frog with a blog

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

the GRINCH X TONY THE TIGER Fanfic is live on ao3! hope this causes you all tremendous distress 😘

monthly subscribers can skip ahead to the next chapter


actual real things about this fic:

  • the Grinch is nonbinary & uses they/them pronouns
  • the Grinch is autistic
  • it takes place in the Jim Carrey movie universe, so the Grinch has two lesbian moms
  • (side note, in the movie it was implied the grinch was conceived at a swinger’s holiday party, but we don’t have to talk about that)
  • tony was a professional athlete who had a lucrative career appearing on cereal boxes
  • tony the tiger is divorced w/ kids
  • the Grinch is in therapy

I am sending this to all my friends gaud.


there are over 300 comments on the fic so far, and i’m reading all of them, and i have to say my favorite comments on the ones where people are sharing this with family and friends. sometimes out of spite, sometimes earnestly. 

thank you for spreading me around like the invasive fungus i so truly am


I submitted it to my english teacher (our assignment was to find a well written work to share on the internet)


…I am absolutely frothing at the mouth to know your teacher’s response please



this is it


this was beyond my wildest dreams actually much thanks




i am having the BEST month


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better:


i am now feral. i have gone feral. i am leaning a little pile of stick again a tree, soon i will nap beneath them, they will collapse on me during the next rainstorm


@gaynerd-simulator WHAT GRADE DID U GET????


terrible years really make you understand the point of a new year. i know nothing much will have changed between dec 31 and jan 1, but we need to be able to partition off everything that’s happened to us, we need a moment to say, ‘that’s done, we’re done with it, it’s over’ and have a little hope that the future will be different. we need to be able to stop and take a breath and sing, in the middle of winter, and prepare ourselves for spring.


All the naysayers going “you know it’s not just 2020 and that the events of this year are actually the result of decades and 2021 won’t be magically better”

Ahhh yes, strawman naysayer in my head and on my fb tl, I see you are very intelligent. But pal, it’s absolutely not the point at all. Hope has nothing to do with logic. We need celebrations the most when there is seemingly nothing to celebrate, which is why, even when everything is dark and bleak and we can’t even be together with the people we love, we put on our silly little party hats on december 31st, say “good riddence 2020 you absolute trash bastard” and perform this silly little ritual of giving a big ol cheers to whatever fresh new hell is coming next

Source: roach-works

The Scottish Widows ads are next level


What service does this company offer???????

TBH it doesn’t matter what service they offer. I’m just assuming it’s a front for a network of hitmen.


holy shit it’s a life insurance and pensions company


I assumed it was a historical drama about the Scottish nobility and now I’m very disappointed I can’t illegally download and watch it. 


Scottish Widows: We’re Recruiting



You are quite literally missing the best one

Source: asynca


The first protest for legal abortion in democracy in Argentina was on March 7, 1984. 36 years later, December 30, 2020 at 04:13 am, abortion is now officially legal, safe and free for all women. Women have fought for so long to obtain rights of this kind. This is a HUGE step for us, what an amazing day. EL ABORTO ES LEGAL 💚


“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” — Audre Lorde

Source: miel-citas

No Nuance November: The reason we're seeing trans kids with less dysphoria isn't that they're transtrenders; it's that as trans acceptance progresses and trans people are better represented, kids are exposed to tons of different ways to be men and women and both and neither. Like, you're less likely to think you need to have a penis to be a "real man" if you've seen tons of real men who don't living happy, authentic lives. If you aren't forced to compare yourself exclusively to cis people, you're less likely to focus exclusively on things that differentiate you from cis people and more likely to focus on what makes you feel comfortable and seen and understood.

Source: roswell-newton-vargas

“No use crying over spilled milk” ok but how stressed out am I over the spilled milk? Is my anger frustration or sadness about the spilled milk severe enough to ruin my day or cause a meltdown? Is the emotional impact of the milk spillage significant enough that crying about it would help me process those emotions? Was I already under a high degree of stress and the milk is just the tipping point & the latest in a series of personal disappoints? U don’t know me


Was it the last of the milk and I’ve just made a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies?


you get it! Also

  • How much milk was spilled? Is it the millions of gallons of surplus milk that regularly gets dumped by American dairies? I could see people crying about that
  • Where was it spilled? I spilled a gallon of milk in the car and cried about it when I had to drive with the windows down for 6 months
  • Is spilling the milk going to result in excessive punishment? I cried all the time as a kid when I screwed up & made my parents angry
  • shout out to the parents in the notes still annoyed years later about spilling breast milk. you’re valid

2 oz of milk spilled into carpeting and left alone will, after about a week, make you cry.


“people in the past had such high hopes for us, they thought we were gonna vacation on the moon” fuck that!! they thought automation was gonna automate so much work that we’d all work 20 hour weeks like our ancestors used to! they knew we’d all be 5x more productive, which they naturally thought meant we’d be working less not more!  they thought the time & profits created by mechanical production would be distributed among the workers and we’d all share in the profits!!! they predicted our jobs would be replace by machines and they were right, they just assumed humanity as a whole would benefit instead of just a select few!!! and it shoulda!!!! 


#more jobs SHOULD be done by machines and society as a WHOLE should benefit from the saved labor  #instead it’s just a tiny portion of humanity who now owns both the machines AND the people  #fuck that!!!