Federal Politics | Breaking News and Headlines | The Sydney Morning Herald



From the Archives, 1966: Too many exits for PM in his last five-act drama

From the Archives, 1966: Too many exits for PM in his last five-act drama

Fifty-five years ago, a weary Sir Robert Menzies told cabinet he would resign after 16 years as Prime Minister. "In short, I am tired," he said.

  • by Peter Bowers


Australia likely to push ahead with Pfizer vaccine, says top adviser

Australia likely to push ahead with Pfizer vaccine, says top adviser

A leading adviser to the federal government says it is likely Australia will push ahead with vaccinating elderly people with the Pfizer vaccine despite reports recipients had died in Norway.

  • by Aisha Dow
Laxness on political donations reeks of self-interest

Laxness on political donations reeks of self-interest

Private patronage of politicians corrodes faith in the integrity of decision-making and increases cynicism about government and our public institutions.

  • The Herald's View
'The answer is no': Borders to stay closed despite huge vaccination program

'The answer is no': Borders to stay closed despite huge vaccination program

A new warning against overseas travel has sparked calls for billions of dollars in aid for the tourism industry as bans on international border crossings are set to continue throughout 2021.

  • by David Crowe
'Very disappointing': Morrison criticises incitement of riots without naming Trump

'Very disappointing': Morrison criticises incitement of riots without naming Trump

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has criticised "things that were said" which incited the violent riots on the US Congress without directly naming President Donald Trump.

  • by Anthony Galloway
'Their pain will linger': Call for more skilled migration to boost business

'Their pain will linger': Call for more skilled migration to boost business

Economists warn businesses will suffer unless the government lifts population growth by moving quarantine facilities outside capital cities and attracting talented migrants.

  • by Jennifer Duke
'Highly problematic for public trust': Australian political donations revealed

'Highly problematic for public trust': Australian political donations revealed

Mining and gas companies ramped up their spending on political parties in recent years to outstrip property developers and other big donors, led by a funding blitz from coal and iron ore magnate Clive Palmer.

  • by David Crowe
Social media platforms are harming our health

Social media platforms are harming our health

Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms cannot continue to be allowed to peddle lies on COVID-19 and other health matters that are detrimental to human health.

  • by David Shearman
Victoria's economic recovery to outstrip all other states as nation bounces back

Victoria's economic recovery to outstrip all other states as nation bounces back

The state worst-affected by the pandemic will lead the nation's economic recovery this year.

  • by Jennifer Duke
Public must be kept in the loop on vaccines

Public must be kept in the loop on vaccines

With the boost vaccines will bring to our existing strategies to fight COVID-19, we have so much to gain by keeping the public informed and engaged.

  • by Julie Leask
The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding
30 images

The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding

Illustrations by the artist from The Age.