Slap ’em down


It should surprise no one that the Republican Senate—the most inept collection of politicians in recent memory—will end the Trump era in a state of disarray, discord, and dysfunction.

What Americans have witnessed over the past four years, as I’ve written several times, is a textbook example of political power squandered. Republican senators, rather than maximize the unexpected gift of a Republican White House, Senate, and House of Representatives to advance long-promised “conservative” policies, wasted the opportunity while giving political cover to both the corrupt president who preceded Donald Trump and the one who will succeed him.

A once-in-a-generation chance to purge the Beltway of fossilized institutionalists was bypassed. Ditto for major reforms of immigration law, foreign affairs, trade agreements, federal regulations, and climate change activism. The president almost single-handedly retooled failed national policies through executive orders or administrative decree; in most cases, especially related to U.S. military presence abroad, Senate Republicans thwarted rather than aided the Trump Administration.

“Conservative” achievements over the past four years belong solely to the president and his team, not to congressional Republicans.

Now, after undoubtedly getting an earful from their constituents, a dozen Republican senators are attempting a last-minute play to salvage their reputations and mollify the party’s infuriated base. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and others plan to reject certifying the election results on January 6 unless a full audit is conducted. 

Trump, in the messy way that is admittedly part of his political brand, is left to fight the powers-that-be alone, recognizing that this battle isn’t just about him but about the fate and future of the country as a whole.

As for Cruz and his compatriots, their counterattack is too little, too late. The Senate should have shut down all other business from November 3 on and held one hearing after another on election irregularities and illegalities in the disputed states, demanding action from the Justice Department and state lawmakers. Threats to reject certification should have been made several weeks ago, not a few days before Congress is scheduled to certify the Electoral College vote.

But just like so many other instances over the past four years, Senate Republicans cowered and caved; Trump has had to do all the dirty work so craven Republicans could keep their own hands clean.

And this is what should be rewarded with Republican victories in Georgia?

A fitting coda to such a dismal stretch of Republican treachery should be for McConnell to lose the Senate. Romney and his NeverTrump caucus should pay a price. Their final acts of betrayal not to Trump but to Republican voters must have consequences.

If they won’t stand against a rigged presidential election, they certainly won’t stand against Joe Biden and the Democrats.

It would be both unwise and unfair to expect any such thing of them anyhow. They’re all playing for the same team.

And people sneer at pro rasslin’ for being rigged. Myself, I’ll take the WWE and its “sports entertainment” over this tiresome, played-out Uniparty shitshow any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

An American President…for a change

A most rara of avises.

It had been so long since we had an American president, many people had forgotten what it was and should be like. And after decades of anti-American, cultural Marxist indoctrination in American schools and popular culture, others thought it was a terrible thing. Neo-Dem Never-Trumper William Kristol tweeted: “I’ll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: It is profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim ‘America First.’”

No America-hating shitlib could’ve said it better, you vile bastard.

Yes, Trump was a braggart and a blusterer. Yes, he insulted people. Yes, he was often inarticulate. Yes, he showed none of the polish to which we have become accustomed from those who claim to be “experts” in how our government, and our daily lives, should be run. He was derided as an amateur, a non-expert, and he was: for some, that was one of the most important bases of his appeal. For Trump, unlike every other president going back to Reagan, and unlike most others before that going back to before Woodrow Wilson, dedicated his every act as president to putting Americans first and bettering their lives, and he wasn’t afraid to go against the conventional wisdom and decades of precedent to do so.

This often paid spectacular dividends. In June 2016, Barack Obama ridiculed Trump’s pledge to attract U.S. companies that had moved out of the country back to the United States, asking Trump, “What magic wand do you have?” Trump’s magic wand was an unprecedented initiative to cut regulations on businesses and drastically lower taxes.

It began to work immediately. Harry Moser of the Reshoring Initiative, which tracks jobs returning to the U.S. from companies that had relocated elsewhere, stated, “I’d say 300, 400 [companies], at least, announced in 2017” that they were returning. They brought jobs with them. In 2019, unemployment was at 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been since 1968. The Trump administration also set record lows for unemployment among blacks and Hispanics and record highs for the stock market. Trump proved the point that had been made in the 1920s and subsequently forgotten: lower taxes and fewer regulations mean that businesses can prosper, and when businesses prosper, so do the Americans whom they employ.

In foreign policy, though he was derided as “isolationist,” Trump brought about stunning and unprecedented peace deals between Israel and Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Morocco. John Kerry had smugly warned that no peace in the Middle East was possible without first setting up a Palestinian state and reducing an already tiny Israel; Trump once again proved the “experts” wrong.

There is a great deal more. Donald Trump became president when the nation had lost its way. He made herculean efforts to bring it back to what the Founding Fathers had intended it to be: a bastion of freedom. As Trump said: “I never forget, that I am not President of the world, I am President of the United States of America. We reject globalism and we embrace patriotism. We believe that every American citizen, no matter their background, deserves a government that is loyal to them. The Democrat Party and the extreme radical left are trying to abolish the distinction between citizens and non-citizens.”

Is it any wonder they were willing to go to such extreme lengths to get rid of him?


2020 was the year many of the fairy-tales Americans have turned to for comfort and reassurance took it on the chin.

Perhaps the saddest casualty of 2020 is the myth that average Americans cherish their personal freedom. Politicians continually shifted the rationale for lockdowns – from flattening the curve, to ending “community spread,” to reducing cases to near zero. Regardless of the proclaimed rationale, most people submitted without a fight, and usually without even a whimper. Politicians and bureaucrats fanned mass fears which quickly ripened into hatred of anyone who did not comply with the latest edict.

States and cities across the country set up snitch lines that were soon deluged with complaints of people outside without a mask, meeting friends, or having more visitors in their homes than could fit in a phone booth. Many, if not most, people quickly acquiesced to the “new normal” where any government hack who recited the phrase “science and data” became entitled to rule their lives with an iron fist.

As the Harvard International Review warned, “The very methods that liberal democracies are currently using to effectively fight the virus are the same tactics that authoritarian leaders use to dominate their people. The tools that have been temporarily deployed in the fight against a once-in-a-lifetime disease may become permanent.” That was written on May 23, more than 15 million Covid cases ago – proof of the failure of lockdowns and pervasive restrictions to make Covid-19 vanish. But the miserable batting average of officialdom will vanish into the Memory Hole if politicians launch a campaign to make Covid vaccinations mandatory, complete with boundless vilification of anyone who balks at the injection.

Perhaps it has long been a myth that we live in a self-governing republic rather than a Leviathan Democracy where citizens merely make cameo appearances every few years at the voting booth. It is still possible that the catastrophic and pointless losses imposed by Covid crackdowns will finally awaken enough people to their growing subjugation. But the most dangerous myth is that Americans will finally become safe after they cease making any efforts to leash their rulers.

That’s the biggest myth of them all, one which desperately needs busting.

Swing for the fences

The Rubicon has already been crossed, and it wasn’t Trump who crossed it.

COVID may have been accidental (I say “may“), but Democrats sure picked up the ball and ran with it, destroying our economy and people’s lives for no nobler a reason than to kill Trump’s re-election chances. Leftists do not care about us and are no longer trying to even maintain the pretense that they do. They crossed the Rubicon, deciding that if we must die for them to get and hold power, they can live with it.

Yet there is only so much our erstwhile kings can do to impoverish their subjects before they begin to realize the danger is not quite as dangerous as was claimed and these kings do not have their people’s best interests at heart. When the sky does not fall, subjects tend to notice that the sky is not falling. Then you get rebellion.

A new crisis was needed. It is just another stroke of good fortune that the Democrats had another crisis warming up in the bullpen, ready to torture the innocent into submission.

Enter, the fictive President Select, Asterisk Joe, the King of Aphasia, that addle-pated masked man, our very own epigone president, Joooey Biden, who has called “climate change” the biggest threat to not only America, but also the world.

As a means to reorder society, you cannot get much better than “climate change” and its prescribed solution, the mirific Green Raw Deal. Once people accept that it is real, or at least can be forced to obey a new societal regimen as if it were so, it becomes an immediate emergency.

If Americans enjoyed the emergency COVID diktats from our Democrat tyrants, wait until they see the climate lockdowns, where people are not allowed to own a car or drive, gasoline costs $15 a gallon, private air-conditioners are outlawed (for us, not them), and electricity is five times more expensive and rationed.

There is no mercy on the left, even for its own, but especially for us. The ideology is so comprehensive and strict, and ironclad in its expectation of total loyalty and devotion, that any deviation must be met with not only the harshest of immediate punishment but also the cancelation for all time of the deviator.

They believe they can do this to America and Americans. Yet, as Yogi said, “It gets late really early around here.” This game has just begun, and they take us lightly at their own risk.

They’ve certainly gotten away with it so far, without it having cost them a thing. But as the man says, it’s early innings, and Team Liberty hasn’t stepped up to bat yet.

“Something like a war is underway”

So let’s win it.

Things are shaking loose. Secrets are flying out of black boxes. Shots have been fired. The center is not holding because the center is no longer there, only a black hole where the center used to be, and, within it, the shriekings of lost souls. Will the United States go missing this week, or fight its way out of the chaos and darkness?

If it’s ever to get out at all, it can only do it by fighting.

Whatever occurs in this strange week of confrontation, Joe Biden will not be leading any part of it. Where has he been since Christmas? Back to hiding in the basement? Did the American people elect a ghost? Even if this storm blows over, could Joe Biden possibly claim any legitimacy in the Oval Office? And then what happens with the rest of the story — which is an epic economic convulsion sharper than the Great Depression — as time is unsuspended and the year 2021 actually unspools?

Only the bare outlines of this week’s fateful game are visible. Mr. Trump has not conceded the election. An action will play out in congress under rarely-used constitutional rules as to how the electoral college votes are awarded to whom. The rancor around this action is already epic. Few of the political players are beyond suspicion of dark deals and shifty allegiances. Persistent rumor has the president laying out a royal flush of deadly information about his antagonists, enough to make heads explode among the formerly cocksure and vaporize the narrative they’ve been running for four years.

A whole lot of people are converging in the nation’s capital at midweek, maybe even the touted million. It is a moment, possibly, not unlike the Bastille in Paris, 1789. They will be clamoring right outside Congress as the electoral vote ceremony proceeds. If the battle is not joined in the chamber, it’s a little hard to believe the crowd will just heave a million sighs, trudge back to their cars, and drive quietly home.

It’s not nearly as hard to believe as it should be, more’s the pity. Then again, Ol’ Remus’ sage advice about staying away from crowds keeps coming to mind.

Unpleasantness: coming

After months of unchecked—officially sanctioned, more like—pAntiFa/BLM rioting, looting, and burning, looks like law and order may be making an unlooked-for and highly selective comeback.

DC mayor calls in National Guard ahead of pro-Trump protests

Because of course she is.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Bracing for possible violence, the nation’s capital has mobilized the National Guard ahead of planned protests by President Donald Trump’s supporters in connection with the congressional vote expected Wednesday to affirm Joe Biden’s election victory theft.

Fixed it for ya, shitlib assholes.

Trump’s supporters are planning to rally Tuesday and Wednesday, seeking to bolster the president’s unproven claims of widespread voter fraud. “There are people intent on coming to our city armed,” D.C. Acting Police Chief Robert Contee said Monday.

A pro-Trump rally in December ended in violence as hundreds of Trump supporters, wearing the signature black and yellow of the Proud Boys faction, sought out confrontations with a collective of local activists attempting to bar them from Black Lives Matter Plaza, an area near the White House.

On Monday, Metropolitan Police Department officers arrested the leader of the Proud Boys, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, 36, after he arrived in Washington ahead of this week’s protests. Tarrio was accused of burning a Black Lives Matter banner that was torn down from a historic Black church in downtown Washington during the December protests.

Shoulda torched Old Glory instead, nobody woulda said a word.

Now with downtown D.C. businesses boarding up their windows, Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested a limited National Guard deployment to help bolster the Metropolitan Police Department. During a press conference on Monday, Bowser asked that local area residents stay away from downtown D.C., and avoid confrontations with anyone who is “looking for a fight.” But, she warned, “we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city.”

Elected officials damned well ought to be intimidated—every minute of their day, every single day, until a proper fear of We The People has been re-instilled in them again, after which it becomes a permanent condition for them. Otherwise, we wind up here:

When you see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when you see that in order to invoke your first amendment right to speech, you need to obtain permission from the same voices who rebuke the constitution; when you see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when you see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and your representatives don’t protect you against them, but protect themselves against you; when you see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; you may well know that your freedom too is soon to perish…

SOON to? Regarding Sundance’s mention of the 1st Amendment, I’ll repeat what I’ve so often said about the 2nd: anything you must beg government’s permission for is by definition no longer a right, regardless of what the Constitution might have to say about the matter. It has been reduced to a mere privilege, which can be revoked at the government’s whim.

Can you blame ’em?

Can’t say as I do.

U.S. health care workers are first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine — but an alarming number across the country are refusing to do so.

Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine disclosed that about 60 percent of the nursing home workers in his state have so far chosen not to get vaccinated.

More than half of New York City’s EMS workers have shown skepticism, The Post reported last month.

And now California and Texas are experiencing a high rate of health care worker refusals, according to reports.

An estimated 50 percent of frontline workers in Riverside County in the Golden State opted against the drug, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing public health officials.

More than half of the hospital workers at California’s St. Elizabeth Community Hospital that were eligible to receive the vaccine did not, the newspaper.

And in the Lone Star State, a doctor at Houston Memorial Medical Center told NPR earlier this month that half the nurses in the facility would not get the vaccine, citing political reasons.

Well, let’s see now. Government “health” officials have lied about the Shamdemic from the beginning, and are still lying about it. The “vaccine” itself is an entirely new mRNA type, a significant departure from vaccines as traditionally conceived and understood. Its potential harmful effects—hell, even how it works, when it does at all—are closer to guesswork and assumption than hard science. Its long-term effects are unknown, and unknowable. Unlike other vaccines, the CDC admits that “At the moment I don’t believe we have the evidence of any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on“—which is kinda what actual vaccines are, y’know, FOR.

Apart from the rush to market of this “vaccine”; inadequate testing; the government’s established record of deceit and manipulation; and the number of people keeling over dead after being “vaccinated,” there’s also the simple fact that people under 80 who don’t suffer from a serious disease or chronic condition have a near-100% chance of surviving THE VIRUS THE VIRUS THE VIRUS!™ without any “vaccine” anyway. Far as I’m concerned, anybody intent on forcing this one on me better bring plenty of help, as well as some stout cargo straps to hold me down. Because I ain’t gonna be taking it willingly.

Irish democracy

Francis shows us the way.

If nothing else could have done so, this election has clarified the central political issue of our time: America’s federal government has far too much power, an incomprehensible percentage of which resides in the Oval Office. Therefore, merely saving Donald Trump’s second term is not enough.

It’s time for other measures.

According to James C. Scott as quoted by Tim Condon, “Irish democracy” consists of widespread passive resistance to the decrees of the Omnipotent State:

Quiet, anonymous, and often complicitous, lawbreaking and disobedience may well be the historically preferred mode of political action for peasant and subaltern classes, for whom open defiance is too dangerous….One need not have an actual conspiracy to achieve the practical effects of a conspiracy. More regimes have been brought, piecemeal, to their knees by what was once called “Irish Democracy”—the silent, dogged resistance, withdrawal, and truculence of millions of ordinary people—than by revolutionary vanguards or rioting mobs.

The premise behind “Irish Democracy” is that the State lacks the enforcement power to have its way with millions upon millions of rebels. It’s Mohandas Gandhi’s strategy, albeit without his overt confrontations with the institutions of government. “You can ignore the State and do as you please, as long as you keep your head down.”

Removing the overt confrontations makes “Irish Democracy” much safer than any other form of rebellion. The State needs conspicuous, targetable rebels. It cannot use terror of its forces without someone to turn into an “example.” No conspicuous rebels means nothing for the State to crucify for the edification of the public. As we mathematical types like to say, quod erat demonstrandum.

I could go on about this, but I don’t think there’s a need. The implications are fairly plain. If you deem the governments of these United States to have become illegitimate, you might find the notion of “Irish Democracy” attractive. Think about the observations above. Think about how you could arrange your affairs so as to dismiss the demands of the State while remaining free of its scrutiny. While it would be harder for some than for others, millions of Americans and their enterprises could contrive to ignore the demands and decrees of the governments that claim “authority” over us.

There are other approaches of varying appeal, such as “going Galt.” They amount to the same thing: rebellion without the need to load the magazines and man the barricades. Choose the course that best accords with your tastes.

Lately I’ve discussed with friends an old maxim of my own devising, to wit: Revolution is not an event; it’s a process. Although it might feel in certain times and circumstances as if a violent uprising is imminent, I don’t think its hot breath is on American necks just yet. From the long-view vantage point of the historical record, revolutions and civil wars are a long time a-brewing before coming to full boil, although we often come to perceive things differently in hindsight.

It appears that the most hot-blooded among us expect the shooting to start in earnest on January 6th, surely no later than the 21st in the wake of the Usurper Biden’s “inauguration.” Myself, I expect that they’ll be disappointed. I repeat: process, not event. And as revolutionary process goes, it’s still early days yet.

There’s no denying that sufficient provocation has been inflicted on Real Americans to ignite a real conflagration, particularly over the past year. Likewise is there no credible argument to be made that the current federal Leviathan is even remotely in accord with the principles set down in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. It’s probably the most dead-cert truthful bumper sticker slogan there ever was: the Founders would have been shooting already.

Still, it’s more than likely that we have several intermediate stages to muddle through before upheaval is general and ordinary, peace-loving Joe Normie—however ferocious his patriotism—finds himself prepared to peer through a 4x Leupold at the shitlib next door, fully and firmly intent on doing him grievous bodily harm. Joe’s patience will always outstrip his battle-wrath, even when the danger of losing all is clear and growing. For that, we should all probably be thankful. The time will come soon enough for Joe to shed his civilized reluctance and wreak vengeance on his tormenters. If you doubt his will to stand and deliver, remember your Kipling:

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

A splash of Cranberries

The Cranberries have always been one my favorite bands, much though that might seem to clash with some of my other, umm, known proclivities. Fronted by the late, lamented, and completely lovely Dolores O’Riordan, they were one of those bands whose sound was so distinctive that you always recognized any song of theirs within only a handful of bars. About Dolores:

Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan (/oʊˈrɪərdən/; 6 September 1971 – 15 January 2018) was an Irish musician, singer, and songwriter. She was best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist for the alternative rock band the Cranberries. O’Riordan was one of the most recognizable female voices in rock in the 1990s and in pop history. She was known for her lilting mezzo-soprano voice,[5] her signature yodel, her emphasised use of keening, and her strong Limerick accent. With the Cranberries, she is regarded to have written “some of the most seminal songs in music history”.

Poor lass lived an extremely eventful life:

O’Riordan was singing before she could talk. When she was five years of age, the principal of her school took her into the sixth class, sat her on the teacher’s desk, and told her to sing for the twelve-year-old students in the class. She started with traditional Irish music and playing the Irish tin whistle when she went to school. When she was seven years old, her sister accidentally burned the house down; the rural community was able to raise funds to purchase the family a new homestead. Her formative experiences were as a liturgical soloist in the choir in local church and as singer at school. From the age of eight, she was sexually abused for four years by a person whom she trusted. At the age of ten, she would sing in local pubs where her uncles took her.

All that, and it only brings us up to age ten. Oh, did I mention she was quite the fair Colleen? Because I assure you, she was.


Not that an abundance of personal pulchritude matters much when you can belt it out like she could.

Those last two are my own personal Best Of’s, but the real reason I thought of mentioning all this tonight relates to the first one. See, on the drive home from work earlier I heard Bad Wolves’ regrettable remake of Zombie. Not that they made such a terrible job of it, mind. In fact, to their enormous credit, the vid for the Bad Wolves version is quite tasteful, nicely highlighting the band’s obvious respect and affection for Dolores and the Cranberries. Nonetheless: some songs are just better left alone, y’know? Sleeping dogs, all that jazz.

Which brings Five Finger Death Punch to mind. From what I can gather, 5FDP seems to be big on the remakes as well, unfortunately including another perennial fave of mine: Bad Company’s signature tune. Please understand, I have nothing whatsoever against 5FDP and wish them nothing but success. Nor am I opposed to cover songs per se, having recorded a whole passel of ’em over the years my own self, offering neither shame nor apology for having thus sinned. Just the same: sorry fellas, but some things simply can’t be improved upon, and it’s sheer folly to even try.

Oh, and while we’re at it, I will never begin to understand why Bad Wolves didn’t name themselves The Big Bad Wolves when they had the chance. Redoing Zombie I can maybe make allowances for, but that lapse? Unforgivable.

Can’t make it up

There’s really only one post category necessary for this one.

It is difficult to imagine a more succinct assembly of arrogant jerks than gathers within the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).  In this example today the Senate Republicans voted to override the veto of President Trump and rebuke his request to include legislative reform to address Big Tech censorship reform known as Section 230.

Then, literally moments later, this happened:

Oh, it’s unacceptable all right. Just not in the way YOU assholes think. Die in a fire, GOPe. With “friends” like you, Real Americans don’t need enemies.

Update! Yeah, we’ll surely get right on that, bub.

The January 5 special runoff elections for the US Senate in Georgia will certainly be one of the most important in US history: It is a choice between maintaining a constitutional republic that values individual freedom or changing the USA into the USSA (United Socialist States of America). This January 5 should be viewed as a mandate to all conservatives and Republicans in Georgia to vote, not to simply reelect two Republican Senators (David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler) but rather to vote to preserve freedom.

Hate to harsh anybody’s mellow here, but one of these things is NOT like the other. In fact, at this late date they’re mutually exclusive. I think it’s adorable, though, the way you seem to believe that the Georgia runoffs haven’t already been stolen, or that every “election” from here on out will be anything more than just for show.

While it is right to protest widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and a number of other swing-states, there are other effective ways to do it to effect positive change.

Name three. That don’t involve actual violent revolt, that is. If all you can come up with is “Vote Moar Repugnican,” BZZZZT! Sorry, this ticket is not a winner. Do play again sometime.

However, a potentially self-destructive election boycott in Georgia must be avoided at all costs, because any supposed potential “gain” risks the loss of the constitutional republic of the United States. An election boycott only benefits the leftist Democrats in their attempt to wrest control of the United States in perpetuity.

Uhhh, don’t look now, but…they just did.

But hey, by all means, we MUST MUST MUST see to it that more GOPe’rs like Mitt Romney are put into office! Mitt is our LAST HOPE!! ONLY MITT CAN SAVE US NOW!!!

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), a longtime critic of President Donald Trump, lashed out at Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) over his plans to object to during the Electoral College certification process on Capitol Hill on January 6.

Romney, speaking to CNN, said Hawley’s objection would continue to spread the “false rumor that somehow the election was stolen.”

“Spreading this kind of rumor about our election system not working is dangerous for democracy here and abroad,” he added.

Yeah, go fuck yourself and then die in a fire, greaseball. You and all the other phony-ass, double-dealing, “severe conservative” Vichy-GOPe pustules.

The choice

Do, or die.

How each of you reading this decide to answer this question will determine the course of history. Will the domestic enemies of the US Constitution complete the destruction of the Document and the subversion of the American Republic, or will 70 million Americans fight so that those on the Left are defeated and held accountable? Make no mistake, there are no good choices. We are well past the point of having good options.

If we choose, as liberty loving people, to resist this communist coup, there will be blood. The Left has promised, and proven, violence if their coup is resisted. Many may die, patriots, tyrants, and innocents caught in the middle in the next few months. Some of us reading this may die. Some of our wives and children may die. The Union may fracture, perhaps irrevocably. The fabric of America will be irrevocably changed, and not for the better. This will start a civil war, and nobody truly wins in such a conflict. Isn’t the alternative better? If we just give in, won’t the Left leave us alone? What does history tell us?

If we surrender without fighting, as the Left is desperately urging us to do, then history tells us what happens next. Just as in Russia after the Revolution, or Germany when the National Socialists took power, or Venezuela, or in every other country where the Left has stolen the power of government, without exception, Liberty loving folks will be progressively and relentlessly hounded. Using the full force of the Federal government, initially in the ‘blue’ states, but increasingly everywhere, the Left will attack anyone they view as their enemy. Trump voters will be targeted, small businesses will be obliterated, the middle class will be but a memory, and any attempt at resistance will be crushed by the Left using the mechanisms of the Federal government. If you thought that the FBI, the IRS and the EPA under Barry Soetero were bad, then just wait and do nothing, and see what happens next.

States that voted for Trump will receive disproportional attention; denial of revenues, increased regulatory attention, investigations and harrassment of state legislators, and targeted violence and assassinations of influential state politicians. Self defence will be made a Federal crime and the means for self defence likewise criminalized. Worse, there will be no chance of change for the foreseeable future; once having stolen control of the Federal authority, the Left will never permit any repetition of Trump’s 2016 Federal victory, and all subsequent “elections” will result in victory by the Left. Just as in communist Russia, socialist Germany, and progressive Venezuela.

Should Trump fail to use the Insurrection Act, or his 2018 Executive order to smash this coup and if We The People do not wholeheartedly support him if he does, then rest assured that once the Left gains power, they will not hesitate to use these instruments, and others, together with the entire mechanism of the Federal government against their enemies. Against us. The Left has promised this, and can be expected to deliver. There will be no peace, should we fail, except the peace of the grave, and those not killed will be slaves to the Left, allowed to live on sufferance, and the Left will ensure that the survivors suffer. These united States will become Portland Oregon writ large.

I see no other realistic alternatives before us. We all will die someday. Either we run the risk of death in a hard fought civil war or we surrender and face the certainty of oppression and death by the Left, backed by the power of the Federal Government that we surrendered into their hands.

I really, really wish I could say he’s wrong. But…I can’t.

Thanks to Historian, who has two posts up over at Fran’s place his own self, for the heads-up.

Update! In the first of the above-linked brace of posts, Historian poses the burning question: What is to be done? Then he answers it.

It would appear that Liberty loving folk here in these united States are awakening to the idea that their freedoms may indeed be gone if THEY do not do something about it. Most folks, having never considered the subject, are reasonably enough at a loss for how to proceed. One of the reasons that I am a student of history is that while technology changes, human nature does not. It is always worth examining the strategy and tactics of the enemy for useful means and methods, and while I revile the result, one has to regard Lenin’s approach as successful, especially since the American Left has emulated it so closely. What did Lenin say should be done?

After walking us through a few examples from the historical record, he gets down to brass tacks.

Rage is the appropriate emotional response, but rage, by itself, is insufficient. Liberty loving folks are late to the party and we are fragmented, divided and under ongoing assault. So, assuming Biden is illegitimately installed in what will once again be the Spite House, what are we to do about it?

Make our weakness our strength. A grass roots resistance movement numbering in the millions, composed of tens of thousands of small independent cells cannot be effectively infiltrated. Hidden in the body of the American people it cannot be overtly crushed militarily. And with somewhere between 600 million and a billion small arms, with over a million unlicensed machine guns, it cannot be disarmed. Unless we consent.

The road to a successful resistance movement is a journey, and each individual in it has to walk that road at their own pace. The key is starting the journey, establishing the habit of independent thought and action as you take each step. Some may move faster than others and are willing and able to go farther in their journey, but that does not matter as much as your commitment to Liberty.

First, establish your own ideological foundation. Ask yourself, and be sure that you understand the answer to the question, “What is the primary function of government?” If, like me, you believe that the primary function of government is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then you are a friend of Liberty. Satisfy yourself and understand the reasons why you believe that the present actions of the Left are INTOLERABLE. Not just evil, but not to be tolerated under any circumstance. Withdraw your consent from what would be an illegitimate government. Once you have established that in your mind, then take the next step.

Follows, a whole slew of specific ideas, my far-and-away favorite of which is this:

We’ve talked about the need for the Freedom Forces to have a robust logistical infrastructure, but we must also consider attriting the Left’s infrastructure. One way to do this is to shun them. Have nothing to do with a Leftist; refuse them service if you can. If forced to, give crappy service in the guise of stupidity or incompetence. If you are a barista, put salt in their coffee instead of sugar, or put too much sugar in.  Never give them what they want. Overcharge them. Give them the two day old pastries or the moldy ones with the mold scraped off, especially if they are taking it “to go”. If you get a complaint, take refuge in the rhetoric of the Left, accusing them of ageism or sexism, or racism if you are a person of color. If you are involved in online sales and can identify your customer as a leftist, send them the wrong stuff; my wife ordered gloves and got a bunch of food containers, purely by accident. This was amusing, but imagine a Leftist receiving a copy of Trump’s “Great Again” instead of the Lenin’s “State and Revolution.” Confusion in medical records is always interesting if it is possible to do without being traced. The point is, make their interactions with Americans as unpleasant as possible, and never relent. Be innovative and creative. Take another step.

I LOVE it. A tremendous part of our problem, arguably the biggest single reason why we’re where we are in the first damned place, is that the Left has never suffered real consequences for their abominable actions. Therefore, what reason do they have to cease and desist? So be it, then; suffer they must—REAL suffering, I mean, REAL pain. The kind of pain not easily forgotten, the kind of soul-deep agony that instills intense reluctance to ever again offer offense against those who inflicted it.

Real Americans have only ever wished to be left alone, to be allowed to live their lives in peace and at least some semblance of freedom unmolested. The Left chose to deny that wish, most emphatically and with extreme vindictiveness. It must be driven home to them that they chose….poorly, and to regret it so profoundly they’ll never feel the slightest temptation to make the same mistake twice.

Annus horribilis: that was the year that was

Look back in anger.

This year has been strange in many ways, but one bit of weirdness that has gone unnoticed is the paucity of predictions for the coming year. For as long as anyone reading this has been alive, this time of year has featured both year in review content and predictions content. This year both have been limited. Maybe the awfulness of 2020 is keeping people from thinking much about it. The wild unpredictability we have seen has probably made forecasters squeamish about predicting anything.

Y’know, now that ZMan brings it up I’ve noticed the same myself, although I didn’t really think too much about it. He sizes up a few his own predictions from last year:

The Light of Lagos was pretty much a dud last year. The omens got some of the Democrat primary right, but not enough to claim a victory. Biden did struggle and Warren flamed out early. Buttigieg did better in Iowa than most expected, but Sanders was the story until the party rigged the system to install Biden. No one predicted Biden would win the nomination and no one ever imagined that buffoon as president, so the omens can be forgiven for missing that one.

The impeachment fiasco played out as predicted, but that was easy money, so no victory lap there either. The real shocker is in how the whole thing was thrown down the memory hole so quickly. No one talks about it. It’s like how someone gets crazy drunk at a party and makes a fool of himself. The next day there is some ribbing from friends, but then it is forgotten. The Democrats danced around with a lampshade on their heads and after it was over, everyone forgot about it.

Now, the big hit was the Barr stuff. It is amazing how so many people thought something would happen with that charade for so long. When Trump brought Barr in it seemed like something would happen, but it quickly became clear that it was just another coverup. Barr was brought in to make sure the truth of the FBI corruption never saw the light of day. You have to wonder if Trump was too stupid to see what was happening or that he signed off on it, despite his tweets.

Of course, the big miss was the Covid panic and how it has been used to turn much of America into a penal colony. No one predicted it, because such a thing seemed implausible just a year ago. It really is shocking to think about how much has changed in just 12 months. This time last year people were planning vacations, walking around with no curfew, having people over to their homes. If someone had predicted this, they would have been dismissed as a crazy person.

Yup. Those loony “conspiracy theories” don’t look quite so loony when they’ve become mundane reality, just how we all live now, do they? All in all, the situation brings to mind Hemingway’s famous response when asked how he went bankrupt: Gradually, then all at once.

That’s the way these things usually go, although it may feel otherwise sometimes. The subtext here, like it or not, is our slow national devolution into tyranny. As with Carl Sandburg’s fog, tyranny creeps in on little cat feet, quiet and little-noticed. At the end-stage of its establishment, its confusticated victims are left wondering what the hell hit ’em. The difference is that tyranny never just “sits…on silent haunches, and then moves on.” It lingers, constantly expanding: strangling, draining, devouring all within its grasp.

The only rights tyranny acknowledges are exclusively its own, and without limit. All claims made by its subjects asserting rights of their own are of no interest or import, spurious impositions unworthy of serious discussion. Tyranny will be moved not a whit by appeals to reason, justice, or mercy. It doesn’t repent, relent, reconsider, or admit error. Nor does it ever just go away on its own, peaceably, which would amount to a tacit admission of error. To be rid of it, tyranny must be driven off by force, which takes quite a bit of doing. It’s an arduous process, by no means quick, convenient, or painless. But it’s the only option.

Should the effort to overthrow tyranny and restore liberty prove successful, it will by no means be irreversible; the very idea that victory even could be permanent must be vigorously shunned. Such complacency is extremely dangerous, and is the surest way to hasten tyranny’s return. Against tyranny, vigilance must be rigorously maintained; disregard is precursor to defeat.

Occupied America

Vassals and serfs, under the sway a nakedly hostile regime.

If you believe, as all Americans should, that failure to abide by the strictures of the Constitution renders the institutions of government illegitimate, then I would argue that 2020 has crystallized an uncomfortable reality: we are now under occupation by a hostile governing force. That may seem ludicrous to some, but I see no distinction between a group of Americans seizing power and governing with complete disregard for the Constitution and an invading force of Chinese communists accomplishing the same objective. Our governing document clearly proscribes what government actors may do, and when the government as a whole discards those constraints as mere suggestions, then it delegitimizes itself.

Show me where in the Constitution agents of local or state governments are empowered to arbitrarily and capriciously suspend Americans’ attempts to make a living, exercise their religious faiths, and peaceably assemble in protest of their governments’ abridgments of their freedoms. Show me where in the Constitution expansive exceptions to Americans’ free speech are carved out that authorize tech companies with monopoly power over the digital town square to censor free debate over the scientific efficacy of pandemic lockdowns or the overwhelming evidence of voting irregularities in the presidential election or even the mere promotion of conservative points of view. Show me where in the Constitution Dr. Fauci is entitled to declare what freedoms Americans may still possess, where Andrew Weissmann is elevated to Lord High Inquisitor in charge of persecuting political allies of the elected president, or where Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel is charged with hunting down lawyers who challenge election fraud. Where does the Constitution give the state of California veto power over the enforcement of federal immigration laws, while giving Arizona no means of protecting the sovereignty of its own borders? Where does the Constitution declare that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are exempt from criminal laws and pandemic lockdowns but that Americans with ideas at odds with Hollywood or academe should be targeted and harassed? How is it possible for elected representatives to enter office by taking oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States while they simultaneously declare their intentions to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment right to possess firearms, their First Amendment rights to worship and speak as they choose, and their Fourteenth Amendment right to receive equal protection under the law? And where does the Constitution insist that the results of a patently fraudulent election must be respected simply because no court in the land will consent to hearing the merits of disputes too numerous to ignore?

It was once common knowledge in this country that all forms of government, no matter how well intended, are inherently corrupt. This was considered an elementary-school history lesson. The Founding Fathers were unanimous in this sentiment. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, and any of the private correspondence between the signers and ratifiers of those important documents all proceed from a fundamental truism: government cannot be trusted. It is, at best, a necessary nuisance in order to constrain the worst impulses of men and, at worst, the greatest threat to an individual’s natural liberties.

That this important historical lesson has been all but deleted from modern curricula that now extol the merits of bigger and bigger government capable of manipulating each human detail, from the biological sex listed on a birth certificate to the global management of hydrocarbon energy, is a tragedy that will continue to produce harm until the lesson is painfully learned again. 

Tragedy? No, not quite. I see it as more along the lines of a dead giveaway: the exposed detail that reveals the existence of an agenda, from which an entire conspiracy can then be intuited. Stark raving paranoia, with no evidence to back it up? Could be, could be.

But can anybody out there come up with a credible alternative explanation for why American government schools, starting back in the 70s, radically altered the way American history was taught—opting to bowdlerize, selectively edit, or outright suppress broad swathes of it—weaponizing education itself for purposes of manipulation and subversion, rather than just presenting the material in a more or less fair way as they did before? For why the bedrock principles that form the foundation upon which this nation was built, are now denigrated as archaic and inadequate, instead of examined and honored? For why the Founders, personally, are reviled rather than revered—their human failings grotesquely magnified, their accomplishments dismissed out of hand?

As for the Fauci mention specifically, what I’d really like to have a satisfactory explaination for is why the hell that skulking mediocrity still has a fucking job. Because try as I might, I CANNOT find one.

PRO TIP: losing ain’t winning

What he said.

Has anybody but me noticed this odd dichotomy floating around the Right-o-sphere? Trump is doomed to lose his office in the most blatant epic of criminal fraud in American history, but boy, howdy, we’re gonna win.

Because reasons.

Once Trump is gone, I don’t think we win. I think we all lose, because the rickety building is on fire and about to collapse, taking all of us down with it.

History does not teach that the good guys win because they are good. Democracy, or even the modified form of it our Republic supposedly represents, is not a guaranteed victor. In fact, tyranny is more the rule than liberty over the vast sweep of history.

Generations Theory says that the United States of America is facing an existential crisis. That means that our very existence as a nation is on the line. If the theory turns out to be accurate,  we obviously have not yet reached the crisis, because we are still holding together as the united states, no matter how divided we may be on an internal basis.

Once you see that begin to change, whether by secession, rebellion, civil war, or hostile foreign action, you will know we have reached the crux of the matter. And I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you we are guaranteed to survive that crisis because we are America. History tells us there are no such guarantees, and frankly, from my vantage point our culture is so rotted out at its very foundations, and so damaged in innumerable other ways, including the fiber of our citizens, as to call into deep question our ability to survive that crisis.

 Normality bias ensures that it is impossible for the large majority of our people to even think about, let alone accept, that things are, or could become, so bad. Which means that most won’t even understand what has happened until the wolf comes to their door, blows down their house, and eats their kids.

If Donald Trump can be destroyed by the tempest, then let me assure you that some reflexive appeal to the notion that we are the good guys and therefor guaranteed to emerge victorious is just as ludicrous as any other smoke currently being blown up our nether regions is.  

There are no guarantees. Don’t forget it, and proceed accordingly.

Actually, I’d suggest one “guarantee” I consider to be iron-clad: the Usurper Biden will, on January 20th, be sworn in as (ahem) “President****” of the FUSA. Beyond that, though, all bets are now well and truly off. Well, okay, except for one other sure thing: stipulated that nobody has any idea what might transpire in the near term, it’s almost certainly going to suck.

Yes, I used the small footnote-font and multiple asteriks just now on purpose. Most likely, that becomes standard practice from here on out whenever I’m forced to refer to our shiny new pretend-president, the office his puppeteers hijacked for him, and/or the unfunny joke of a “nation” he was selected-not-elected to “lead.” It will be a good way to properly make note of the sad diminishment of the latter two, I believe. As for the figurehead Biden, he was nothing but a pygmy all along, in every imaginable way. There’s no way an empty suit like him can ever be diminished, and no good reason to try.

A cultural Revolution

“Taxation without representation” wasn’t the half of it.

The taxation-without-representation argument endures, of course, because it is useful for the regime and its backers. Advocates for the political status quo insist there is no need for anything like the Boston Tea Party today because modern Americans enjoy representation in Congress. We are told that taxation and the regulatory state are all necessarily moral and legitimate because the voters are “represented.” Even conservatives, who often claim to be for “small government,” often oppose radical opposition to the regime—such as secession—on the grounds that political resistance movements are only acceptable when there is no political “representation.” The implication is that since the United States holds elections every now and then, no political action outside of voting—and maybe a little sign waving—is allowed.

It’s unlikely the Sons of Liberty would have bought this argument. The small number of millionaires who meet in Washington, DC, nowadays are hardly “representative” of the American public back home. The 1770s equivalent would have consisted of throwing the Americans a few bones in the form of a handful of votes in Parliament, with seats to be reliably held by a few wealthy colonists, far beyond the reach or influence of the average member of the Sons of Liberty.

By the late 1770s, the fervor behind the revolution had already gone far beyond mere complaints about taxation. This was just one issue among many. Rather, the revolution quickly became a culture war in which self-styled “Americans” were taking up arms against a foreign, immoral, and corrupt oppressor. Mere offers of “representation” were hardly sufficient at this point, and it’s unlikely any such offers were going to be enough after the events of 1775, when the British finally marched into Massachusetts and opened fire on American militiamen. After that, the war had become, to use Rothbard’s term, a “war of national liberation.”

This ideological and psychological divide perhaps explains the ferocity with which the American revolutionaries resisted British rule. 

This sort of thing cannot be explained by mere disagreement over taxation. Acts of violence like these represent a meaningful cultural and national divide.

For now, the cultural divide in the United States today has yet to reach the proportions experienced during the revolution—or, for that matter, during the 1850s in the lead-up to the American Civil War.

Oh? That looks to me like a nigh-impossible argument to make. He probably knows that, though, because he doesn’t try to make it. He’s dead-on with this next, though:

But if hostilities reach this point, there will be little use in discussions over the size of the tax burden, mask mandates, or the nuances of abortion policy. The disdain felt by each side for the other side will be far beyond mere compromises over arcane matters of policy. 

And just as discussions over “taxation without representation” miss the real currents underlying the American rebellion, any view of the current crisis that ignores the ongoing culture war will fail to identify the causes.

Yet, the culture war has also likely progressed to the point where national unity is unlikely to be salvaged even by charismatic leaders and efforts at compromise. When it comes to culture, there is little room for compromise.

Agreed. Then we swerve right back into the ditch.

It is increasingly apparent that the only peaceful solution lies in some form of radical decentralization, amounting to either secession or self-rule at the local level with only foreign policy as “national” policy. Had the British offered these terms in 1770, bloodshed would have likely been avoided.

Americans must pursue similar solutions now before it is too late. 

Seriously? Secession—a complete non-starter, a pipe dream, a fool’s fantasy the central government will never, ever allow to become reality—or “self-rule at the local level”—ie, the restoration of Constitutionally-correct limited government and state’s rights, which the current bloated government, sloppy drunk with its illegimitate power and stolen wealth? Another issue that, as we have been regularly reminded for generations, was settled for all time by the first Civil War?

It’s amusing, in a morbid kind of way, how so many intelligent, historically-knowledgeable souls are perfectly willing to grapple with these controversies right down to the minutest detail, yet scrupulously resist facing down the one shared aspect that is the most relevant and indispensable of all, ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room furiously pounding its chest at them: war.

What’s goin’ on

The great conundrums of our era: Does he, or doesn’t he? Is he, or isn’t he? Will he, or will he not?

I’m impatient, as I expect most American Thinker readers are as well. We have been promised a coming storm that will be biblical, or a Kraken released on Deep State conspirators. Despite Attorney General Barr acknowledging spygate as “one of the greatest travesties in American history,” there has not yet been a reckoning.

A mid-level FBI attorney, Kevin Clinesmith, pled guilty to falsifying a document which became one of the lynchpins of a FISA warrant on Carter Page and subsequent spying on Donald Trump and his campaign, but he has yet to be sentenced. His co-conspirators are writing books, teaching at prestigious universities, and bashing President Trump on cable news shows.

A presidential election was stolen, and Trump’s own executive agencies say ho-hum, roll over, and go back to sleep. The same FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door handle that Bubba Wallace claimed was a noose, can’t seem to find any reason to investigate a host of election irregularities.

Republican members of Congress, who happily rode Trump’s coattails to their elections, are telling him to “accept the results” and “move on,” oblivious to the fact that if they get their wish, their party will become as irrelevant as the Green Party. Media stalwarts that were once “fair and balanced,” have tilted to the left, becoming “unfair and unhinged,” rivaling the standard left-wing cable news gabfests.

Perhaps more is going on than I can see, but what is visible to 75 million Trump supporters, those who have endured ridicule and scorn for supporting their president, is that nothing is happening. This is Trump’s administration and he’s the boss. He hires and fires, just as he did in the real estate development world and on “The Apprentice.”

That’s one way to look at it. But there’s a flipside.

Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general and strategist, author of a treatise on military strategy known as “The Art of War.” Trump is a fan, as this book which made his short list of “best leadership books.” Trump quoted Sun Tzu in this 2012 tweet, long before Twitter was fact-checking his every utterance and attaching warnings and disclaimers to each tweet.

Can Sun Tzu’s ancient wisdom and strategy explain the current apparent “nothing is happening” perception for those who, like myself, are becoming increasingly impatient over “all hat and no cattle” promises coming from Team Trump? Is Trump following the Sun Tzu battle plan?

As of yet, there has been no storm, no Kraken. Trump has followed the Constitution, making legal arguments up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court. What Vice President Pence does when it is time to again follow the Constitution and certify the Electoral College votes is to be determined.

Will a massive declassification of criminal and seditious activities subdue the Democrats? Will Trump win without a bloody battle? Time will tell.

At this point, it’s a binary choice. Either Trump is in over his head and will be dragged out of office. Or he is executing his plan, on his terms and timing, as he has done since his famous escalator ride at Trump Tower in 2015.

Trump knows the stakes for himself, his family, and America if Kamala Harris and Joe Biden get the keys to the kingdom and promptly hand them over to China. Want to bet against Trump? How has that worked out in the past?

Ponder these words from Trump’s inspiration, Sun Tzu,

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
Mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy.
He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

Is Trump unprepared? Au contraire. Listen to Oprah interviewing him in 1988, more than thirty years ago. He looks younger but sounds the same as he does now, speaking of China, immigration, and electoral politics. Trump has been preparing for this moment most of his adult life.

Buckle up for an interesting few weeks ahead.

It’d be nice to think so, but…well, I dunno. At the moment, that last line is the one and only thing we can all be certain of.

Disappointing, but hardly surprising

Dammit, I always loved that show too, and he was great in it. Ah well.

Actor David Cross, husband of actress Amber Tamblyn, responded to Joe Biden’s call for unity by exclaiming he wants division and even “blood.”

“After a year of pain and loss, it’s time to unite, heal, and rebuild,” Joe Biden tweeted on Saturday.

“F**k that. I want blood,” Cross responded.

Here’s hoping you get it, asshole, by the bucketload. Not ours, mind. I’m thinking it could be obtained from a different source.

Cross issuing an obvious call to violence still has not been censored by Twitter. The “Arrested Development” star later accused “MAGA chuds” of engaging in the same kind of “violent fantasy trolling.”

“I am loving the responses to this that are all, ‘come and try pussy soy lib hollywood girl woman’ as if these anonymous maga chuds & chudettes don’t practice the same exact feckless violent fantasy trolling,” he tweeted.

So, let me get this straight: your doing THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING as the people you denounce and loathe somehow makes you…better than them?

In the wake of the election, some Trump opponents have taken the opportunity to threaten his supporters with harsh, draconian punishment no different than a McCarthyite blacklist. The sentiment apparently started when Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for an archive of “Trump sycophants.”

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee a decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,” she tweeted.

Other prominent leftists agreed that Trump supporters should be shamed and pushed aside.

“If you’re a Trumper I hope the pain and anxiety you feel now is excruciating. You voted against America and for a cult leader who has no redeeming or admirable qualities. He’s a cretin who cares nothing about this country and you don’t either. You deserve all the pain and more,” tweeted former MSNBC host Toure.

Soon, motherfuckers. Soon.

Ready for the shocker, though?

Some prominent liberals and Democrats have denounced such talk as unnecessarily divisive and have even encouraged people to speak with Trump supporters.

“I’m fascinated by playing devil’s advocate and want to understand the people I disagree with. I don’t want to dismiss and malign,” comedian Whitney Cummings told The Daily Beast.

“I think it’s very self-righteous or sanctimonious to just dismiss people we disagree with without trying to understand why they believe what they believe,” she added. “I don’t get it. I grew up in Washington, D.C., mostly, but also in Virginia and West Virginia, so I grew up seeing both sides, and people believing different things. Even though I don’t agree with somebody, I don’t think they’re dumb.”

“‘You complete me’ doesn’t mean because we’re exactly alike. It means because we are different. I don’t want to live in a country without the red states,” said comedian Bill Maher. “I like traveling there. When people talk to you in Oklahoma, they’re not scanning the room to see if there’s someone more important. Because, frankly, when I’m there, there never is.”

Can I get an UNEXPECTED!™, anybody?

Scorched. Fucking. EARTH

An open letter to Trump from “America,” in the guise of Joe Hoft.

Dear Honorable President Donald J. Trump,
It has come to our attention that despite your repeated Executive Orders to declassify all information concerning the plot to destroy your campaign and your Presidency, these orders are being blocked. As you know, as President, you have full authority to declassify this intelligence.

We understand that the Deep State, including people inside the White House and ostensibly on “your” side, are warning you not to do this and to keep the information from the public. They are betraying you. The claim that releasing the information would harm US National Security is a lie. The reality is that by releasing this information you will expose the dirty deeds of Americans and the foreign countries that have conspired to destroy you and end your Presidency.

We know some of what is contained in this intelligence. We know that it shows the role that intelligence operatives from the United Kingdom played in trying to destroy your chance to become President. We are given to understand that the evidence of foreign interference in the November Presidential Election is indisputable.

You must release this information, not just to save your Presidency, but to save and preserve the Republic. Your oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution is on the line.

We plead with you to ignore the worm tongues who surround you and work to undermine you. We are with you.

We are, for the nonce anyway. The thing is, “standing with Trump” against the weasels, termites, and traitors who have incrementally stolen and then wrecked this country is going to involve more than just doing so rhetorically if it’s to be effective. It’s going to involve making an actual, literal STAND. A physical stand, one which could turn out to be the LAST.

And, sorry as I genuinely am to have to say so, every day it becomes more and more evident that said stand, in turn, will necessarily involve actual, literal violence. At this late date, there is simply no other option left.

As NC Reed’s foreboding quote over in the right sidebar has it: “They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it.” And so it is. The Enemy has demonstrated that he will not relent without having some serious pain inflicted on him, pain severe and damaging enough to be carried in memory as a tender spot for many years to come. Until such time, all else is just blather and bluster.

Declassifying everything, then following up to ensure it’s all accessible to the general public, is one among many actions that, in hindsight, Trump should have taken long ago. The recent pardons of more than two dozen people guilty of no real crime at all was a good start, as is evidenced by the anguished howl it raised from the demonic Left. But no one should be thinking of it as anything more than that. The sequence of events I’d like to see:

  • Following the aforementioned mass declassification and distribution, he takes up the infamous “pen and a phone” to fire all Obama stay-behinds and secret saboteurs, then disbands entire Federal departments summarily
  • Trump’s next move is to turn a honking great flammenwerfer on every Deep State shitpile: office furniture and machinery, files, Swamp critters, buildings—flash-roasting the whole stinking mess to a crispity crunch. Figuratively, or otherwise
  • After that, he convenes a press conference consisting of only two words: “Sayonara, suckers!”
  • Next, the Last American President tootles off to Andrews AFB—pausing atop the AF-1 boarding stairs to thumb his nose and blow a loud raspberry at the corrupt shithole he’s leaving behind forever—and flies directly to Texas to begin the Great Purge of Austin, scouring the city of every empty-headed liberal dunce, man-bunned hipster douchebag, sandal-shod undergrad, and scraggly-assed, Marxist UT-Austin professor/parasite currently stinking up the place
  • He is then joined by Governor Abbott for another press conference in which they proudly co-announce the formal activation of the Republic of Texas, in accordance with the relevant provisions in Article 1 of the state’s Constitution. Not merely some kind of US government-in-exile, the RoT is conceived as a fully independent political entity, properly ordered and of equal legal status with all other nation-states
  • Trump ends his last Enemedia availability as POTUS with a statement offering a warm welcome to all Real Americans desirous of lawfully immigrating to the new Republic, closing with a stern warning to the FUSA that while the Republic—harboring no ill will towards the long-ago-murdered and now-defunct nation it was formerly a part of—has absolutely no wish or intent to wage offensive war against it, is nonetheless both prepared and perfectly willing to defend itself against it, using any and every means at hand in order to preserve its independence
  • Gobsmacked FUSAN Enemedia “journalists,” those who did not slump to the floor in a dead faint from shock already, are officially declared persona non grata in the RoT and ordered to the border, where they will be forcibly ejected with neither delay nor appeal. Their unconscious colleagues are unceremoniously tossed into the back of three waiting deuce-and-a-half military trucks, piled three deep onto one another for the final exit from Texas. On arrival at the border, several platoons of flint-eyed RoT soldiers frogmarch the ragged formation of corpulent, sweat-drenched swine to the line and across, prodded by locked-and-loaded assault rifles at their backs should any of these undesirables prove so foolish as to turn around and attempt re-entry. The escort’s sole ROE? No warning shots—SHOOT TO KILL
  • Several of the more sensible among the FUSA’s remaining prisoner-states petition the new nation to attach themselves as additional, legally-sanctioned territories of the RoT, with the goal of forming a Confederacy of Freedom with the RoT as its head
  • Everybody lives happily ever after
  • THE END!

Yeah, I know, I know. Hey, a man can still dream, right?


Not a moment too soon, either.

Pomp Hair Salon in Stockton California was raided by state officials who cited the salon for continuing operations. The subsequent misdemeanor citation comes from the state. However, local law enforcement and county prosecution say they will not participate in the enforcement mechanism.

This creates an unusual dynamic as the state has threatened to revoke licenses for the salon and the workers; but what “enforcement” action could the state undertake?

The issues highlighted here cover more than hair salons. Restaurants and bars are facing similar threats from regulatory agencies: Dept of Health, Bureau of Alcohol, etc. It is the regulatory issue that keeps many business owners in fear of defying COVID lock-downs.

If local officials break from state regulatory and compliance demands, there’s no precedent for what enforcement action a state might attempt to take unilaterally.

Would ideologically prone state governors attempt to send State Police to enforce their unilateral fiats and face a showdown with local law enforcement?

It is into this dynamic when everyone should remember the County Sheriff is the highest constitutional officer in the region. A county sheriff can nullify any outside law enforcement agency by simply not complying. This is a well known issue inside law enforcement.

This takes the blue state (totalitarianism) -vs- red state (freedom/liberty) issue into a more granular distinction. Within the Blue States there are likely to be contests of power between local and state officials. It is an interesting dynamic.

Oh, I’d say it’s a good bit more than just “interesting.” It’s vital, is what it is.

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Comments appear entirely at the whim of the guy who pays the bills for this site and may be deleted, ridiculed, maliciously edited for purposes of mockery, or otherwise pissed over as he in his capricious fancy sees fit. The CF comments section is pretty free-form and rough and tumble; tolerance level for rowdiness and misbehavior is fairly high here, but is NOT without limit. Management is under no obligation whatever to allow the comments section to be taken over and ruined by trolls, Leftists, and/or other oxygen thieves, and will take any measures deemed necessary to prevent such. Conduct yourself with the merest modicum of decorum, courtesy, and respect and you'll be fine. Pick pointless squabbles with other commenters, fling provocative personal insults, issue threats, or annoy the host (me) won't. Should you find yourself sanctioned after running afoul of the CF comments policy as stated and feel you have been wronged, please download and complete the Butthurt Report form below in quadruplicate; retain one copy for your personal records and send the others to the email address posted in the right sidebar. Please refrain from whining, sniveling, and/or bursting into tears and waving your chubby fists around in frustrated rage, lest you suffer an aneurysm or stroke unnecessarily. Your completed form will be reviewed and your complaint addressed whenever management feels like getting around to it. Thank you.



Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." – Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." — Daniel Webster

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged." - GK Chesterton

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved." - Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." — Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil." - Skeptic

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork." - David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine." - Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.” - Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it." - NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in." - Bill Whittle

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