If Syriza wins the Greek election, what will happen next?

31 December 2014 Lisa Mittendrein and Valentin Schwarz spoke to Syriza members to explore the possibilities for a government of the left

Red Pepper Blog Awards 2014

26 December 2014 The Red Pepper team chose their top 10 bloggers of the year, listed in no particular order

Museums exist to serve the public, not the arms trade

24 December 2014 Our most famous museums and attractions are giving practical support and a veneer of legitimacy to the arms industry, writes Andrew Smith

Feminist seasonal gift guide

22 December 2014 And other recommended reads from feminist blogger Emma Frankel-Thorin

Don’t believe the claims about Tower Hamlets – the devil is in the detail

16 December 2014 Rabina Khan, cabinet member for housing in Tower Hamlets council, defends its record in the face of government-led attacks

Job vacancy: Political Organiser (maternity)

16 December 2014 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of Red Pepper magazine - it's an exciting time to get involved!

Kayaks versus coal ships: taking action with The Pacific Climate Warriors

11 December 2014 Hannah Fair reports from the low-lying Pacific Islands, under imminent threat from climate change, where The Pacific Climate Warriors are taking direct action against the fossil fuels industry.

Deaf people to receive only one hearing aid – an insight into life after the NHS

8 December 2014 This month Devon has announced that smokers and obese people will be denied all routine operations, and deaf people will get only one hearing aid. Caroline Molloy argues the end of the NHS is coming into focus and Devon is the canary in the coal mine.

Roy Bhaskar obituary

4 December 2014 One of the most influential voices in the philosophy of science and a political revolutionary, writes David Graeber.

The People: the rise and fall of the working class

1 December 2014 The People: the rise and fall of the working class, by Selina Todd, reviewed by Rhian Jones

World in Chains

1 December 2014 World in Chains: the impact of nuclear weapons and militarisation, by Angie Zelter (ed), reviewed by David Mackenzie

After Occupy

1 December 2014 After Occupy: Economic democracy for the 21st century, by Tom Malleson, reviewed by Michelle Zellers

Stop, Thief!

1 December 2014 Stop Thief! The Commons, Enclosures and Resistance, by Peter Linebaugh, reviewed by Derek Wall

Pride in the fight

1 December 2014 Siobhan McGuirk celebrates the solidarity – and humour – of a film about when lesbians and gay people backed the miners

Inside New Labour’s rolling coup: the Blair Supremacy

1 December 2014 Alan Simpson, a backbench socialist MP throughout New Labour’s time in office, describes his experience of what a new book calls the 'Blair Supremacy'

To camp or not to camp?

1 December 2014 Maya Stacey on Reclaim the Power, the climate movement and the ongoing struggle for diversity

Strength in low numbers

1 December 2014 Matilda Wnek offers a personal perspective on keeping the protest flame burning when action on behalf of the many is being taken by so few

Revolutionary resistance in Kobane

1 December 2014 The fight against ISIS in Kobane has been based on the Kurdish defenders’ deep-seated belief in their model of participatory democracy, writes Yvo Fitzherbert

Delist the PKK

1 December 2014 The ‘terror’ ban on support for the Kurdish struggle must be lifted, writes the Peace in Kurdistan Campaign’s Melanie Sirinathsingh

Another Scotland is – still – possible

1 December 2014 The radical mass movement for a ‘yes’ vote in the Scottish referendum was a political awakening on an epic scale. Jonathon Shafi of the Radical Independence Campaign says it’s not finished yet

TTIP: the corporate trump card

1 December 2014 The TTIP trade agreement could make it impossible for governments to legally ban fracking, writes Thomas McDonagh

The home front

1 December 2014 Izzy Koksal reports on the London Coalition Against Poverty, which is at the forefront of direct action-based community organising

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about what makes politicians tick

1 December 2014 'I haven’t socialised with senior politicians, but I’ve hung out with the insane and I can reveal that they believe their own lies completely'

Editorial: Power to transform

1 December 2014 Hilary Wainwright asks: Could the election be turned into an 'enough' moment?

Building resistance: the rebel architects

1 December 2014 From floating cinemas to 14th-century disaster relief, Daniel Fitzpatrick explores how rebel architects are challenging the capital-intensive architecture of glass and steel

Inequality: the slow revolution

1 December 2014 In an extract from his new book, Inequality and the 1%, Danny Dorling argues that we need a nonviolent war of attrition against the rich

From the archives: A victim of America—Muhammad Ali and the war against terrorism

28 November 2014 When Hollywood bosses were asked by the Bush administration to do their bit in the 'war on terrorism', they signed up eagerly – and they came up with the notion of getting much-loved former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali to promote US policy. Mike Marqusee tells the story (first published March 2002)

Video: the Radical Independence Conference in Glasgow

26 November 2014 On Saturday 22 November over 3,000 people gathered to discuss what next for the campaign that makes the socialist case for Scottish independence.

“In Ferguson, a wound bleeds” – open letter from protesters

25 November 2014 Protestors in Ferguson have posted an open letter after a grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the fatal shooting of unarmed 18-year old Michael Brown back in August 2014

Reclaim the Night 10th anniversary marches

20 November 2014 Saturday 22 November marks the 10th anniversary of the annual march to reclaim the streets for women. Stefano Fumagalli reports.

Musings of an urban market gardener

20 November 2014 A new book from OrganicLea, the food growing cooperative in East London, ponders the personal and political of growing food

Labour once again refuses to break with ‘business as usual’

20 November 2014 Labour's links to PricewatehouseCoopers is yet another sign of a party unwilling to break from 'business as usual' and of a political system captured by corporate interests, writes Andrew Dolan

No Cuts, No Fees, No Debt

18 November 2014 Why I'm not just marching against fees but against all student debt. By Fanny Malinen

From the archives: Naomi Klein – why it’s time to show our face

18 November 2014 Naomi Klein tells Mat Little how she put into words what so many were feeling – and why it’s time the new movement showed a public face and built coalitions with others on the left (published in issue 79, January 2001)

Blair Peach: Blood on the streets

12 November 2014 David Renton recalls the events in Southall in 1979 at which the anti-fascist demonstrator, Blair Peach, was murdered by police

Developing alternatives: support Croydon’s Assembly

11 November 2014 Ahead of its first meeting this weekend, Ted Knight makes the case for the South London Borough’s community assembly

Win a pair of tickets to see The Scottsboro Boys in London’s West End!

6 November 2014 The Scottsboro Boys is a musical with a difference - an all singing, all dancing show about racism in 1930s America

Found in translation: poems from Palestine via Scotland

5 November 2014 Poet Liz Lochhead describes how an unlikely, made-in-Scotland anthology of contemporary Palestinian poetry, translated into English, Scots, Scots-English, Gaelic and Shetlandic, makes for a fertile cultural exchange

The long shadow of the 1970s

5 November 2014 The 1970s marked a turning point in left fortunes worldwide and the origins of today’s neoliberal ascendancy. A Red Pepper roundtable with Hilary Wainwright, Andy Beckett, John Medhurst and Suresh Grover looks back

The tyrant’s lobbyist

5 November 2014 Emma Hughes reveals the interests behind an influential UK lobby, the European Azerbaijan Society

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about faith

5 November 2014 'Attacks on mosques are not mere vandalism, and attacks on the word Islam are not mere theological critiques'

From the archives: What’s the story? Ken Loach and Noel Gallagher in conversation

5 November 2014 Film director Ken Loach talks to Noel Gallagher, songwriting powerhouse of Oasis (Published in issue 21, February 1996)

The arms trade must be kept out of Remembrance Day

5 November 2014 Andrew Smith and Matthew Burnett-Stuart from Campaign Against Arms Trade look at the role of arms companies in World War One and how they are trying to exploit Remembrance Day.

‘NHS cost statement’ will make sick people feel more of a burden

3 November 2014 The most vulnerable patients already attend too little, not too much, and don't need to be made to feel more guilty about what they are costing the NHS. Dr. Jonathan Tomlinson writes.

Culture and Revolution: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers

31 October 2014 Hamza Hamouchene introduces the revolutionary documentary, The Pan-African Festival of Algiers 1969

From the archives: Power to the people – John Lennon and Yoko Ono interview

30 October 2014 Lenin or Lennon? Red Pepper reprints John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s interview with Robin Blackburn and Tariq Ali (published in issue 21, February 1996)

How we persuaded the University of Glasgow to divest from fossil fuels

28 October 2014 Sophie Baumert explains how a year of student campaigning caused the University of Glasgow to divest from the fossil fuel industry.

What next for Occupy Democracy?

28 October 2014 Towards the end of October's Parliament Square occupation, Stefano Fumagalli spoke to to several participants about their experience and hopes for the future of the campaign.

London: a migrant’s guide

28 October 2014 And other recommended reads from feminist blogger Emma Frankel-Thorin

9 farcical bits of policing at #occupydemocracy

25 October 2014 Parliament Square has been the venue for some ridiculous policing since the Occupy movement arrived on 17 October. Alex Nunns gives the highlights

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