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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

“Stop comparing winx and fate! Its its own series!”

One: it has WINX in its name.
Two: the whole point of this bullshit show according to the creator, was to appeal to older fans of Winx Club that didn’t like the newer seasons and basically was called live action Winx from the fucking start.
Three: ITS LITERALLY GOT MOST OF THE SAME CAST EXCEPT FOR A FEW- its got Bloom, Musa, Stella, Aisha, Riven and Sky- it’s literally got all their powers except for Musa’s- it’s literally live action takes on them.
Four: If it was its own series, it wouldn’t heavily be relying on Winx as nostalgia bait, but it does. 

So stop trying to act like you can’t compare the two- they can be compared cause it’s supposed to be live action Winx and honestly, even if it was its own series, it’d still be shit, why?
Cause its not like PJ like some are trying to insist- the PJ movies are still fun to watch even without the PJ books context- Fate however? Fate is racist, biphobic, fatphobic and so much other shit on its own.

You wanna enjoy the series? Fine, but don’t try and force people to enjoy the show or stop hating on it so you can feel comfortable supporting it- as soon as you begin your posts with, ‘I know its got all these issues BUT-’, stop and think before continuing and think of what your about to say your openly supporting.


Anonymous asked:

im so tired of stella constantly getting mischaracterized by everyone. some people are saying she was mean in the cartoon too. like yeah im not saying stella was super sweet either, but she was never mean on purpose. she might be a little too honest and insensitive at times but she was never as cold and cruel as fate stella. (sorry for the rant😭)

stellasolaris answered:

same, anon. same. stella isn’t mean by any stretch of the word. she’s opinionated and blunt, and a strong personality type. she’s stubborn and snarky, sometimes to the point of being insensitive, sure, but she never does or says anything out of malice. i honestly have no idea why some people have a hard time grasping that, and the fact that we got a knockoff version of diaspro instead of the real deal, the real stella, in the live-action certainly doesn’t help the situation at all.


So this is supposedly bloom's "transformation" in the live action...

[video description: a ginger girl get's surrounded by magical fire to lofi music. Her outfit and hair stays the same, the only thing that really changes is that she now has fire wings. She doesn't dance or move during the sequence, she just kinda floats around and the camera spins around her. End video description]

So... what the fuck were they thinking?? Where's the outfit change? Where's the upbeat pop music? Where are her transformation dance moves?

Also I KNOW that song from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. I KNOW this is from a viral video from like 2013-2016 but I don't REMEMBER and it's driving me CRAZY. It's some copyright free bullshit.

Honestly netflix where is the budget?? If this is all they can muster for a live action Winx Club we're absolutely fucked when it comes to atla. And Winx Club was honestly SUCH an EASY show to nail. All they had to do was cast the right girls, put them in outfits inspired by current fashion trends since we're repeating 2000's fashion anyway, write a poppy song about powers and wings and stuff, and then get them sparkly outfits with tiny cgi wings. The story they could have gotten from the original and changed slightly to their liking. But no they need a riverdale 4.0 🙄


obsessed with seeing people who have never been in the tag before and never participated in the fandom and haven’t even WATCHED THE SHOW since 2007 call dedicated lifelong fans ‘mean’ and claim we don’t understand the target demographic and we’re being too harsh.

like, not only is this show implied to be for us, it’s explicitly for us. the fans who stuck around into adulthood. that was the central conceit of the adaptation. they SAID SO in as many words.

we’re allowed to hate it. we’re entitled to criticize it. if you like it, great. get the fuck off my lawn.