The Real Cost of Unlicensed Plugins

Note: Are you interested in how the Jetpack team investigates malware to help protect your site? Then we’ve got you covered. The takeaways are for everyone, but the second half of the article does require some technical knowledge of how WordPress works.

Creating your new business website or your personal blog is really exciting! Choosing a nice theme which will showcase your vision and selecting the proper plugins to deliver the best user experience is not an easy task, and it will most likely add to the cost of having this project up and running. Pirating software may be tempting as an easy cost-saving measure.

Besides software like Windows 10, Microsoft Office, or Adobe Creative Suite, you’ll find pirated WordPress extensions out there too. Downloading plugins and themes from sites that aren’t licensed distributors will only add to your cost in the long run. Let me explain why.

In 2018, BSA published the Global Software Survey, where it states some striking numbers:

  • 37% of all software installed on personal computers is unlicensed
  • The cost of fixing malware or viruses installed from pirated software is nearly $360 billion a year

Some may argue that a pirated WordPress theme or plugin will do no harm to their computer, or doesn’t even represent a threat to their information since it’s running on someone else’s computer (also known as the cloud). This couldn’t be more wrong.

Continue reading → The Real Cost of Unlicensed Plugins

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Jetpack 9.3: Happy New Year from Jetpack

It’s been a hard year for many of us, so we are excited to turn the page and move forward with renewed optimism into 2021. On behalf of the Jetpack team, we hope you and your business or hobby have a great year filled with success.

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How to Maximize Social Media in Less Time

Whether you’re a small business owner, online merchant, or blogger, social media is a valuable tool to grow your audience. It gives you the opportunity to connect with people where they already spend their time and enables fans and customers to share your content with their own friends, family, and followers.

But you probably don’t have hours of extra time to spend on social media, and hiring a professional may not be in your budget yet. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to maximize your efforts without taking up your entire day.

Continue reading → How to Maximize Social Media in Less Time

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Why Influencers Need a WordPress Site

If you’re a social media influencer, you’re no stranger to creating engaging content. You’ve built a loyal following that’s excited about what you have to say. Now’s the perfect time to expand and protect that audience with your own website. 

Continue reading → Why Influencers Need a WordPress Site

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What Is a CRM and Does Your Business Need One?

Do you feel like you’re always behind in your business no matter how hard you work? Are you failing to follow up with customers and missing out on new revenue? Are you struggling to understand what’s working and what’s not? As common as these feelings are for business owners and entrepreneurs, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Running any business requires an array of procedures, tasks, and details. The goal of a CRM is to make these tasks easier to complete. Once you start effectively using a CRM, your company will run more efficiently, increase sales, and track contact data better.

For new entrepreneurs just starting out, a CRM is an essential startup tool that will give you an edge over the competition so you don’t feel like you’re always climbing uphill.

Continue reading → What Is a CRM and Does Your Business Need One?

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Jetpack 9.2: Ready for WordPress 5.6

Jetpack 9.2 is now available. Give the latest version a try, by installing Jetpack or updating your existing installation.

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Nine Ways to Prepare Your WordPress Site for the Holidays

If you had to describe the holidays in a single word, from the perspective of many who run a website, it would be this: busy.

The holidays are a busy time, and for many companies, the most important time of the year. And not just because of sales. Schedules adjust. Employees take time off. B2B businesses change their routines. Bloggers create new holiday content.

So whether you’re hoping to increase sales revenue, draw more traffic to your site, or keep your customers or readers in the loop, there’s a lot to do. 

The last thing you want is to be scrambling to put out fires and make last minute updates because you didn’t plan ahead. 

Continue reading → Nine Ways to Prepare Your WordPress Site for the Holidays

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No code required: Build a fast, world-class WordPress site

This post was written by Dan Walmsley, Lead Architect for Jetpack.

We spend more of our lives online than ever before. Whether you are building a business or expressing your creative side, you need a website that is fast, beautiful, and able to gracefully present your biggest ideas. And with search engines prioritizing performance more than ever, a slow website can really hurt your ability to optimize your SEO.

In this article, we’ll discuss how just two plugins working together, Jetpack and the official AMP for WordPress plugin, will give you world-class performance and SEO. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Continue reading → No code required: Build a fast, world-class WordPress site

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Jetpack 9.1: Focusing on Compatibility

Jetpack 9.1 ships several under-the-hood improvements and bug fixes that make Jetpack’s features work even better for you and your website. This month, we focused on improving compatibility of the Jetpack plugin with other plugins you may be using on your site:

  • We’ve improved how Jetpack’s comments, embeds, blocks, and Google Analytics features work with the AMP plugin.
  • We’ve added support for Google’s Web Stories plugin to our Open Graph Meta tags.
  • We’ve improved the performance of the block editor when using Jetpack alongside the Gutenberg plugin.
  • You can now track WooCommerce events with Jetpack’s Google Analytics feature, even when using the AMP plugin.

Continue reading → Jetpack 9.1: Focusing on Compatibility

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Create Beautiful, Effective Real Estate Sites with Jetpack

Long before signing a contract on their new property, nearly half of all potential home buyers turn to the internet to start their search. This means that, for both agents and brokers alike, there’s real opportunity to attract new clients and streamline the process for existing ones. 

But to be effective, real estate sites need to have reliable, up-to-date information and be well designed to capture and keep attention. WordPress, with the help of Jetpack, is the perfect platform for any agent looking to boost their online presence.

Continue reading → Create Beautiful, Effective Real Estate Sites with Jetpack

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