SMH editorial | The Sydney Morning Herald


Laxness on political donations reeks of self-interest

Laxness on political donations reeks of self-interest

Private patronage of politicians corrodes faith in the integrity of decision-making and increases cynicism about government and our public institutions.

  • The Herald's View


Clear messaging must be part of COVID-19 vaccine strategy

Clear messaging must be part of COVID-19 vaccine strategy

The public must be kept informed if a mass immunisation program, due to start in a month, is to succeed.

  • The Herald's View
VIP treatment for tennis highlights plight of stranded Australians

VIP treatment for tennis highlights plight of stranded Australians

The Australian Open should go ahead but it will be hard to enjoy if more is not done to bring stranded Aussies home.

  • The Herald's View
The real confusion about vaccines comes from the Morrison government's own ranks

The real confusion about vaccines comes from the Morrison government's own ranks

At this time in our history, a clear and disciplined message about the COVID-19 vaccine is crucial.

  • The Herald's View
Brumbies are destroying Kosciuszko National Park and must be removed
Brumby debate

Brumbies are destroying Kosciuszko National Park and must be removed

Wild horse numbers are still far too high despite the bushfires.

  • The Herald's View
This isn't about free speech. It's about an affront to democracy

This isn't about free speech. It's about an affront to democracy

Freedoms, such as the right to freedom of speech, are not absolute. But the Prime Minister missed the point on Donald Trump's malfeasance.

  • The Herald's View
Cricket sledging sends a bad signal to India about Australia
Test cricket

Cricket sledging sends a bad signal to India about Australia

Australia must take the allegations of racist abuse seriously.

  • The Herald's View
Plan for Indigenous Voice not bold enough to achieve reconciliation

Plan for Indigenous Voice not bold enough to achieve reconciliation

The Federal government took a small step toward recognising Australia’s long Indigenous history over the New Year by changing one word of the national anthem.

  • The Herald's View
Cuts to bringing Australians home must be short-term

Cuts to bringing Australians home must be short-term

It is good that the reduction is temporary, and it should be increased sooner if health officials regain confidence in their hotel quarantine systems.

  • The Herald's View
Right-wing media must share blame for US violence

Right-wing media must share blame for US violence

Fox News and other fringe TV and websites have played a shameful part in the attack in Washington DC.

  • The Herald's View
Trump must face a reckoning for the insane attack on Congress
US votes 2020

Trump must face a reckoning for the insane attack on Congress

The storming of the US Congress buildings was a thuggish attempt to overturn a free and fair election.

  • The Herald's View