Black Lives Matter, ACAB

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

i know the alternative scene is extremely white; does anyone have recommendations for some black artists to check out?


these alt/punk bands have black women in them and they are all amazing!!

aye nako, blacker face, the bellrays, noods, tamar-kali, honeychild coleman, big joanie, new bloods, the tuts, x-ray spex, skinny girl diet, jigsaw youth, t-rextasy, nova twins, suffratjett, the skins, the butchies, tribe 8, vagabon, sate

pls reblog and add more!!


here’s a growing twitter thread of black/mixed race alt musicians

Source: nevergenders
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Friendly reminder to invisibly disabled folks:

You are just as disabled as someone who is visibly disabled. You deserve to use accessible facilities and have your pain treated without discrimination. You deserve to have people believe you when you tell them you are suffering. Able-passing is a myth when you are still sick.

You are valid and you are enough.


Bringing this back now that there's no way I can hide that I'm disabled. Y'all still get the same amount of ableism, they're just using different excuses to deny you the access you deserve. Instead of "but are you really disabled?" it's "Well if you're that sick you shouldn't be out of the house/alive."

I've gone the whole spectrum from "mostly abled" to "Now all of China knows you're crip" and it's all the same stuff. They hate us all so we might as well stop doing the "well if I was physically ill, I'd get care" or "if they could just see how sick I feel" or "but you can hide it" games. You're drowning if you're in 6 feet of water or 60 feet, the depth or whether it's fresh or saltwater isn't all that important in the long run.

Source: briarpatch-kids

terrible years really make you understand the point of a new year. i know nothing much will have changed between dec 31 and jan 1, but we need to be able to partition off everything that’s happened to us, we need a moment to say, ‘that’s done, we’re done with it, it’s over’ and have a little hope that the future will be different. we need to be able to stop and take a breath and sing, in the middle of winter, and prepare ourselves for spring.


All the naysayers going “you know it’s not just 2020 and that the events of this year are actually the result of decades and 2021 won’t be magically better”

Ahhh yes, strawman naysayer in my head and on my fb tl, I see you are very intelligent. But pal, it’s absolutely not the point at all. Hope has nothing to do with logic. We need celebrations the most when there is seemingly nothing to celebrate, which is why, even when everything is dark and bleak and we can’t even be together with the people we love, we put on our silly little party hats on december 31st, say “good riddence 2020 you absolute trash bastard” and perform this silly little ritual of giving a big ol cheers to whatever fresh new hell is coming next

Source: roach-works


via bree newsome bass on twitter: 

“The widely circulated timeline created by @Zerflin does a great job in showing how recently slavery & segregation occurred & that they lasted longer than the modern era. 

“I'd like to offer this timeline as another way of viewing the same period of history to show the constancy of both Black resistance in US & efforts of the white power structure to maintain racial caste since 1619.”


Source: holy0ak6

“The vaccine will protect you from getting ill & then ending up hospitalized. But it’s possible that you could still carry the virus and be contagious to others. So those who get the vaccine should still be wearing masks & practicing physical distancing.“

Source: autisticadvocacy