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an animal dies
(besides a dog, cat or horse)
there's dog fighting
Dog fighting is forcing dogs to fight each other for the sake of human entertainment. It’s gruesome, heartbreaking, and cruel.
animals are abused
Some animals don't necessarily die, but are severely abused. Are there graphic details about animals being beaten, bloodied, skinned alive, trapped in cages, starved, or neglected?
there's addiction
A character has any sort of addiction, which includes gambling, tobacco or even anything that can be seen or used as a joke.
there's cannibalism
Although they have already proposed the categories "Zombies" and "Eaten Alive", cannibalism is a category apart from those two objectively speaking. For example, there are situations where a person is driven to cannibalism by circumstances (either forced by third parties or by desperation) or practice it without knowing it.
someone cheats
A character interacts romantically or sexually with someone while in a relationship with a different character. This could be triggering to someone who has been cheated on, or is uncomfortable with the subject.
someone is kidnapped
Being kidnapped is a very traumatic experience and can be very distressing to read/watch as it almost always against the person's will.
A child's dear toy is destroyed
Similar to having Santa (et al) ruined for a child, a child being in distress due to the damage or destruction of a dear toy such as a sentimental stuffed animal, or a gift from a beloved relative.
someone is stalked
Stalking can often appear as something small online but builds up over time and can lead to harassment and even violence from the perpetrator. It is an uncomfortable and distressing subject that some may not wish to view.
There's audio gore
Some people are not bothered by visual depictions of gore but may be sensitive to hearing realistic gory sounds like flesh squishing and bones crunching.
someone has an anxiety attack
Images of someone having an anxiety attack can trigger an attack in others. It is not possible to function for a long time afterwards.
Autism specific abuse
When an autistic person is abused specifically because they are autistic. This can include parents who openly complain about their child being "gone" or "different" than they want, bullying by others, medical-related abuse, and parents/relatives/others killing an autistic person because they're "sick" of their autistic behavior.
someone gets gaslighted
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity (Wikipedia). It’s no fun to be watching a film only for a character to find out they’ve been lied to and/or manipulated the whole movie.
there's flashing lights or images
Flashing lights or rapidly changing or alternating images (e.g. lightning, flickering lights, ambulance lights, gunfire, fast cuts, club scenes, etc.)
there's childbirth
Tokophobia is a significant fear of childbirth [Wikipedia].
someone has an abortion
Some people have discovered that their parents would have preferred to have aborted them for a variety of reasons. Also some people have been forced to have abortions which can be very traumatic.
there are incestuous relationships
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.4673

Tracking incestuous relationships can be helpful for people that have been sexually assaulted and/or abused by siblings. It's important that this not only includes siblings by blood, but also other forms when they were raised as siblings most of their lives. Incest is also sexual relationships between a parent and their child. So people who went through sexual abuse/assault by a parent or maybe a grandparent will also benefit from not seeing any depicted relationships of that kind.
there's fat jokes
People crack jokes and/or make cruel comments about fat people.
the black guy dies first
Having the black character die first or be the only black character to die is a racist trope that people want to know about before they go into a movie so they don't get their hopes up.
there are homophobic slurs
Slurs or insults such as faggot, dike, fair, carpet muncher, etc can make a negative impact on lgbt+ youth. Such words can upset them to the point of dissociation or ever worse a panic attack.
someone says the n-word
The term nigger is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War []
there's antisemitism
Is a movie antisemitic or has the portrayal of antisemitism/antisemitic characters? Are there negative Jewish stereotypes portrayed in the movie, are any explicitly or implied Jewish characters killed or abused? Does the movie feature Nazism/the holocaust? Is the director/write/lead actor a known antisemite? There is a lot of casual antisemitism in media, Jewish individuals (or people who don't want to support antisemitic movies in general) should have access to a warning before going to the theater.
there's ableist language or behavior
This category refers to use of slurs, demeaning language, or abuse of neurodiverse and disabled people. This includes using "autistic" as an insult. This category is important because mocking disabled people or comparing their conditions to being bad is an ableist trope found in many forms of media that feed into a stereotypical narrative.
someone struggles to breathe
Choking, suffocation, strangling, hyperventilating, and things similar can make people incredibly nervous for multiple reasons, such as personal experience.
there's gun violence
Gun violence/shootings, or even simply the discharge of firearms. Guns in media can easily trigger PTSD and warnings are especially important for survivors of gun violence and veterans.
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