Posted on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 with 10 Notes


i just. keep thinking about everything i could have done to prevent this.

i could have just sold the house first thing and we could have bought a place and gone to counceling like we planned

we were GOING to go to couples councelling! we could have done the work to fix all the bad shit!

but now im just. here. mourning what i lost by myself.

no amount of counselling could have fixed that sinkhole of a relationship. you asked for everything you needed and THEY refused to give it to you and took it as an excuse to treat you worse. they said it themself.

Posted on Sunday, October 11, 2020 with 4 Notes

pros and cons of changing blogs

cons: lose basically everything, lose 1k followers

pros: the system that has my rapists in it, along with their headmates who think that i “dont know what real rape is,” wouldnt know what my url is.

What do you guys think?

#tw rape
Posted on Sunday, October 04, 2020 with 2427 Notes


“I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald (via quotemadness)

Posted on Friday, October 02, 2020 with 24810 Notes
Posted on Friday, October 02, 2020 with 39391 Notes


TERFs have begun using “hygienic” to mean cis because they’re fucking weirdos who think trans people don’t take baths


I’ve been collecting these screenshots for months to prove my point, this is an actual thing they’re doing and I feel that by now I have enough proof to be making this post. If you see someone calling themselves hygienic in their blog description, that’s what they mean. They mean they’re openly transphobic. And a fucking weirdo who assumes trans people don’t bathe for some reason.

No I’m not censoring the urls, all of these people can go fuck themselves! Block, don’t harass 💙🖤

Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 74530 Notes
Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 14426 Notes





Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 1 Notes

It really was a weird dream, I think it was just because I was looking at your tumblr before I fell asleep. I'm not sure what your situation is with your ex so I'm sorry if it was out of line. I only brought it up because the idea of anyone breaking up with Luigi was funny to me

- Anonymous

oh i had a heart attack starting to read your first message but when i got to the luigi part it was the funniest shit ive ever seen, youre fine

#it was #a rough situation lol #Anonymous #hatchs asks
Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 1 Notes

who the hells dreaming about me talking about my ex. thats a weird dream to have

#watch the sky
Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 1 Notes

Had a dream you were posting about hanging out with your ex and how you still loved them, but when I scrolled down the ex was Luigi

- Anonymous

i fucking wish my ex was luigi

#Anonymous #hatchs asks
Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 23952 Notes


James Jones (notoriouscree) on TikTok!

Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 25590 Notes



Donate if you can please. I’m being charged with assault and battery for punching my racist neighbor for spitting on me during a pandemic. I need to pay for lawyer fees and to move out of my racist town. 💗

If you don’t want to donate through gofundme then you can cashapp me $Muvatokyo

If you can’t donate, please reblog when you see this. I’m desperate. Thank you!

Posted on Thursday, October 01, 2020 with 22896 Notes


ik white gays dont want to hear it but they make lgbt spaces so uncomfortable for poc esp black gays… ALL spaces. if u ask any gay of color they will probably tell u that they have been made to feel like an undesirable partner in lgbt spaces bc of their race. nd if they were desired it was out of fetishism. we see the way yall talk abt black/ dark skinned women…..begging for them to crush u nd be aggressive with them nd let’s not even talk abt how if a poc points out the flaws of the gay community white gays call them homophobic. like at this point it’s painfully obvious that white gays consider the gay community to include white ppl nd no one else. they value fictional ships over the feelings of poc

Posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 with 4 Notes


[part 2]

owo im not gonna watermark all the pages after this, i dont like how it looks

Posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 with 39146 Notes







What I’m saying is that JKR, like so many average people, very likely started off in a place of well-meaning ignorance. Then she started exploring new and different ideas being shared online. Some ideas resonated deeply with her experiences as an abuse survivor, so she began exploring them deeper. Then, wham, public backlash. Her trauma is triggered - but so is her curiosity. After all, if something she did or said set people off, maybe she’s onto something. So she starts exploring more. Starts asking more questions. And when she does this in public, there is always backlash. Meanwhile, however, in private, her new friends are telling her “See? This is proof we’re right. This is proof that the world wants us silenced, because they’re scared of the truth, and they really hate women that much.” And what do you know, what they’re telling her starts sounding more and more reasonable, especially since the outside world is becoming more and more hostile.






People keep searching for ways to argue that JK Rowling has always been a horrible person deep down as a way of explaining her recent behaviour.

But here’s the thing: that’s probably not true at all.

Pretending it is discounts the harsher, scarier truth: that even decent, well-meaning people can be radicalised by dangerous, hateful, predatory groups, and given enough time they can become truly hideous versions of their former selves.

It can happen to me. It can happen to you. It can happen to any of us, given the right mix of circumstances. And over the past few years, we’ve seen it happen to one of the most famous children’s authors of our age.

Nobody is immune.

So you’re saying that The Clown wasn’t always… outright evil?

No one is born evil

Good point, but prejudice is best installed at a young age. Why is why I assumed the said Clown was just evil since some early part of their life.

And round and round it goes, until you have a radical.

This is absolutely how radicalization works. I started out “I could never be a feminist, they hate kinksters” (yes, this was a massive oversimplification) and within, oh, i think two years? i was saying “well, i don’t like the overtones of ‘radical feminist’ but what’s so wrong with saying you’re a radical AND a feminist? we need to make sure there’s space for traumatized women who really do legitimately hate and fear men.”

When you become an extremist, you become UNRECOGNIZABLE even to YOURSELF.

#also JKR is just the most famous and most heinous case#there are MANY MANY young people being indoctrinated with the same ideals within the circles they found safety and community in#i do not care that JKR has been radicalised; i am far more worried about people not recognising the radicalising process#and how it invades queer and women’s communties to deliberately and actively create harmful environments#as disappointing and gross as JKR is; it’s#it’s important to recognise that radical ideologies (be they alt-right racism or TERFdom) are spread (via @wondersmith-and-sons​)

There is also this….revisionist tendency to say that JKR has always been a closet bigot and conservative and right-wing since she got famous, but that’s not even entirely true. One of her first major political stirrups was criticising Tory austerity measures and David Cameron, (she also once said “people who send their children to boarding schools seem to feel that I’m on their side. I’m not.”), donating to Labour and being openly supportive of the British welfare state. She has, in at least one interview (from 2000) self-proclaimed to be left-wing. As early as 2003, she claimed that one of her biggest writing influences was a Jessica Mitford, who Rowling described as a “self-taught socialist”

This isn’t to apologise for her behaviour or rehabilitate her into some former activist who is still worthy of saving; it’s to contextualise her recent descent into TERFdom compared to her previous political stances she’s openly held. She was probably never going to be a staunch ally for equality and diversity, and yes, a lot of the HP series were very problematic in retrospect, but she could very easily have gone the other way and at the very least turned out to be less of a bigoted shitbag she is now. The fact that her politics in late 2000′s/early 2010′s were similar to so many people who are now activists and organisers for queer, BIPOC and vulnerable communities should tell us to be all the more careful about radfem ideology and transphobia in progressive spaces. 

It’s comforting to say “we should have known in hindsight that she was always going to become a TERF, the early signs were all there!” but that’s also not true. We have to recognise that the toxic ideology, the active harm she chooses to participate in, was a deliberate choice; this was a path she chose to go down, not one that was pre-determined for her. It’s also an easy way to separate ourselves from being critical of radfem influence; “JKR was always a right-wing bigot and that’s why she became indoctrinated with radfem bullshit. I’m not a right-wing bigot, therefore unlike her, I will never fall for radfem bullshit.” 

People who become radicalised, including those to become radfems, were not always irredeemable right-winger proto-Conservatives doomed for extremism and hatred, and that’s the point. The revisionist idea that she was always beyond salvaging erases how TERFs recruit people (especially vulnerable, impressionable people) in queer, progressive and liberal circles and how easily their dogwhistles can go undetected. The idea that JKR was already a closet right-winger from the get-go and therefore could never have been a good person is ultimately unhelpful because all it does it separate from the reality of how radfem doctrine spreads. TERFs sell their own toxic, harmful views packaged as progressive ideas as part of their strategy and that’s why their ideology is dangerous and requires constant vigilance to drive out. 

You are not immune to radicalization

There is also this….revisionist tendency to say that JKR has always been a closet bigot and conservative and right-wing since she got famous, but that’s not even entirely true.

This is being stated as if the left-wing is free of prejudice and bigotry.  People are complicated and it’s not a strict binary.  I get routine hate and bigotry from leftists to the point where I play a game of “Who said it?  Nazi or Leftist?” and present antisemitic quotes from both sources.  Typically people score around 50-60%.  

She can have had progressive/leftist views AND have been a bigot at the same time.  You can criticize austerity measures while at the same time writing horrendous caricatures of Jewish people.  You can be a “self-taught socialist” and create characters who are slavery and colonialism apologia.  It’s not either/or.  

icon Is a thing evil when it simply obeys its own nature?
Please read About + BYF, #about on mobile. White, Pansexual, Arospec, Nonbinary, Xenic, Objectum/Ficto, Self-shipper, Pop Culture Pagan, Alterhuman, System. Go/gore/goreself pronouns. Being screenshotted is my kink.
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