New York Media
Who We Are
The Strategist
The Verge

As the leading independent modern media company, Vox Media is dedicated to getting the future right.

Our editorial networks ignite conversations and influence culture through journalism, storytelling and commentary on current events, lifestyle, entertainment, sports, dining, technology, and shopping. Across digital, podcasts, TV, streaming, live events, and print, we tell stories that affect our audience's daily lives and entertain as much as they inform.

Vox Media Networks: New York, Intelligencer, The Cut, Vulture, Grub Street, The Strategist, The Verge, Vox, recode, SB Nation, Polygon, Eater, Curbed, Concert, Chorus, Coral, Vox Creative, Vox Media Studios, Epic, Vox Media Podcast Network

Our portfolio features the most relevant and respected editorial properties across the biggest consumer categories, including: Vox, New York Magazine, The Verge, The Cut, Eater, Vulture, The Strategist, Polygon, SB Nation, Intelligencer, Curbed, Grub Street and Recode. Off-platform, the Vox Media Podcast Network is one of the largest collections of popular podcasts spanning technology, news, pop culture, futurism, everything women are talking about, and more. And Vox Media Studios is the award-winning nonfiction production and distribution studio for multiple TV and streaming partners.

Powered by innovative technology that scales quality, we answer the always-changing needs of modern audiences, creators and marketers. Our wit, passion, and sharp commentary make Vox Media a keystone of modern media.


We Activate Audiences

Throughout the wide universe of content on our networks, our goal is to create awareness that breeds obsessions — priming our audience to take action in real life. Whether the end result is subscribing to a podcast, clicking a link to find out more, filling an online shopping cart, or purchasing an event ticket, our storytelling inspires the audience to dive deeper than a headline.

We Create Premium Advertising Solutions

We've earned trusted relationships with our audiences by meeting them in the right context — with respect and intent. Our premium suite of advertising solutions builds upon this principle, improving audience experience and brand results

Concert: The most powerful publisher-led advertising marketplace that delivers scale, quality, turnkey execution, and responsible data

Content: Our full-service content and video production teams, Vox Creative and New York Stories, tap into our deep editorial expertise and, along with our non-fiction story hunters at Epic, tell powerful stories for brands

Digital display: Turnkey and custom responsive, high-impact display units

Vox Media Podcast Network: One of the largest collections of popular podcasts spanning technology, news, pop culture, futurism, women’s empowerment, and more

Events: Tentpole and custom activations featuring unique sponsorship opportunities

Data science: Advanced targeting capabilities and custom audience development

We Enable Media Companies to Build Modern Media Businesses

Our portfolio of successful brands was built in tandem with a suite of sophisticated technology that answers the evolving needs of modern creators and marketers. With a foundation of Chorus, the unified publishing platform for modern media businesses, these revenue-driving and community-building tools enable not only Vox Media, but hundreds of businesses across our industry.

Revenue-driving tools: Tap into Vox Media's premium advertising and the brand-safe Concert marketplace that delivers quality, scale, and responsible data

Multi-platform publishing: Integrations that seamlessly reach audiences everywhere they are

Collaborative storytelling for newsrooms: Dynamic, easy-to-use tools to write, edit, optimize, and manage stories — while preserving newsrooms’ work online

Community engagement: Community and moderation tools that drive meaningful lift in safe, productive environments

112 million

people reached each month on our sites alone(comScore)

2.3 million

magazine readers

68 million

social footprint

20 million people

monthly podcast downloads

220 million

reached monthly on publisher-led Concert marketplace

500+ websites

powered by Chorus and Clay publishing technology

SOURCE: Digital: Comscore MediaMetrix Multi-platform, Q2 2020; Print: Ipsos Affluent Survey USA Doublebase 2020 Adults 18 or older, HHI $125,000+, Accessed New York Magazine through a printed copy past 30 days; Podcasts: Megaphone Q2 2020; Social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers as of June 2020; Subscribers: YouTube Subscribers as of June 2020

We are passionate about supporting sustainable editorial and business practices and leading the responsible direction of our industry. Find out how you can partner with us today. Contact Us.