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Products / Engage

Boost engagement with
rich analytics, A/B testing,
and messaging campaigns


Optimize your app experience and keep users happy

Understand your users to better support and retain them
Run experiments to test ideas and uncover new insights
Customize your app for different user segments

Our Engage products

Control and change your app to optimize the user experience, without releasing a new version.

Monitor app usage and gain insight into who your users are, and what actions they're taking inside your app.

Use the power of machine learning to define dynamic user segments based on predicted behavior and take appropriate action.

Optimize your app experience by running experiments to see if they actually move the needle on your key metrics.

Easily sign-in and authenticate app users to gain insights.

Send targeted, automated, and customized push notifications across platforms to re engage users for free.

Understand how stability is impacting key business metrics like revenue and engagement.

Organically grow your app by deep linking new and existing users to the right place so they can find content, share content, and invite others.

Engage users who are actively using your app by sending them targeted and contextual messages that nudge them to complete key in-app actions.