the wee lezzer

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

i-love-your-light asked:

Quick what are piandao and jeong jeongs opinions on ska music

pencilscratchins answered:

jeong jeong cut his teeth in the thrash metal scene in the 80s so he has a general distaste for ska, and while piandao doesn’t have strong opinions one way or the other, he does buy everything skause and effect puts out in order to blast it around the house and annoy the shit out of his husband.

we love to see husbands annoying each other 💞 if you don’t actively try to annoy your S.O. at least a little then are you really in love? music history jeong jeong piandao master piandao jeongdao skause & effect skause and effect au

igosploosh asked:

Skause and Effect is Zukka, right? Thinking abt Suki making fun of Zuko for having no game whatsoever and Sokka nervously agreeing like he doesn’t have a chronic case of Zuko Brain Rot

pencilscratchins answered:

lmAOO LITERALLY THOUGH this was actually a follow up to the original that i never finished. zuko falls off a barstool after and sokkas like hes a master of charm

god i love that boy I can just imagine suki and sokka being like ‘c’mon give us your best pickup line’ and then zuko takes it really seriously and like gets into character because you know he’s a theater kid and he like saunters up to the bar in what can only be assumed is meant to be haughtiness though it’s not really clear and says THAT and suki’s just like disgusting please act like human skause & effect zukka zuko sokka suki skause and effect au art atla avatar the last airbender pencilscratchins

tharini asked:

you take requests? 👁👁 i’d commission this or something but like... i don’t have money i’m so sorry 😭 but hmmm, suki if you have the time 💕

parcai answered:


she 🥰💞


[ID: a realistic digital portrait of Suki from Avatar: the Last Airbender. In the art she has black hair and eyes. She is drawn from the torso up, dressed in the red Boiling Rock prisoner’s uniform. She glances to the side, a neutral expression on her face and her mouth partially open as if talking.

In the background there are two less detailed sketches messily colored a plain gray. In the sketch on the left, Suki is drawn from the torso up in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform. She holds one fan out at her side, slightly behind her, the other held over her chest to be parallel with her other arm. In the second sketch on the right, Suki is drawn from the mid thigh up, her back to the audience. She’s wearing her Fire Nation outfit, her head turned to the side as she looks at the audience from over her shoulder with a neutral expression.]

Source: parcai
suki atla avatar the last airbender art

There is an old belief in Serbian villages and small towns that certain pumpkins (and watermelons), when left outside during a full moon, will turn in to a vampire.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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*whisper chants* vampire pumpkin vampire pumpkins vampire pumpkins


This is the quality fall shit I’m here for


I think it’s great that Pumpkins (and other squash) were only introduced to Europe around 1600 and the Serbs wasted absolutely no time blaming them for their problems.

Source: freakxwannaxbe
fall halloween vampires art