xenogenders are out of this world!
please don't screenshot or archive for cringe/flop/etc purposes! || an archive/help blog for neolabels and neopronouns! || read my dni please! || desktop background by @stardust-specks


Despite there being quite a few psychosis/schizophrenic spectrum neurogenders, there are none that are centred on all schizophrenic symptoms (most focus on psychotic/positive symptoms, except for negagender). So I’m coining one!

Zofrenie / Zofreniegender

A gender influenced by schizophrenic spectrum symptoms of both positive symptoms (such as hallucinations and delusions), negative symptoms (such as depression and alogia), and cognitive symptoms (such as confused thinking and memory issues).

The name comes from the Dutch word for schizophrenia, schizofrenie.


UNDEADSOFT - an agender-in-nature xenogender connected to the undead (mostly zombies) due to neurodivergence. normally very comforting to the one using it.


i really wanted a zombie-ish gender and none of the ones that already exsited fit so here we are! version without the symbol under the cut

Keep reading




A xenogender inspired by all kinds of tea. This can be used by neurodivergent people who feel a connection to tea, tea making, tea drinking or even tea related witchcraft. The name is inspired by “tea sommelier” which is the tea equivalent of “barista”.

Pronoun ideas:


Agosium / Agosigender


A term for when you experience only a small aspect of a particular gender, as if the full gender is inaccessible to you (e.g., an agosigirl / agosium girl may feel they experience only a small part of being a girl; the rest of the gender experience of girl is unavailable to them).
For fragments in multiple systems only (inclusive of all system types).

From Ancient Greek ἄγος (agos), meaning ‘fragment’. See also nano/nan0gender.



A new xenogender (mogai) influenced by cosmic horror, coined by yours truly.

“The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies. Unnamable things have come to us in alien horror and will come again.”
― Clark Ashton Smith

[ BEGIN IMAGE ID: A pride flag for the xenogender horrorcosmium. It has eleven circular stripes, half of which being dark, the rest of which being a gradient from dark purple to dark blue to bright teal. Overlaid is a white image of an eye flanked by two tentacles. A version without this overlaid image follows with the same circular stripes. The last image is a simplified, horizontal seven stripe version. END IMAGE ID. ]

Definition: Horrorcosmium (adj. horrorcosmic) is a xenogender influenced by or related to the genre of cosmic horror. It can not be completely described, as it has no recognizable geometry/shape. It is characterized by its difficulty to be fully known, its contents often inducing dread and confusion in those who struggle to understand it. This cosmic void induces this dread as it often causes people to look into their inner selves to attempt understanding.

Note: Horrorcosmium can be used as a questioning gender for its nature of self examination and being unnamable, though that is not inherently what it is for. Often used by neurodivergent individuals (for example, alexithymia in autism making it difficult to describe mental trains of thought).

(Source: wulfgangs)

Fuck it. Vampire: The Masquerade genders.


Genderassamite: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Assamite clan.

Genderbrujah: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Brujah clan.

Gendergangrel: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Gangrel clan.

Gendergiovanni: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Giovanni clan.

Gendersombra: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Lasombra clan.

Gendermalkavian: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Malkavian clan. Due to the fact all Malkavian are mentally ill, I would rather if neurotypicals didnt used this term, but I can’t really stop you.

Gendernosferatu: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Nosferatu clan.

Genderravnos: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Ravnos clan.

Genderfolset: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Followers of Set clan.

Gendertoreador: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Toreador clan.

Gendertremere: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Tremere clan.

Gendertzimisce: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Tzimisce clan.

Genderventrue: A gender that is best described by, or related to, the Ventrue clan.



A gender that is tied to one’s emotions or neurodivergence, and seems to feel positive and flighty during brighter moods, but exceptionally vague and almost unwanted during lower points. It is named for both the dragonfly and gummy confections.



Flag Description

An orange flag with two diagonal stripes extending across it. The stripes are side-by-side, and extend from the upper left to the lower right corner, getting larger as they go down. The left stripe is teal, and the right light blue. On top of the stripes, near their starting point, is a large dark green oval that extends downward with the stripes.

Pronoun Suggestions





A gender that is tied to one’s neurodivergence, especially issues with levels of empathy. A gender that is misunderstood often, but genuinely helpful to you. It is named for crocodiles and chocolate.



Flag Description

A large three-humped band against a dark green background. Each third of the band is a different color- pale yellow, sky blue and pale pink, respectively.

Pronoun Suggestions

Te/tears/tear or tearself 






“ changelingic: a neurogender that feels as though it was stolen due to neurodivergency, and then replaced. it is similar to the original gender, but different in small ways that are noticeable to outsiders.
color meanings: orange is...


changelingic: a neurogender that feels as though it was stolen due to neurodivergency, and then replaced. it is similar to the original gender, but different in small ways that are noticeable to outsiders. 

color meanings: orange is a color associated with change, and the gradient is meant to show the subtle difference in the gender!

bonus matching pronouns sets: chan/change/changes/changeself (i cannot think of more to match w this label for the life of me)

flag template by @neopronouns !




a gender that’s influenced by ones hyperactivity; a hyperactive, uncontrollable gender. only to be used by folx with adhd.


(Source: sleepygender)
