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[OT] SatChat: How often do you take breaks while writing? (New here? Introduce yourself!)

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Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
4 days ago

[OT] SatChat: How often do you take breaks while writing? (New here? Introduce yourself!)

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Welcome to the weekly post for introductions, self-promotions, and general discussion! This is a place to meet other users, share your achievements, and talk about whatever's on your mind.

Suggested Topic

How often do you take breaks while writing?

And what do you do? Have a snack? Take a walk? Let us know!

Challenge: Come up with a way to challenge yourself in writing and then do that

(Repeat topic, feel free to suggest more!)

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level 1
Moderator of r/WritingPrompts, speaking officiallyScore hidden · 4 days ago · Stickied commentLocked

Tell us about yourself!

  • Where do you live (State / Country)?

  • Male, female, other?

  • How long have you been on Reddit?

  • How long have you been on r/WritingPrompts?

  • Do you use r/WritingPrompts to read or write?

  • Writers:

  • How long have you been writing?

  • What is your writing motivation?

  • What programs do you use to write?

  • How fast can you type? Try 1 minute on Aesop's fables

  • Readers:

  • How do you find prompt responses to read?

  • Do you also write?

  • if not, why haven't you tried?

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level 1
6 points · 4 days ago · edited 4 days ago

To answer the question. When I am writing for this sub I do not stop, unless I have something pressing, or need a smoke.

  • Washington DC area, USA

  • Male

  • A few years

  • A couple of weeks

  • Mostly write.

  • Writing on this sub? The last couple of weeks.

  • If I am bored at home or work, and feel creative I will check the prompts on this sub. If I see something that inspires a little story I will write it for that prompt. I am not really in to fantasy or super hero stuff, so those sort of prompts which make up the majority do not really inspire me. But sometimes something does. I tend to focus my writing around what a real life person would do in that situation. I try to keep my writings as close to reality as possible, but of course with whatever it is that is causing the issue or plot. I am an avid WWII History buff, and like horror, especially Stephen King. My stories tend to be a bit darker, but not in an overly gory or outlandish way. So my stories tend to involve reality, drama, misery etc...

  • If I am at work I use Word. If I am on my phone (like now) I write the story in the comment box and hope reddit doesn't glitch out.

  • I can type very fast on a keyboard. However, a touch screen el cheapo walmart smart phone is a little bit slower.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster3 points · 4 days ago

To answer the question. When I am writing for this sub I do not stop, unless I have something pressing, or need a smoke.

What about if you're writing something longer? Or have you only written short stories so far?

level 1
4 points · 4 days ago

New here as far as posting goes, skulking's been a while longer

Is a few years at a time a fair answer to breaks? Certainly seems to be the case for writing fiction. When it comes to essays and stuff like that, it probably works out about every hour or so, depends how long I can last in one sitting before I need a drink or a pee.

- I'm in England (small enough place at that for me not to go county level)

- Male

- I've been skulking on and off for a while, more hardcore since March, with an account all of 3 days

- The same 3 days

- Hopefully a bit of both

- I've been writing on and off for about 10 years, mostly poetry, some prose.

- Originally the poetry was to get stuff off my chest. The prose was because I love reading, and there was someone to write for (on and off). More recently, Essays because I needed to to pass my BA (and now my MA).

- Word, used to use a random Android app called Jotterpad. I've occasionally written stuff directly into Wordpress, I'll probably end up writing stuff directly into Reddit if I'm disciplined enough to keep up with going with prompts on here.

- According to that typing test, 51 wpm. However I feel like I'm quicker when I'm not trying to copy text, but then how're they going to test that?

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster1 point · 4 days ago

Is a few years at a time a fair answer to breaks? Certainly seems to be the case for writing fiction.

I know the feeling!

  • According to that typing test, 51 wpm. However I feel like I'm quicker when I'm not trying to copy text, but then how're they going to test that?

You can note down your word count and then write for a certain amount of time and do the math? 😀

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

Unless its really urgent and I have to go, I don’t stop when writing a piece. I just sit, type, finish, check and all. If something happened like “oh, I have to eat lunch”, then I’m leaving, but I mostly try and focus 100% on something at the moment.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster2 points · 4 days ago

Makes sense, but what about longer works that can't be done in one sitting?

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

I usually do prompts in one sitting if I can. If I'm really struggling and the prompt is taking a few hours, I'll get up for coffee or water. However, if I need to stop and do something else, I usually close the browser and let the prompt die.

For longer works, I'll try to reach the end of a chapter or what feels like the end of a scene. Any story I write will stick with me afterwards, and the longer stories more so. I have a very vidid imagination, and will rewatch scenes of characters like I'm watching a movie. It helps to better understand who they are and what motivates them, and tweak the outline for what happens next. That in-turn helps me to continue the longer stories.

It only feels like the characters have truly lived if the words are written out on paper (or a hard drive). Anything less than that and it feels like the characters are trapped in the purgatory of possibility.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster2 points · 4 days ago

However, if I need to stop and do something else, I usually close the browser and let the prompt die.

But why not save it somewhere and pick it up later?

For longer works, I'll try to reach the end of a chapter or what feels like the end of a scene

That makes sense. Especially because it can serve as a motivator, like just keep writing to get to that point.

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

I try to take breaks every half hour or so, or if I’m in need of a beverage. But I’m probably writing about an hour or two a day at the moment. When I write a writing prompt, I just go for it. I tend to treat them as first drafts, hardly edit them before posting them, and just keep going. I’ve been away from WP for a while, but I need the exercise. And it’s a great way to get going while working on my longer project.

To answer most of the questions:

  • I’m in Denver, CO, USA

  • Male.

  • Been on Reddit a little over a year, same for working on the prompts.

  • I use it mostly to write. I should read more, but I have a lot of other reading to do as well. And I’m sorry but I need something that keeps me writing. It is probably selfish of me, but I can’t do it all.

  • Back in high school (a LONG time ago), I had a teacher that told me to send him a copy of my first book. So I guess a long time, but it’s been on and off. I have struggled with a writing habit, or more honestly, a sitting-in-the-sucky-parts habit. I have quit so many times, and keep coming back.

  • That I want to write. Yeah, it would be great to sell something, but I like to write. I hate to suck at writing, but I like to write. So that keeps be going.

  • I use pen and paper for most of my initial writing. I have sloppy handwriting, but who cares. I’ve used IA Writer some, but it lost some of my work. I use Simplenote sometimes, but need something more organized (suggestions for iPad apps welcome). I like to type on my ipad, since it is easy and portable, and it’s harder to get distracted. I miss writing in coffee shops and libraries because it was obvious when I wasn’t writing. I miss the atmosphere and noise.

  • And I want to answer a reader question, but as a writer: How do you find prompts to write: I search under the simple prompts flair by new first. Then scroll down the full list sorted by new, and whatever catches my eye, I go for.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster1 point · 4 days ago

Back in high school (a LONG time ago), I had a teacher that told me to send him a copy of my first book. So I guess a long time, but it’s been on and off. I have struggled with a writing habit, or more honestly, a sitting-in-the-sucky-parts habit. I have quit so many times, and keep coming back.

Happens to lots of us, keep at it though! Between writing and not writing, only one of them will give you progress!

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

Breaks depend on what I'm working on and if I have a hard deadline (eg. during Nanowrimo). Generally, I write a minimum of 500 words a day after dinner.

  • Illinois, USA

  • Male

  • 4.5 years according to my profile. Huh...

  • I started posting stuff on r/WritingPrompts in late 2018

  • I mainly use it to 'procrastinate' by writing small fictions when I should be working on other stuff

  • I've been writing for something like... close to 17-18 years now I think. I definitely wrote stuff back in middle school. Wow, I feel old...

  • I can force myself to be very single-minded about a project if I'm trying to finish it. Sometimes my plots originate from dreams, other times influenced by things I read

  • I write in Word almost exclusively. Sometimes I use Google docs for ease of transferring blurbs when I'm not at my home computer

  • 78 wpm, 100% accuracy. Writing 'Aesop' was weird.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster1 point · 4 days ago

Generally, I write a minimum of 500 words a day after dinner.

Hey, that's great!

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

To answer the main question, if I'm really into something I usually will just go take a smoke break or something. Outside of that my writing comes in spurts, so I stick with the flow until I get tired.

  • Texas, USA

  • Male, female, other? Male

  • How long have you been on Reddit? A few years now

  • How long have you been on r/WritingPrompts? About a year? But I haven't paid a ton of attention until the last month or two.

  • Do you use r/WritingPrompts to read or write? Reading mostly currently. My own self criticism and anxiety kicks in and so I don't post anything. Haha.

  • Writers:

  • How long have you been writing? On and off for almost 20 years.

  • What is your writing motivation? Inspiration mostly. If something hits me, I write about it. Whether it's song lyrics (my go to as a musician) but I used to write roleplays and short stories a long time ago. I want to get back into that. My ultimate goal is to try my hand at a novel.

  • What programs do you use to write? Evernote or Word usually.

  • How fast can you type? Try 1 minute on Aesop's fables - Just took the test. 101 wpm. Good to know I can still hack it. Haha.

  • Readers:

  • How do you find prompt responses to read? I just read through everything on the sub.

  • Do you also write? Yes.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster1 point · 4 days ago

Do you use r/WritingPrompts to read or write? Reading mostly currently. My own self criticism and anxiety kicks in and so I don't post anything. Haha.

Don't think your writing has to be perfect. Just like everything else, writing takes practice! And r/WritingPrompts is a great place to practice writing 🙂

level 2
1 point · 4 days ago

I would love to read your stories sometime if you decide to post!

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

Hello! I just wanted to join the SatChat! This is me:

  • San Diego, CA (I'm from Portland, OR)

  • Female

  • I've been on Reddit for about a year!

  • I've been on r/WritingPrompts for about eight months.

  • I use r/WritingPrompts for both reading and writing!

  • I've been writing for most of my life. I used to write a lot of poetry but I currently write horror fiction.

  • My writing motivation is to always keep writing and reading. I enjoy reading new authors, short works, and long works.

  • I use Microsoft Word to write with.

  • I can type very fast! (After years of practice.)

  • I enjoy reading through the prompt responses that people post. It's fun!

  • I also write in my free time.

For the question asked, I take a lot of breaks when writing. I do this when I am working on a longer piece, anything longer than a short story. I work two pieces at once, a long piece and short stories. When I need a break from the long piece, I switch to short stories. Sometimes I will take month-long breaks from writing a long piece, especially if I am really stuck on it.

level 2
Mod | DC Fan Universe (r/DCFU)
Original Poster1 point · 4 days ago

I've been writing for most of my life. I used to write a lot of poetry but I currently write horror fiction.

Do you like horror movies too?

level 1
3 points · 4 days ago

I just started writing. I use prompts mostly for oral stories to my children at night, but sometimes respond for fun.

Question: is this how writers write? So, in a simplified way, are chapters in books 15 related writing prompts that are just flushed out and strung together a little better?

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Reading and Writing

Created Sep 7, 2010