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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

About Me

Hi! I’m Hyacinth, I’m an artist and writer, and I am currently fixating on who knows what! I’ll probably post about and reblog about miraculous, danny phantom, the owl house, and warrior cats. (im a mess atm, consider me Multifandom)

My pronouns are per/pers and he/him, the first being preferred. he/him is only there if you absolutely refuse to try and use per/pers.

You can send in art and fic requests (either to asks or DMs), although they might take a lot of time to fulfill. Here’s my AO3. I do often fill them even if they’ve been left for months though (I recommend turning off anon so you can be notified.

My twitter.


#raspberry jamart - art tag

#raspberry jamfic - fanfic tag

#raspberry jamoc - all my ocs

#raspberry jamus - original posts

#espresso beam - my main oc/sona

#the miraculous house - TOH/ML crossover au

Pinned Post miraculous ladybug ml miraculous artists on tumblr raspberry jamart raspberry jamoc raspberry jamfic raspberry jamus toh the owl house wc warriors danny phantom

One of my least favorite mental illness things is "hungry but dont feel like eating" and its companions "hungry but all the food in the house is Illegal," "hungry but can't make anything," and "hungry, want to eat, but why bother"


Also the adhd friend “hungry but unaware of hunger because current activity is too captivating”


"Hungry but I'll get to it later"


“Definite not hungry, nope, but upon forcing oneself to eat something, discovering that the food vanished in 30 seconds and the pervasive feelings of ickiness all vanished, what the fuck"


Hungry but only for one specific food. I do not know what that food is but i do know i don't have it in the house


hungry, but there are choices, and I can’t do that right now.


hungry but i just feel tired. too tired to make food


In bonobo societies, all bonobos frequently engage in sexual contact with other members of the community, regardless of sex. Female bonobos in particular are quite promiscuous with both fellow females and males; thus, bonobo society is matrilineal or matrifocal. Since the patriline of each member is unknown due to female bonobos having many sexual partners, the female bonobos take communal care of their collective young, and the male bonobos take on other community-care roles instead. It is theorized that this leads to lower levels of violent conflict, as opposed to chimpanzee, human, and other primate societies that are patriarchal, since male members of these societies must find ways to identify their offspring which inevitably leads to violent, controlling behavior toward female members as well as violence & competitive behavior toward other males who may pose a threat to their social statuses. Bonobo societies are extremely peaceful in comparison to other primate societies.

The feature musical film Mamma Mia! (2008), directed by Phyllida Lloyd, shows an example of what a matrifocal society, resembling the structure of bonobo society, could look like for humans; where several females care for a child whose exact paternity is unknown, and instead of violence resort to prosocial behavior (joyfully singing and dancing) in order to resolve conflict. In this essay I will attempt to



hey, writers. reblog this with your opinions on:

  • (using parentheses)
  • using em-dashes—more or less liberally
  • using italics
  • the semicolon; or, how to properly use it
  • capitalizing Important words
  • using. repetitive. punctuation. for. emphasis.

I can and do use all of these.


  • I overuse parentheses a lot (here on Tumblr), because using a parenthetical statement is easier than organizing my thoughts (even if that sucks for the audience (sorry! (I’ll try to reduce it!))). For fiction I try to avoid it at all costs.
  • I think a proper em-dash is nice—but I’m never really sure where to use it, or how, in order to be typographically accurate. In short—or in the length of the letter m—I’m scared of these things.
  • I sometimes use italics for citations, e.g. when writing about the character Gabriel Agreste in the episode Gabriel Agreste, but I’m very inconsistent. I generally don’t use it for emphasis; I try to make emphasis clear from the surrounding context.
  • Dialogue in all caps is difficult to read and apparently some screen readers have problems with it, so I don’t use it, even ironically.
  • I love a good semicolon; it’s a great way to make sentences longer, and I sure to love ramble; a way to continue my thoughts without ever having to edit them down into something coherent or readable, or even just a proper end point for a sentence; very similar to how I use parentheses in that regard, if not a bit less frequent. Plus, as a professional C++ programmer, typing semicolons is second nature to me. Generally, the more I edited a text, the fewer semicolons will be in it.
  • Capitalizing important Words, terms that Matter, is a thing that can be fun at times, but best used only in circumstances that are really Special.
  • I don’t actually know whether repetitive punctuation is bad for screen readers, I just assume it is, and so I don’t tend to use it.

  • Parentheses: Love it lmao, i use it liberally and enjoy it very much. too much, probably
  • Em-Dashes: Very pretty and good looking! useful for making quick asides or showing a character getting cut off.
  • Italics: I use them for emphasis in speech and for a characters thoughts
  • Caps: Not a fan. Unless it’s one word like, “HELP!” or something, but i hate to see “BRO YOU GOTTA TURN BACK” in actual writing.
  • Semi-colon: c’est nice i suppose, i use it rarely.
  • capitalizing Important words: :shrug:
  • using. repetitive. punctuation. for. emphasis: not in proper writing, but for chatting i use it

a cat will see a tiddy, go “is anyone gonna step on that?” (meow meow meow), and not wait for an answer before thrusting their little kitty cat toe bean paw at terminal velocity DIRECTLY at the nipple… who the fuck needs a binder? just get a cat to pulverize your tit meat flat. they’re playing DDR down there. making biscuits on those buns. testing the jiggle to wiggle ratio. fucking, I don’t know, seeing if it will fight back? meow meow meow, I am just a little kitty and I am going to crush your boobie with my little wittle feet. no pain, no gain. meow meow meow.


odd how many people don’t realize that Red Cross bloodmobiles rely on that logo specifically to deter vampire ambushes



small cross up front to protect the driver, heavy-duty cross in back to protect the payload. kinda assumed this was common knowledge


oh oh oh! Armored Car Heist Film but it’s vampires robbing a bloodmobile. all the typical heist tropes apply