
Rebuilding Enforcement

A future administration will be called upon to undo the damage wrought by the current one to protect workers, consumers, students, the environment, and more.

By The Editors


Democracy Is an Act—One That Doesn't End on Election Day

The President of the United States is exploiting a deadly pandemic to ratchet up his assault on democracy, sow chaos, and delegitimize the upcoming election.

By Hillary Rodham Clinton


Higher Ed: Protect Students from Predatory Colleges

The Trump Administration has given a pass to for-profit colleges that exploit Black and Brown students the most.

By Aaron Ament Dan Zibel


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Employment: Three Strategies to Advance Equality

By Jenny R. Yang Cathy Ventrell-Monsees


Looking Ahead: Enforcement For the Many, Not the Few

We need to allocate resources away from the carceral state and toward aggressive enforcement of plutocratic and discriminatory actors.

By Deepak Bhargava Alexander Hertel-Fernandez



Biden's Key to Success: Majorities of Expediency

An FDR-style legislative steamroller is not possible. But ad hoc majorities in support of specific goals are entirely achievable. Here’s how.

By Rob Stein


Taming the Beast

How on earth do we return authoritarian true believers to civil society? There are short-term and long-term answers.

By Jim Sleeper


Cleansing Ourselves of Trumpism

We can’t wish away the resentments he’s stoked. But we can counter them.

By Jim Sleeper

Book Reviews

Meritocracy and its Discontents

Michael Sandel says the hoi polloi are mad at the elites—and he thinks they have good reason to be.

By David Madland

Book Reviews

Rebuilding the American 'We'

There’s more to history than the results of the last election, and Robert Putnam reminds us that some hope reposes there.

By James T. Kloppenberg


Time to End Patent Monopolies

Patent monopolies helped cause the opioid crisis. The COVID crisis has shown we can do better without them.

By Dean Baker


Will They Ever Stop Hating Taxes?

Today, citizens’ consumer experiences inevitably shape their political views. Here’s what progressives need to understand.

By Ethan Porter


How to Finally Win the Civil War

The South has never believed in democracy. So it’s no wonder the GOP doesn’t. But the battle for democracy must be won.

By Jonathan Zasloff


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