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Graygender: “a person who identifies as (at least partially) outside the gender binary and has a strong natural ambivalence about their gender identity or gender expression. They feel they have a gender(s), as well as a natural inclination or desire to express it, but it’s weak and/or somewhat indeterminate/indefinable, or they don’t feel it most of the time, or they’re just not that invested in it.“
Genderqueerid.com (via nandbaremyfavouriteletters)
graygender nonbinary ambivalent ambivalence gender identity gender expression indeterminate indefinable mogai imoga grsm microlabel term apin apingender epin epingender uin uingender


exogender - a fluid gender that is determined by visual appearance. for example, if someone who is exogender presents masculinely, then their gender is exoboy. if the same person chooses to present androgynously, then their gender becomes exononbinary or exoandrogynous.

Source: computerizedmogai exogender gender fluid genderfluid gender fluidity fluid idingender idin pride flag term mogai imoga grsm microlabel visual appearance affinitive gender presetation presentation appearance gender expression expression

Enby terms!

I coined a few Enby terms!

These terms are made to uplift Enbies who may not fit everyone else's idea of how enbies should present

They're made to own that they're different than people's expectations!

I connected these terms with radiant and beautiful gemstones to emphasize that they are amazing

Diamond Nonbinary / Diamond Enby

A Diamond Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts very masculinely. These people may or may not be masculine aligned or ID as a label relating to being part boy/man

This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by being masculine

Ruby Nonbinary / Ruby Enby

A Ruby Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts very femininely. These people may or may not be feminine aligned or ID as a label relating to being part girl/woman.

This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by being feminine.

Amethyst Nonbinary / Amethyst Enby

An Amethyst Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts fluidly. Their presentation and behavior switches between both stereotypically masculine and feminine. These individuals can be aligned any way and may or may not ID as any label relating to their gender being fluid or being multiple genders.

This term was made to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by presenting fluidly.

Emerald Nonbinary / Emerald Enby

An Emerald Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts genderlessly. These people may or may not be Unaligned or ID as labels relating to being genderless.

This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by preforming in a way that's hard to gender them at all. These Enbies may reject binary stuff all together and refuse gender as a concept.

I'm tired of my feminine fellow Enbies getting shit on for how they want to present, while I being VERY masculine get no where near the hate they get for being feminine.


People who use these terms should remember to uplift and care for fellow Enby pals who get shit on for how they present and act.

Source: madotsukisdump diamond nonbinary diamond enby masc masculine masculine presentation masculine expression ruby nonbinary ruby enby fem feminine feminine presentation feminine expression amethyst nonbinary amethyst enby fluid fluid presentation gender presentation gender expression emerald nonbinary emerald enby genderless agender agender presentation genderless presentation agender expression genderless expression pride flag term mogai imoga
Ostefluid: a fluid experience in which one’s gender expression changes and one’s gender is experienced differently, even though it’s still the same gender regardless of presentation. Etymology
The etymology of the term “Ostefluid” is unclear. Oste...

Ostefluid: a fluid experience in which one’s gender expression changes and one’s gender is experienced differently, even though it’s still the same gender regardless of presentation. 


The etymology of the term “Ostefluid” is unclear. Oste may refer to:

  • A variation of the prefix “Osteo-”, indicating a relation to bone or the skeleton.

  • The Italian word for “Innkeeper”, “Landlord” and/or “Host”.

This is combined with the English neologistic suffix, “-gender” to indicate genderedness.There are other usages of the term “Oste”, such as being the plural for “cheese” in Danish. It is unknown what the intent of the coiner was. The coiner of this term is unknown, but the term can be traced back to 2017.


This term has been lost to time, and as a result, has no flag.To remedy this, I created one. This flag consists of of five, horizontal, solid-colored stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, they are khaki, lilac, a modified grey stripe, pastel rose and lavender. The modified grey stripe is bored with a white stripe on the top and bottom end. In the middle of the stripe is a small, black horizontal line. All colors, expect for the center stripe, are desaturated pastel. The center stripe represents a static gender. The black and white portions of the modified grey stripe indicate a fluid experience characteristic of this gender. The desaturated pastel stripes represent one’s varying gender expression and experience, representing abinary gender, midbinary genders, feminine genders and masculine genders, respectively.  Flag by Gent (Gender-Resource), 2020.

ostefluid fluktuaz genderfluid fluid idingender genderplasmic term pride flag gender experience experience expression gender expression oste gender fluidity mogai imoga grsm mogai gender mogai label mogai term mogaireal mogai safe mogai heaven pro mogai mogai positivity microlabel gender nonconfroming gnc gender non-conforming nonbinary



When an intersex person (who may or may not be intergender) feels that their gender expression is deeply influenced by or intrinsically linked to their intersex condition. Their gender expression may be femme, masc, androgynous, etc., but it is in some way informed by the fact that they are intersex.




Intermasculine / Intermasc (inter + masculine expressing)


Interfeminine / Interfemme (inter + feminine expressing)


Interandrogynous / Interangi (inter + androgynous expressing)


Interambiguous / Interambi (inter + ambiguous expressing)


Interxenine / Interxene (inter + xenine expressing, “inter-zeen”)


Interoutherine / Interouther (inter + outherine expressing)

If you have any problems with any of these terms or flags, please let me know. I may take the post down & will certainly do my best to correct the issue.🦋

Source: momma-mogai-sphinx Inter-expressive intermasculine interfeminine intermasc interfem interandrogynous interangi interambiguous interambi interxenine interxene interoutherine interouther pride flag term intersex intersex exclusive expression gender expression mogai imoga grsm min mingender fin fingedner lin lingender amin amingender

“Prominent” Terms

I was thinking of more identity terms and I wanted a term that referred to when masculinity, femininity, xeninity, etc. is the main trait in an identity, and so I came up with the “prominent” terms! This refers to both gender and presentation, if they are the same. Two or more traits can be the prominent trait, if they are all equal in importance.

Fem-prominent: Femininity being the dominant trait in an identity, in both presentation and gender.

Masc-prominent: Masculinity being the dominant trait in an identity.

Neu-prominent: A nonbinary trait being the dominant trait in an identity.

None-prominent: No traits being prominent. Genderless identity.

Xeno-prominent: Xeninity being the dominant trait in an identity.

prominent fem-prominent masc-prominent neu-prominent none-promient xeno-prominent umbrella term term masculinity nonbinary genderless nonegender xeno xenogender femininity gender presentation gender expression gender identity mogai imoga grsm

peach femme: an aesthetic term for femme lesbians who highlight and accentuate their body and facial hair as part of their femme presentation. Examples include (but are not limited to!) coloring your body/facial hair, using makeup to make it more noticeable or fancy, or dressing specifically to show off or accentuate body/facial hair. 

comes from a friend making a play on ‘peach fuzz’ and it really vibed with me as a femme who sports sideburns and body fuzz all over, so i thought id share it!

and absolutely this is open to trans lesbians (including NB trans lesbians) and intersex lesbians

Source: queer-buccaneers peach femme femme femme presentation body hair facial hair makeup mogai imoga grsm femme lesbian trans lesbian transbians intersex intersex lesbian intersexbian term expression gender expression gender presentation

Anonymous asked:

Futchfluid-- A change in presentation from butch to futch to femme, and so forth. A futchfluid person might present as butch one day, and femme the next.


I hope you don’t mind that I made a couple of flags for it! 😊

The first one is an original idea, with the pink, traditionally feminine, fading into the lavender, the “middle ground” between pink and blue, then the blue, traditionally masculine, fading into the lavender. Plus, the repeating circle with only pink and blue, sybolizing moving directly from feminine to masculine.

The second one is based on the genderfluid flag, except the middle magenta is replaced with the futch lilac, and the pink and blue–femme and butch–are on the outside of the gradient, symbolizing the outward presentation rather than a standalone gender identity.

Lovely term anon, good luck! 😊♥️

Source: beyond-mogai-pride-flags futchfluid pride flag term gender expression butch femme futch gender presentation butch presentation femme presentation futch presentation

Femcat, Jackhound and Neufox: the meaning behind the terms.


I’ve seen posts about how butch and femme, stag and doe, aren’t just about presentation. It’s specific to the experience of sapphics who subvert and deny gender norms. So I feel it’s important to point out that femcat and jackhound aren’t necessarily just presentation terms either. If you want to use them as such, that’s fine, but it goes deeper than that for those who helped coin them.

Non-binary people are expected to have to be androgynous in order to be ‘actually’ non-binary.

Being a femcat is denying the expectation that non-binary people can’t be feminine, that non-binary has no place for femininity. It’s being ‘feminine’ but challenging that femininity is linked to being a woman.

Being a jackhound is denying the expectation that non-binary people shouldn’t be masculine, that non-binary is about achieving androgyny, not being NB whilst choosing to only portray yourself or identify with masculinity or femininity.  It’s being ‘masculine’ but challenging that masculinity is linked to being a man.

Therefore, you may think neufox is therefore, the nb version of ‘gender conforming’, since it’s equivilent would be androgynous. However, it’s also denying gender norms. In the binary world, people are expected to be categorised as either male or female, masculine or feminine. Whilst non-binary people are criticised when they are being only masculine or feminine and told they musn’t “really” be non-binary, they’re also criticised and punished for not following the gender norms and expectations of BEING either masculine or feminine.

In short, cis binary people get mad when they can’t easily categorise us. In their world, there’s no room for both, for an inbetween or mix, for genderfuckery. Belonging to this third category, saying “fuck you” to this ‘you can only be one or the other’ binary mindset, is a denial of gender norms that goes beyond simply looking ambiguous. It’s a refusal to be categorised by binary people under their rules.


An excellent post! In some ways, these terms remind me of other terms, like “bear”, used to describe gay men who challenge the notion that all gay men are conventionally ‘beautiful’, feminine, thin, hairless twinks. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being any or all of those things, it is indeed an issue for for every gay man who isn’t those things. The term “bear” describes men who are masculine, hairy, fat and most importantly, not afraid to challenge the stereotype that surrounds male homosexuality.

These terms don’t just describe presentation, but an experience. A very, very common one, at that. Finally, some terms that directly address the misconception that nonbinary gender = androgynous presentation, identity and experiences! Kudos.

- Gent

neufox jackhound femcat terms presentation gender expression nonbinary bear gnc non-conforming gender presentation expression