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From platform moderation on Facebook and YouTube to big government struggles like the FCC and privacy regulation, policy is where we take on the rules of the internet. Watch here to follow Ajit Pai's ongoing fight against net neutrality, and Europe's push to protect its citizens' data with the GDPR. We're tracking broadband speeds to look for carrier throttling, making sure your connection stays clean. We're tracking moderation and free speech online, making sure the policies match up with what's happening in the real world. The law isn't always made with the internet in mind, and with antitrust and monopoly concerns overwhelming tech giants, there aren't many powers left standing up for the open web. So check in here to keep an eye on those stories, and we'll make sure you stay ahead of the rules of the internet — even the weird and confusing ones.

Online researchers scramble to identify Capitol raid participants

Twitch disables Trump’s account

Signal sees surge in new signups after boost from Elon Musk and WhatsApp controversy

Matt Gaetz’s antifa-detecting facial recognition story is complete nonsense

The company says the photo showed neo-Nazis and a QAnon figure

This stream has:

Platforms take action against Trump after Capitol mob attack

Keep up with all the developments here

YouTube says it will punish Trump and other channels that continue to spread election lies

Shopify takes down Trump’s campaign store

Facebook bans Trump ‘indefinitely’

Here are the 147 members of Congress who voted to support a conspiracy-fueled mob

The internet is printed in ink, but these names will be chiseled in stone

Twitch deletes PogChamp emote because it’s now the face of ‘further violence’

Twitch says it will work with its community to make a new emote

Facebook and Instagram ban Trump for 24 hours

It’s time to deplatform Trump

In photos: the pro-Trump mob’s invasion of Congress

As seen from inside the Capitol building

Facebook declares ‘emergency situation’ and removes Trump video

YouTube removes Trump video addressing Capitol attack

Twitter pulls Trump video that it said posed a ‘risk of violence’

US Capitol evacuated as pro-Trump mob storms building

Trump administration finalizes rule that could define gig workers as contractors

But Biden could change it

Georgia’s runoff may have saved net neutrality

Throttling could be much harder under a Democratic Senate

Facebook ordered to pay $4.7M to Italian developer over copycat feature

ExamSoft’s proctoring software has a face-detection problem

A new report urges ExamSoft to change its features

Trump signs executive order blocking transactions with Alipay, WeChat Pay, and six other Chinese apps

Here’s what we know about the Google union so far

The announcement of the Alphabet Workers Union is a big step forward that raises even bigger questions

Facebook ads made News Feeds in Georgia more partisan and less informative

How the Google union could boost labor organizing in Silicon Valley

Republican operatives sidestep Facebook policies ahead of Georgia runoff