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Health & wellness

Becoming a better man and finding myself through hot yoga

Becoming a better man and finding myself through hot yoga

I may never be able to touch my head to the floor but gushing sweat for 90 minutes a day has taught me to be more comfortable with myself.

  • by Ben Mack


'I'm still the same person inside': Olivia's journey coming out as a transgender teen

'I'm still the same person inside': Olivia's journey coming out as a transgender teen

Four years ago, Olivia Stewart realised the reason she'd always felt different from boys her own age was because she was a girl. But working up the courage to speak about it would take another nine months.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
A (mindful) list of New Year's resolutions

A (mindful) list of New Year's resolutions

The writer Annie Dillard reminds us that "how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives".

  • by Ann Rennie
'No time for sleep': the extreme sport made for our own backyard

'No time for sleep': the extreme sport made for our own backyard

Minimal food, a compass, map and head torch: welcome to the world of rogaining – a competitive bushwalk that pushes even the most hardy athlete to their limit.

  • by Alasdair Belling
The motivation struggle is real – it's time to shake up your work day

The motivation struggle is real – it's time to shake up your work day

It's been a rocky return with many of us yet to escape the home office like we'd planned, but there are things you can do to tackle the back to work blues.

  • by Catherine Lambert
So you're a runner now? Prioritise recovery to prevent injury

So you're a runner now? Prioritise recovery to prevent injury

A new year means new fitness goals – and an increased risk of injury if you've taken a break from training. Safeguard yourself with these simple tips.

  • by Laura Hill
To reach your exercise goals, start by tweaking your expectations

To reach your exercise goals, start by tweaking your expectations

Hoping to be more active this year? A timely new study suggests setting your exercise goals high, but not too high, is key to staying on track.

  • by Gretchen Reynolds
Four pandemic habits to recycle for a healthier 2021

Four pandemic habits to recycle for a healthier 2021

From prioritising self-care, setting boundaries and making activity part of your daily routine, these are the habits we can build on in the new year.

  • by Tara Parker-Pope
Private IVF clinics cost tens of thousands and people’s dreams

Private IVF clinics cost tens of thousands and people’s dreams

Going through IVF is the worst thing that has ever happened to me physically and emotionally.

  • by Alice Clarke
Back to work? Follow these hacks to get your emails under control

Back to work? Follow these hacks to get your emails under control

Two productivity experts share their secrets on taming your email inbox – not only after a break, but all year-round.

  • by Larissa Ham
When mindfulness leads to more stress, remember the key ingredient

When mindfulness leads to more stress, remember the key ingredient

While Kimberly Gillan understood the theory of noticing your surrounds and trying to ignore worries about the past or future, she was missing a key part of mindfulness.

  • by Kimberly Gillan