Things collected while I procrastinate instead of

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I know we’re all broke and everything, but if you can even help just by boosting this I’d really appreciate it. 

My friend is saving up to hire a custody lawyer because, to keep it short, his freaking adorable 4 year old daughter is being treated badly by her bio mom and it’s unbearable. The kid often comes home from her house hungry because ‘mom didn’t want to make food today.’ The new boyfriend living in mom’s house has a drinking problem and has pushed the kid to the floor while he was drunk at least once. There’s more, but like I said, I’m trying to keep it short.

If anyone can chip in a tiny bit or just help spread this I’d be super grateful. Please don’t share this fund to other social media besides tumblr, the bio mom is active on several other sites and we’re legitimately afraid that if she knows he’s going to try for custody she might take the kid and run just ‘to teach him a lesson.’

Sorry to be a downer, but thank you.

Pinned Post things are not looking great over here please consider boosting thanks all


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”

-Stephen Jay Gould.


This quote is great because so was Einstein himself! He never saw himself as a genius, as a mind like no other. He saw himself as a guy who studied alot and he was very dedicated to give that opportunity to others. He also spoke very openly against racism and was one of the few professors that thought black people at the time. Here are some great pictures of him in 1946


Adding onto this: I really recommend Einstein’s short, entry-level essay “Why Socialism?”, found here. It’s ~10 min read and it does a great job of explaining the crux of socialism. 

Here are some of his major points:

  • The individual and society form a symbiotic relationship. A healthy individual needs a healthy society and a healthy society needs healthy individuals.
  • Capitalism undermines democracy by concentrating wealth into the hands of an economic elite, which in turn funds a political elite to represent its interests in government. The ultra-rich also control the media and educational systems to manipulate public opinion and prevent free thought. (Here Einstein is pre-empting Noam Chomsky and Ed Herman’s propaganda model).
  • Capitalism’s profit motive entails human needs going unmet to satisfy human greed.   
  • The “worst evil” of capitalism is the crippling of individuals, which begins in school where an exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student.
  • A transition to socialism is necessary to overcome these problems, and is in fact imperative to avert constant warfare and ecological catastrophe. We need a fully democratic society where society’s productive capacity is not concentrated into the hands of a few, but owned by workers and society itself. 
Source: serenata-your-neighborhood-lefty
“ 30-minute-memes:
“Almost like this was done of purpose to keep certain groups of ppl from voting
When Black people say that racism is systemic this is what we mean. By being over policed we are in constant danger of...

Almost like this was done of purpose to keep certain groups of ppl from voting


When Black people say that racism is systemic this is what we mean. By being over policed we are in constant danger of being disenfranchised.


What’s that one post? “A government that removes a prisoner’s right to vote is now a government with an extremely vested interest in jailing its political opposition.”

Source: 30-minute-memes

For @elodieunderglass​ -

A colleague of mine snapped these shots of a leucistic Anna’s Hummingbird who has been flittering around a provincial park up here for a few weeks. Thought of your Catalogue of Such Beasts, obviously. S/he’s actually decently camouflaged for these parts in early spring!


She is splendid please tell your friend they got her best angle

Source: fixomnia-scribble

Having ADHD is like just now I went to look up salmon recipes but suddenly I’m building a shelf


The transition also came from a purely logical train of thought but that doesn’t mean it was correct


I actually walked away from washing dishes because my train of thought went “I’m tired of cleaning dishes and I have to go to work soon and then I will have to come home and make dinner and I will be MORE tired” and then I thought “wait I can save myself being tired making dinner LATER if I simply put dinner in the slow cooker to cook NOW” and we have leftover salmon that will go bad if I don’t use it soon so I started googling salmon slow cooker recipes but halfway through I thought about how getting the slow cooker out is a hassle because there is never enough counter space and then I REMEMBERED I bought a shelf to put counter things to have more counter space but I’d left the box in the car so I went out and got the box and completely assembled a shelf but I still haven’t started dinner OR finished the dishes.


Hey OP, you are late for work now




This is it.

This is exactly what an ADHD train of thought can look like. And I'd bet money that this happened in the span of about 10 seconds.


Source: sandersstudies