January 23, 2021
by actforfreedom


via: anarquia.info

(A un año de su detención)

sábado 25 de enero de 2020:


Después de año y medio en clandestinidad, esta mañana sábado 25 de enero, han detenido en territorio portugués al compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva. Con orden de búsqueda y captura internacional por supuesto pendiente de pena de más de diez años (una venganza personal convertida con «detalles» jurídicos), Gabriel continuaba dando batalla y aportando su propia contribución a la lucha anárquica con sus textos. Actualmente se encuentra encerrado en una celda de la policía judicial de Oporto en espera de comparecer este lunes en el juzgado donde se debatirá su posible extradición al Estado español. Gabriel se encuentra bien y está bastante tranquilo pese a todo.

Lunes 27 de enero:

Comenzó en tierras portuguesas el juicio contra nuestro compañero, durante la primera audiencia se pudo vislumbrar el siguiente escenario: Continue Reading →

January 23, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Solidarity gathering under the Marassi prison in solidarity with Francesco (Genoa, Italy, January 22nd, 2021)

Solidarity gathering under the Marassi prison in solidarity with Francesco (Genoa, Italy, January 22nd, 2021)

This morning [January 21st], the cops visited Francesco at his workplace. The comrade is an anarchist convicted for October 15 [a demonstration held in Rome on October 15th, 2011 against the EU’s economic measures, where the police were violently attacked, some areas of the city severely devastated, vehicles set on fire, including a police vehicle, banks attacked, dozens and dozens of cops injured in various ways; for these events there were convictions for «devastation and looting»]. He should not have been returned to prison given his sentence of less than 4 years. To this, however, the cops found a way to add another two definitive sentences, increasing the sentence by 4 months. They found a way to bring him back to prison.
Since evil never comes alone, they also proceeded to search his house, with negative results.
Let’s meet tomorrow January 22nd at 6 p.m. in front of the Marassi prison to greet Francesco and all the prisoners in solidarity.
No backward steps!
Freedom for Fra, freedom for everyone!
To write to him and send telegrams or publications:
Francesco Carrieri
C. C. di Marassi
piazzale Marassi 2
16139 Genova
Italia – Italy
[Received via e-mail and translated by malacoda.noblogs.org].

January 23, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece,10/2/21 – Trial against comrade for ‘possession of explosives’ in Athens

Greece,10/2/21 – Trial against comrade for ‘possession of explosives’ in Athens

The trial against a comrade that was arrested in December 2019 and is
accused of ‘possession of explosives’ is scheduled in the Elvelpidon
court in Athens on Wednesday the 10th of February 2021 at 9am. As many trials are still being postponed because of Covid, also this one could be postponed, though this will be decided only shortly before the 10th.
* On the evening of the 5th of December 2019 the comrade was arrested in the neighborhood of Holargos, Athens. After two days in custody he was charged with “possession of explosives” and got released. The trial
started about a week later but got postponed almost immediately due to the absence of some documents. A new date was set for the 29th of May 2020, but due to corona measures the trial didn’t take place and got postponed again.

January 21, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France: But who installs and designs the 4G and 5G pylons?

France: But who installs and designs the 4G and 5G pylons?

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Latest news: the Tarn company Retis Solutions is laying the pylons for the future 5G France Bleu Occitanie, January 18, 2021.
Retis Solutions, a company based in Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe in the Tarn region, is showing good growth thanks to its many activities, in particular the installation of pylons for telephone operators, in France and abroad. Its president is part of the Women Equity ranking.
After its 150 years’ existence, the Tarn SME Retis Solutions is doing well with its 120 employees. The company based in Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe on the border of Haute-Garonne continues to show good growth, in particular thanks to the installation of pylons all over France for telephone operators. Its president, Patricia Cathalau, is part of the Women Equity ranking revealed this Monday by France Bleu, which designates the 50 top female leaders of SMEs and mid-caps in France who are leading their business towards growth.

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January 21, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy, Casale Cremasco: the foot of the antenna smells of burning

Italy, Casale Cremasco: the foot of the antenna smells of burning

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
An arson attack occurred during the night against a Vodafone mobile phone relay antenna in Casale Cremasco (in Lombardy, right in the middle of the triangle Milan, Bergamo and Cremona).
The fire was started at the base of the pylon, destroying the cables leading to various junction boxes. The firefighters were called at 4.30am and were able to put it out swiftly, but the damage to the antenna is significant. The alert was given to the firefighters by a security guard passing by on the road. On its electrical cabinets were found the tags “No to digital society. Stop 5G”.
This morning the ROS carabinieri (Raggruppamento operativo speciale, specialized in the fight against organized crime and anti-terrorism) were also on site. Despite the damage technicians were able to put the relay back into operation during the day.
[Taken from the local Italian press, La Provincia di Crema/Cremasco news, 16 January 2021]

January 21, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Self-organisation against the virus of control PDF:

Self-organisation against the virus of control PDF:

This is a call for all groups, collectives and individuals within the anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian Berlin city scene.
Pdf : self organisation-def-1


This is a call for all groups, collectives and individuals within the anti-capitalist and anti- authoritarian Berlin city scene.
We are extremely aware of the existence and seriousness of this virus and its consequences on our health, social, economic and political lives. The Covid 19 crisis is the most representative product of capitalism in 2020 and will feature more and more in our lives. Facing the global destabilization caused by the pandemic, we decide not to follow either the denialist – conspiracy theorist and populist perspective of theoretical shortcuts on the origin of the virus, or the institutional perspective that resolves the issue exclusively from a health-security point of view. Neither of these perspectives calls into question the system that has created the conditions that favour the birth and spread of the virus.Our perspective focuses on the radical questioning of the neo-liberal system and tries to propose and construct strategies that can provide ananswer to the social crisis without legitimising the system itself. From our point of view, the only possible answer is self-organisation and experiences of autonomy, as well as a radical reflection on ecologism.
That is why there is an urgent need to organise eachother!
This call aims to be the first draft of a collective and collaborative manifesto; it is a reflection of the impact of the pandemic and the measures that nation states are implementing in order to control the health crisis and us as people.

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January 21, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°37(janvier 2021)

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°37(janvier 2021)

Télécharger Avis de tempêtes #37 en PDF
Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°37
(janvier 2021) est sorti.

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque
nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :


“Il existe évidemment une différence de degrés entre ouvrir soi-même une porte et être soumis à l’arbitraire d’un bourreau en uniforme, entre un isolement où pénètre à peine la lumière du jour et les rues désertées sur décret, entre privation de sens et substitution du contact humain par celui des machines, mais force est de constater que la vieille métaphore qui disait que la taule n’est pas une extension de la société mais que c’est plutôt cette dernière qui en constitue le prolongement, n’a pas perdu de sa pertinence. Au contraire, même. Alors, si on ne peut s’évader d’une prison sociale qui a désormais colonisé tout espace, si ses différentes cages en poupées russes s’imbriquent et se confondent, quelle autre possibilité nous reste-t-il, sinon de la détruire de l’intérieur ? En cultivant précieusement un monde qui nous soit propre, en repoussant les assauts d’une domination qui mutile chaque jour notre sensibilité, tout en saccageant sans pitié les barreaux et les murs qui nous retiennent prisonniers. Autant d’obstacles vers la liberté, qui ne s’incarnent plus seulement dans la pierre et l’acier, mais tout autant dans des réseaux diffus de fibre de verre et de cuivre qui courent sous nos pieds et volent au-dessus de nos têtes. Si près d’une centaine d’antennes-relais ont été sabotées en 2020 malgré les différents confinements, le fait que ces structures constituent un anneau supplémentaire de nos chaînes n’y est peut-être pas tout à fait

January 20, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece: Statement by Nikos Maziotis and Giannis Dimitrakis on the beginning of the hunger strike on January 16/21 in solidarity with Dimitris Koufondinas,and update news: the comrades V.Stathopoulos and P.Georgiadis join the hunger strike from 18/1/21

Greece: Statement by Nikos Maziotis and Giannis Dimitrakis on the beginning of the hunger strike on January 16/21 in solidarity with Dimitris Koufondinas,and update news: the comrades V.Stathopoulos and P.Georgiadis join the hunger strike from 18/1/21

via: malacoda. and Act for freedom now!

From today, Saturday, January 16, 2021 we will start a hunger strike in solidarity with comrade Dimitris Koufondinas until his request to be transferred to Korydallos prison is fulfilled.
We denounce his violent transfer to the hospital by order of the prosecutor, despite the fact that he has declared that he does not want any medical treatment.
From the prison of Domokos,
Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle
Giannis Dimitrakis
[Greek text published in mpalothia.net].
Here are the addresses of the comrades:
Nikos Maziotis [Νίκος Μαζιώτης]
Dikastiki Filaki Domokou, A. Pteryga
T. K. 35010 Domokos, Fthiotidas — Greece
Giannis Dimitrakis [Γιάννης Δημητράκης]
Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou
T. K. 35010 Domokos, Fthiotidas — Greece
Since January 8, 2021 Dimitris Koufondinas, imprisoned in Domokos prison, has been on hunger strike in response to the repressive doggedness of the Greek state against him and the other imprisoned revolutionaries. In December the Greek parliament passed a law that in addition to increasing the minimum time required to be spent in prison before obtaining release permits, imposed restrictions on transfer to rural prisons (facilities where long-term prisoners enjoy a less restrictive regime and where one day is worth three), prohibiting access to this type of detention to those who have been convicted of crimes with terrorist purposes. The day after the law was passed Dimitris Koufondinas was transferred from the rural prison of Kassavetia (in Volos) to the maximum security prison of Domokos, where anarchists Nikos Maziotis and Giannis Dimitrakis were already imprisoned. As written by Dimitris, the law and the transfers are part of a «revenge on those who refuse to sign a declaration of repentance. Revenge on the inmates of 17 November, who see their conditions of detention worsened, revenge on an elderly man and a person with a disability, who are shamelessly handed over to the pandemic. Revenge on all the prisoners who, in order to satisfy the extreme right-wing electorate [of the Mitsotakis government], during the pandemic are piled up like human garbage in miserable prisons, unable to have contact with their families». With the hunger strike he started, he demands the immediate transfer to the prison of Korydallos, in Athens. As a result of deteriorating health conditions, he was transferred to a hospital, where he is under supervision. On January 19 in Athens there will be a demonstration in solidarity with Dimitris and the other comrades on hunger strike.
Dimitris Koufondinas was arrested in 2002 following the dismantling of the marxist-leninist organization 17 November. During the trials that followed he claimed his participation in the organization.
updates note  :

Statement by Pola Roupa in solidarity with Dimitris Koufondinas, Giannis Dimitrakis and Nikos Maziotis (Greece, January 2021)

Solidarity with Dimitris Koufondinas
No persecution by the state against hunger-striking political prisoners must go unanswered.
Solidarity with Dimitris Koufondinas, on hunger strike since January 8, 2021 demanding his transfer to Korydallos prison.
Solidarity with Giannis Dimitrakis and Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, who have been accompanying him on hunger strike since January 16 until his demand is met.
Pola Roupa, member of Revolutionary Struggle
Third wing of the women’s prison of Eleonas – Thebes
[Published in greek in mpalothia.net, January 19, 2021].
Translated to english by malacoda


A beginning of Hunger strike of political prisoners P. Georgiadis and V. Stathopoulos as a sign of Solidarity with the fighter prisoner  Dimitri Koufontina.
From Monday, January 18, we start a five-days of hunger strike as a sign of solidarity with the political prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas.
Solidarity will win
The political prisoners
Vangellis. Stathopoulos P. Georgiadis Larissa prisons
 The addresses of the comrades:
Vaggelis Stathopoulos (βαγγελης σταθοπουλος)
Dikastiki filaki Larissas
TK 4111O
Polikarpos (Pollis ) Gewrgiadis ((Πολύκαρπος Γεωργιάδης)
Dikastiki filaki Larissas
TK 4111O
Greek text:

Απεργίας πείνας των πολιτικών κρατουμένων Π. Γεωργιάδη και Β. Σταθόπουλου σε ένδειξη Αλληλεγγύης στον αγωνιστή Δ. Κουφοντίνα

Από την Δευτέρα 18 Ιανουαρίου ξεκινάμε πενθήμερη απεργία πείνας ως ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης στον πολιτικό κρατούμενο Δημήτρη Κουφοντίνα.

Η αλληλεγγύη θα νικήσει


Οι πολιτικοί κρατούμενοι

Β. Σταθόπουλος

Π. Γεωργιάδης

φυλακές Λάρισας

source: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1609694/

Dichiarazione di Nikos Maziotis e Giannis Dimitrakis sull’inizio dello sciopero della fame in solidarietà con Dimitris Koufondinas (Grecia, 16.01.2021)
Dichiarazione di Nikos Maziotis e Giannis Dimitrakis sull’inizio dello sciopero della fame in solidarietà con Dimitris Koufondinas (Grecia, 16.01.2021)
Da oggi, sabato 16 gennaio 2021, inizieremo uno sciopero della fame in segno di solidarietà con il compagno Dimitris Koufondinas fino a quando la sua richiesta di essere trasferito nel carcere di Korydallos non sarà soddisfatta.
Denunciamo il suo violento trasferimento all’ospedale per ordine del pubblico ministero, nonostante abbia dichiarato di non volere alcun trattamento medico.
Dal carcere di Domokos,
Nikos Maziotis, membro di Lotta Rivoluzionaria
Giannis Dimitrakis
[Testo in greco pubblicato in mpalothia.net].
Gli indirizzi dei compagni:
Nikos Maziotis [Νίκος Μαζιώτης]
Dikastiki Filaki Domokou, A. Pteryga
T. K. 35010 Domokos, Fthiotidas — Greece
Giannis Dimitrakis [Γιάννης Δημητράκης]
Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou
T. K. 35010 Domokos, Fthiotidas — Greece
Dall’8 gennaio 2021 Dimitris Koufondinas, recluso nel carcere di Domokos, ha iniziato uno sciopero della fame in risposta all’accanimento repressivo dello Stato greco nei suoi confronti e contro i rivoluzionari imprigionati. Nel mese di dicembre è stata approvata dal parlamento greco una legge che, oltre ad aumentare il tempo minimo necessario da trascorrere in carcere prima di ottenere dei permessi di uscita, ha imposto delle limitazioni al trasferimento nelle carceri rurali (strutture in cui i detenuti di lungo corso godono di un regime meno restrittivo e in cui un giorno scontato ne vale tre), vietando l’accesso a questa tipologia di detenzione a coloro che sono stati condannati per reati con finalità terroristiche. Il giorno successivo all’approvazione della legge Dimitris Koufondinas è stato trasferito dal carcere rurale di Kassavetia (a Volos) a quello di massima sicurezza di Domokos, dove si trovavano già imprigionati gli anarchici Nikos Maziotis e Giannis Dimitrakis. Come scritto da Dimitris, la legge e i trasferimenti sono parte di una «vendetta su chi rifiuta di firmare una dichiarazione di pentimento. Vendetta sui reclusi della 17 Novembre, che vedono peggiorate le proprie condizioni di detenzione, vendetta su un anziano e una persona con invalidità, che vengono spudoratamente consegnati alla pandemia. Vendetta su tutti i prigionieri che, per soddisfare l’elettorato di estrema destra [del governo Mitsotakis], durante la pandemia vengono accatastati come immondizia umana in miserabili prigioni, impossibilitati ad avere un contatto con le famiglie». Con lo sciopero della fame da lui iniziato esige l’immediato trasferimento al carcere di Korydallos, ad Atene. A seguito dell’aggravamento delle condizioni di salute è stato trasferito in una struttura ospedaliera, dove si trova sorvegliato. Il 19 gennaio nella capitale ellenica si terrà una manifestazione solidale con Dimitris e i compagni in sciopero della fame.
Dimitris Koufondinas è stato arrestato nel 2002 a seguito dello smantellamento dell’organizzazione marxista-leninista “17 Novembre”. Durante i processi che sono seguiti ha rivendicato la propria partecipazione all’organizzazione.
Δήλωση Απεργίας Πείνας σε ένδειξη Αλληλεγγύης στον Δημήτρη Κουφοντίνα
Από σήμερα Σάββατο,16 Ιανουαρίου 2021, ξεκινάμε Απεργία Πείνας εις ένδειξη Αλληλεγγύης στο σύντροφο Δημήτρη Κουφοντίνα μέχρι να ικανοποιηθεί το αίτημά του.
Καταγγέλλουμε τη βίαιη μεταγωγή του με εισαγγελική εντολή στο Νοσοκομέιο παρά το ότι δήλωσε ότι δεν θέλει καμία ιατροφαρμακευτική περίθαλψη.
Από τις φυλακές Δομοκού
Νίκος Μαζιώτης, μέλος του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα
Γιάννης Δημητράκης

January 20, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Buenos Aires,Argentina: Police car burned

Buenos Aires,Argentina: Police car burned

source: Contra Info /  via: Attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

It is only through struggle that one acquires the steadfastness to struggle. Solidarity is the continuity of the struggle, there where we find ourselves living or where we choose to live.
 The flames of the fire of insurrection hit the vehicle of a police turd, at the crossroads between avenida Santa Fe and Gorostiaga, where the Federal Police Intelligence agents work. We are getting closer. We send a hug to Monica and Francisco. Our anger continues, it is boiling and it won’t stop.
Angry antagonist cell

January 19, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Cardiff, walls: More than 200 people have gathered in protest outside Cardiff Bay police station over the death of Mohamud Mohammed Hassan..

Cardiff, walls: More than 200 people have gathered in protest outside Cardiff Bay police station over the death of Mohamud Mohammed Hassan..

More than 200 people have gathered in protest outside Cardiff Bay police station over the death of a man who died on Saturday 9th of January hours after being released from police custody.
Protestors marched to the station from Cardiff’s city centre, chanting “no justice, no peace” and demanded the force release CCTV of the 24-year-old’s custody stint. Some held signs that read : Black Lives Matter and “stop police brutality”.
Mohamud Mohammed Hassan was arrested on Friday evening after reports of a disturbance at his home, and released the following morning without charge.
But he was later found dead at his house..On Saturday evening – his family claim he was assaulted while in custody, with lots of wounds on his body and lots of bruises…

January 19, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on New Issue of Anathema(usa)

New Issue of Anathema(usa)

Volume 7 Issue 1
Volume 7 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)
Volume 7 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)
In this issue:
  • Year In Review
  • What Went Down
  • Words Mean Things: Mutual Aid
  • Autonomous Delivery Robots
  • The Group Chat: Our New Social Hub
  • Comic
  • Philly Encampments: What We Lost When “We Won”
  • The Only News I Need Is On The Weather Report
  • Repression Updates
  • Poem

January 19, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Solidarity for the 8 persecuted students of AUEB (Athens,Greece)

Solidarity for the 8 persecuted students of AUEB (Athens,Greece)

Eight students, members of the self organized , occupied, students’ center of Athens University of Economics and Business are facing severe charges including formation of and participation in criminal organization, charges fabricated under a state police scheme which is backed by the university rector council. Confirming the loose file, authorities fail to detain the eight comrades -due to lack of sufficient evidence- but impose 3,000€ bail for each of the four, along with man-datory report of presence at police stations once a month, while the remaining four are left completely free until the trial.
 Support here: Firefund
Introducing ourselves:
We are 8 people, politically active in the radical / anarchist movement in Greece, particularly in Athens. Among others, we participate in the Self Organized Students’ Center in the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), which is a squat inside the main building of the university. It’s occupied up to 18 years until now, constantly active as a political group, in most of the movements against suppression, racism, fascism, police violence, homophobia, austerity measures, public transports restrictions, anti-immigration and neonazism, or participated in other political acts.
What is happening now and why we are in need of cross border solidarity:
After an action in solidarity with evicted squats that happened in 29th of October 2020 law en-forcement started an attack against the center. The action itself is not to be discussed, we are not affiliated in any way with it or the group that took responsibility. Greek state, is now ac-cusing 8 students and members of self organized student’s center for participating in that, mak-ing them the main suspects of the legal case which will be taken in courts. In 23/12, police sent calls for interrogation for 8 comrades, while the brief of the case hadn’t been filed or formally handed out yet. In 08/01, all 8 comrades were interrogated and passed through the regular pro-cess in front of the district attorney. Confirming the loose case file, the authorities scheme and the targeting of student’s political identity, attorney didn’t decide the prosecution and deten-tion of any of the 8 accused comrades.

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January 16, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome,Italy: 5G antenna burned

Rome,Italy: 5G antenna burned

We receive and spread:
With D.p.c.m. [emergency ‘prime-minister’s’ decree], curfew, red zones and lockdown, they would like us locked inside our homes, lobotomized in front of a computer or smartphone screen, paralyzed by the fear of going out and violating ordinances and prohibitions.
One late afternoon in the beginning of January 2021 an antenna with 4G and 5G repeaters was set on fire.
A hug to our sisters and our brothers imprisoned for Operation Bialystok, to Anna and Alfredo, to Beppe, Natascia, Davide and to all the anarchist prisoners locked up in the jails.
Everyone free
via: roundrobin.info
Translated by Act for freedom now!

January 16, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome,Italy : Fire for fire!

Rome,Italy : Fire for fire!

We receive and spread:

In the night of December 17  2020, a repeater near an exit of the G.R.A [long orbital motorway] of Rome was sabotaged by fire.

An incendiary action that brings alive our memory of revenge for the State massacre carried out in the Italian prisons in revolt in March 2020, during the first lockdown.
Throughout these days the revolts of the prisoners demanding health and freedom were bloodily repressed by the security organs of the State. In addition to beatings, transfers and retaliation, 14 people were killed.
The bosses of the media hastily covered up the story, reporting the killings on a par with accidental deaths from drugs overdose.
In the face of the unbearable noise of these lies we respond with a blaze of destructive silence.
Aware of the changing complexity that surrounds us we decide to act because this, none other, is our time.
A warm greeting to all the anarchist prisoners in Italy and the world,
For Anarchy
via: roundrobin.info
Translated by Act for freedom now!

January 16, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Trento,Italy: 3 fibre optic cabinets sabotaged and a prison vehicle vandalised

Trento,Italy: 3 fibre optic cabinets sabotaged and a prison vehicle vandalised

We receive and spread:

Trento – In the night between  22 and 23 November 2020, 3 fibre optic cabinets sabotaged. One near an industrial centre, one in an industrial zone near GLS and IVECO and one at a branch of the police headquarters.

That same night a prison police vehicle was vandalised, with the words: SOLIDARITY WITH THE REBELS written nearby.
via: roundrobin.info

Translated by Act for freedom now!

January 16, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on  [ES,Madrid,Spain]Guerra a las eléctricas: atacadas sedes de varias compañías eléctricas y fuego a dos vehículos de Iberdrola

 [ES,Madrid,Spain]Guerra a las eléctricas: atacadas sedes de varias compañías eléctricas y fuego a dos vehículos de Iberdrola

Fuente: contramadriz  received by email:


Recibido por correo electrónico.
Estos últimos días no nos hemos quedado en casa. Al igual que muchos y muchas otras no nos resignamos a contemplar pasivos la gestión de la catástrofe por parte del Estado. No aceptamos complacientes como se refuerza una realidad plagada de militares, policías, cámaras de videovigilancia, drones, aplicaciones de rastreo… mientras la pobreza y la explotación aumentan; mientra la represión golpea a las que luchan y a los entornos políticos que no aceptan la pacificación democrática y se siguen posicionando contra el Poder.
Estas noches salimos a hacer una pequeña visita a algunas oficinas de las principales empresas eléctricas, importantes representantes de este capitalismo patrio, vinculadas, cómo no, a las altas esferas políticas del poder ejecutivo. Pintadas y cristaleras rotas como forma de ataque contra aquellos que obtienen beneficio en base al robo y explotación de las necesidades básicas. Fuego a sus vehículos como metáfora antagónica al frío que literalmente hacen pasar a muchas personas.
Que estas empresas, destructoras de la tierra, con sus fórmulas extractivistas y perpetuadoras del colonialismo español, sientan la guerra. Especial mención para Naturgy e Iberdrola, corresponsables junto con el gobierno español (si, ese cogobierno progresista y de izquierdas) de cortar la luz a los y las habitantes de la Cañada Real, al igual que a otras miles de personas alrededor de la península, a la vez que impulsan una subida en los precios muy poco asimilable para gran parte de la población.

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January 16, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: In memory of anarchist comrade Marilù Maschietto

Italy: In memory of anarchist comrade Marilù Maschietto

The following are the words with which two comrades wanted to remember Maria Ludovica Maschietto, known as Marilù (February 14, 1932 – December 29, 2020).


Farewell Marilù, with you another piece of my anarchy dies.
Thank you for always being a safe haven for me and the people I loved.
Thank you for snatching me away from apathy and disillusionment when I was 18 years old and the anarchists seemed to me a bunch of wordsmiths and idiots.

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January 15, 2021
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Zurich, Switzerland – Paint against the LafargeHolcim company

Zurich, Switzerland – Paint against the LafargeHolcim company

Source: barrikade.info via:frecciaspezzata.Translated by act for freedom now!


In the night of 23rd December we marked the premises of the cement company LafargeHolcim in Zurich-Oerlikon with paint to draw attention to the global crimes against people and the environment and to express solidarity with the struggles for climate justice from Zurich (Eclépens) to Rojava.
We are living in a climate crisis – here and now. The very existence of more and more people all over the world is being being threatened by capitalism through exploitation, poverty, patriarchal and racist violence, wars and disasters caused by man. Let’s start to organize together so as to cease being exposed to this apparent lack of perspective.
In 2018 students went on strike for the climate for the first time and launched the rapidly spreading movement Strike for climate/Friday for the future, realizing that we can no longer see the climate crisis as something abstract in the future, but that it is already a reality today. We think it is important to stay active, even in these Corona times. Because the pandemic doesn’t mean a pause for the exploitation and destruction of the environment but is intensifying the multiple crises of capitalism, so the struggle for living together in solidarity and in respect for nature is still urgently necessary.
Last October, activists occupied the hill of Mormont in the 1312 Eclépens VD and declared a ZAD (zone à défendre – zone to be defended) of the Hill to oppose the extension of a concrete quarry planned by LafargeHolcim, which has already destroyed half of this hill rich in biodiversity. This quarry is the sixth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in Switzerland. In order to produce concrete, limestone needs to be burnt at 1,450 degrees Celsius, and such high temperatures can be only achieved by using fossil fuels and burning waste as an additive. On the other hand, sand needs to be added to concrete for building, and a shortage of suitable sand is already becoming evident all over the world.
When LafargeHolcim talk about sustainable construction, it is nothing more than cynical greenwashing, because concrete construction can never be ecological. The fact that the Swiss multinational is literally walking on dead bodies for its profits is demonstrated by its practically endless list of crimes: the eviction of peasants in Eclépens and other areas, the poisoning of people in Nigeria, hundreds of fatal accidents of its workers and the list goes on and on.

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