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In the clinic: Why is my dog’s skin dry and flaky?

In the clinic: Why is my dog’s skin dry and flaky?

Does your beloved pooch have skin that’s dry and flaky? While it could be an innocent case of doggie dandruff, this unfortunate condition can also be a red flag for a number of underlying problems: from parasites to allergies or even a serious illness.

  • by PAW by Blackmores in-house vet Dr Trish Santos-Smith


Pawfect behaviour: Pet parents’ most frequently asked questions

Pawfect behaviour: Pet parents’ most frequently asked questions

From destructive dogs to anti-social cats, here's the animal expert advice on how to deal with your pets' unique idiosyncrasies.

  • by Kimberly Gillan
The rise of natural solutions in joint health

The rise of natural solutions in joint health

For the one in five Australians over the age of 45 living with joint discomfort, the growth of the complementary medicines industry has opened up a range of natural options that may help to manage symptoms.

  • by Lizza Gebilagin
In the clinic: How can I stop my dog from itching?

In the clinic: How can I stop my dog from itching?

All dogs like a good scratch now and then. But if your pooch is constantly scratching, licking and biting itself, something’s going on and it definitely needs to be addressed. Here are the causes of itching in dogs – and how to provide some much-needed relief.

  • by PAW by Blackmores in-house vet Dr Trish Santos-Smith
Paw Health: Skin infections 101

Paw Health: Skin infections 101

The warmer months of the year can be a time of anticipation for Australians looking to spend more time outdoors with their beloved pets. Unfortunately though, it is also a time when dogs and cats are at increased risk of skin infections.

  • by PAW by Blackmores in-house vet Dr Trish Santos-Smith
What the experts want you to know about your pet’s wellbeing this summer

What the experts want you to know about your pet’s wellbeing this summer

Weekends at the beach, warm nights and picnics with friends: you might be looking forward to the dog days of summer, but there’s a good chance your four-legged friend isn’t.

  • by Penny Carroll
Paw Health: Skin allergies 101

Paw Health: Skin allergies 101

There are three major causes of skin irritation in dogs and cats: flea allergy dermatitis, food allergies and environmental allergens.

  • by PAW by Blackmores in-house vet Dr Trish Santos-Smith
The rise of health and wellness trends for dogs

The rise of health and wellness trends for dogs

As humans, we’re increasingly taking care of our health and wellbeing in holistic ways – and now, it’s the same when it comes to our dog.

  • by Jo Hartley
How to keep exercising with mild osteoarthritis

How to keep exercising with mild osteoarthritis

1 in 7 Australians have some form of arthritis, and while it can be a debilitating condition, it doesn’t mean that exercise needs to be sidelined.

  • by Jo Hartley
Unlocking the secrets of healthy ageing

Unlocking the secrets of healthy ageing

Jeanne Calment, who was the world’s oldest person when she died at the age of 122, swore by a nightly glass of port.

  • by Daniela Elser