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  1. Tweet épinglé
    3 nov.

    If Trump loses, as I fervently hope he will, I expect he will try to take America down with him...

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 8 heures

    Oh, the beauty! is Cheese Stars. No parties this year, but I can’t forgo them all the same

  3. a retweeté
    il y a 10 heures

    You know, aside from the sheer pomposity and narcissism of Bolt's "farewell Melbourne" piece, what shines through most of all is how, despite having lived here for 40-odd years, he clearly has never had the faintest fucking clue about who and what makes this city tick. Clueless.

  4. il y a 8 heures
  5. a retweeté
    il y a 12 heures

    We are proud to welcome veteran finance journalist and well-known media personality as a regular contributor to TND. Here's what readers can look forward to in 2021.

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 12 heures
    En réponse à

    Love it when the trash takes itself out.

  7. il y a 12 heures

    A new village gets an idiot...

  8. il y a 12 heures

    Anyone wanting to tweet good wishes to Mungo MacCallum might like to do it via who published him in his Pearls and Irritations blog.

  9. il y a 13 heures

    Also wash behind your ears, always use a hankie, and don’t forget to thank the lady for having you...

  10. il y a 13 heures

    Ha ! I still relish Mungo writing that Billy McMahon looked like a Volkswagen viewed front-on with both doors open.

  11. il y a 13 heures

    The CCP-approved Twitter trolls have a subtle way with words 👎

  12. a retweeté
    il y a 15 heures

    I want one journalist out there to ask Morrison if he is actually responsible for anything . Can someone ask him ?

  13. il y a 15 heures
  14. a retweeté
    il y a 16 heures
    En réponse à

    A graceful exit from the journalist whose pointed writing shaped so much of what I came to understand about Australian politics. I started reading him when I was a teenager, & will miss his perceptive comments more than I can say

  15. il y a 16 heures

    So sad, this. Mungo MacCallum, a true giant of Australian journalism, lays down his pen. With a characteristic flourish. Co-incidentally, I guess, on the 48th anniversary of the election of the Whitlam government.

  16. a retweeté
    il y a 17 heures

    Boy it takes some brass to criticise the ABC when News Corp hacked into the phones of dead kids

  17. il y a 17 heures

    This nails it. The ProMo “government” hand in glove with the Murdochracy to attack the ABC. Disgusting. Shameful.

  18. a retweeté
    il y a 17 heures

    Not only are they perpetuating a lie but they are being monstrously hypocritical. Newscorps shocking journalistic standards are on the public record worldwide.

  19. a retweeté
    il y a 17 heures

    The beautiful beaches in the Ben Boyd National Park north of Eden on the far south coast of NSW.

  20. a retweeté
    il y a 20 heures

    2/2.. Q: Was any surveillance via an investigator or freelance cameraman conducted on Christian Porter, Alan Tudge or Canberra bars? A: No Q: If so, who paid for these activities? A: N/a Q: When did Four Corners commence work on this story? A: Mid 2020

  21. a retweeté
    il y a 20 heures

    3/3 Q: What is the Four Corners' policy on the use of surveillance techniques and private investigators? A: Four Corners does not use private investigators.   The ABC’s full response is here.


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