossil fuel projects and continue to put their corporate donors before the rest of us.
Now more than ever, politics needs a shake-up. We need a plan that will get us out of the COVID-19 jobs and economic crisis while addressing the climate emergency at the same time. It’s not just possible, it’s essential.
The Greens have a plan for bold investment, creating hundreds or thousands of jobs, building a fairer, more sustainable future and leaving no one behind.
Unlike the Coalition and Labor, we don’t take donations from corporations looking to buy influence. We have something far more powerful: a huge movement of people just like you. Together, we’re fighting for a better future for all of us.
Get involved
The Greens are proud to be powered by people, not big corporations. Our big wins, on the streets and in Parliament, have been led by our amazing volunteers around the country.
But for us to succeed, we're going to need everyone to get involved. We need people like you to help us.