People Contributing to

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z
scott_aaronson's picture
Scott Aaronson

David J. Bruton Centennial Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin; Author, Quantum Computing Since Democritus

marina_abramovic's picture
Marina Abramovic

Artist; author, Walk Through Walls: A Memoir

daron_acemoglu's picture
Daron Acemoglu

Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics, MIT

jerry_adler's picture
Jerry Adler

Senior Editor, Newsweek

anthony_aguirre's picture
Anthony Aguirre

Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz; Author, Cosmological Koans

izumi_aizu's picture
Izumi Aizu

Executive Director, Institute for HyperNetwork Society; Senior Research Fellow & Professor, Institute for InfoSocinomics, Tama University, Japan

alan_alda's picture
Alan Alda

Actor; Writer; Director; Host, PBS program Brains on Trial; Author, Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself

stephon_h_alexander's picture
Stephon H. Alexander

Professor of Physics at Brown University; Author, The Jazz of Physics

paul_allen's picture
Paul Allen

Co-Founder, Microsoft; Founder & CEO, Vulcan, Inc.; Owner, Seattle Seahawks; Co-Founder, Allen Institute for Brain Science

anna_dreber_almenberg's picture
Anna Dreber Almenberg

Professor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics

stewart_alsop's picture
Stewart Alsop

Partner, Alsop Louie Partners, Contributing editor to InfoWorld

adam_alter's picture
Adam Alter

Psychologist; Assistant Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, NYU; Author, Irresistible

ivan_amato's picture
Ivan Amato

Freelance print and radio Writer; Editor of the Pathways of Discovery essay series for Science Magazine

dorsa_amir's picture
Dorsa Amir

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Boston College

philip_w_anderson's picture
Philip W. Anderson

Nobel Laureate; Physicist

alun_anderson's picture
Alun Anderson

Senior Consultant (and former Editor-in-Chief and Publishing Director), New Scientist; Author, After the Ice

christopher_j_anderson's picture
Christopher J. Anderson

Curator, TED conferences, TED Talks; author, TED Talks

chris_anderson's picture
Chris Anderson

CEO, 3D Robotics; Founder, DIY Drones

ross_anderson's picture
Ross Anderson

Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University

natalie_angier's picture
Natalie Angier

Pulitzer prize winning science writer for The New York Times

carlo_antonelli's picture
Carlo Antonelli

Journalist; Editor, Wired Magazine (Italy)

coren_apicella's picture
Coren Apicella

Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

samuel_arbesman's picture
Samuel Arbesman

Complexity Scientist; Scientist in Residence at Lux Capital; Author, Overcomplicated

dan_ariely_1's picture
Dan Ariely

James B. Duke ProfessorProfessor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics, Duke University; Founding Member, Center for Advanced Hindsight; Author, Predictably Irrational

noga_arikha's picture
Noga Arikha

Historian of ideas; Author, Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours

charles_arthur's picture
Charles Arthur

Freelance Technology Journalist

w_brian_arthur's picture
W. Brian Arthur

External Professor, Santa Fe Institute; Visiting Researcher, Intelligent Systems Lab, PARC; Inaugural Recipient, Lagrange Prize; Author, The Nature of Technology

peter_atkins's picture
Peter Atkins

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford; Author, What is Chemistry?

scott_atran's picture
Scott Atran

Anthropologist, Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, Co-Founder, Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, University of Oxford; Author, Talking to the Enemy

robert_aunger's picture
Robert Aunger

Biological Anthropologist; Author, Gaining Control

robert_axelrod's picture
Robert Axelrod

Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding, University of Michigan; Author, The Evolution of Cooperation