Dumb side blog for a dumb person

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Here's the ADHD Checklist! I finally made it, it's originally from this post. But I've put it in a more easy to read manner.

Requested by: @partykeet I hope this helps!

If you don't know if you have ADHD or not but have an inkling you might, these are important questions to consider when self diagnosing and researching into the disorder!

Executive Dysfunction

  1. Do you struggle with getting things done?
  2. Do you mean to do it and you don’t?
  3. Do you feel overwhelmed by trying to do it?
  4. Do you forget to do it?
  5. Do you feel like you can’t for whatever reason?

Emotional Dysregulation

  1. Are you often told you’re overemotional?
  2. Are you told you overreact?
  3. Do you feel like you can’t control your emotions?
  4. Do you often go from one emotion to the next?

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

  1. Do you react strongly without meaning to?
  2. Do you get really depressed after wearing yourself out?
  3. Do you feel awful after someone’s criticized you?
  4. Do you often spiral when something goes wrong?
  5. Do you feel like you can perk back up when that person asks you what’s wrong?

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

  1. Do you have a hard time waking up?
  2. Do you have a hard time going to bed?
  3. Do you have very vivid dreams?
  4. Are you aggressive and irritable when someone wakes you up (for like, school)?
  5. Do you struggle keeping a consistent sleep schedule over vacation or summer break, even on the weekends?

Inattention(Dissociation) and Hyperfocus

  1. Do you often zone out?
  2. Do you daydream?
  3. Do you get disinterested often?
  4. Do you feel like you can multitask (listen to music and read at the same time)?
  5. Do you get so absorbed in something that when you return to reality, hours have passed by?

Hyperfixation and Emotional Hyperarousal

  1. Do you have “obsessions” or things that feel incredibly pleasurable/taste good when you interact with them?
  2. Do you have a loud mind that runs a thousand miles a minute?
  3. Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed out by your mind?
  4. Do you overthink or overanalyze things?
  5. Is your head really foggy or thoughts blurry?

Working Memory, Inattention and Object Permanence

  1. Do you seem to have memory problems?
  2. Like you cant remember something someone told you to do (homework, chores)?
  3. Or you easily lose things, having it just been there?
  4. Do you forget that things exist after having them put away?
  5. Do you forget important things like birthdays, dates and numbers, but remember other “trivial” things?
  6. Do you have a hard time remembering the past or your childhood?

Stimulation and Stimming

  1. Does listening to music help you get things done?
  2. Do you need to watch something while you’re eating and get distracted if you don’t?
  3. Do you feel dissociated or distracted when you can’t listen to music or have your phone out?
  4. Do you constantly fidget, shake your legs, play with parts of things?
  5. Do you feel like if you try to stop fidgeting, you’ll feel an urge to do it more?
  6. Do you have a million phone games?
  7. Do you feel like some games aren’t enough to play on their own but some are too much that you can’t focus on anything else?

"Money Blindness" and Impulsivity

  1. Do you have trouble with money when given control over it?
  2. Do you spend money on things other people find pointless or useless?
  3. Do you have trouble with microtransactions?
  4. Do you feel like when you buy something that you’ll have enough money left for things you need?
  5. Are you often broke? Especially if you claimed that you would save money?
  6. Do you often feel like the consequences of buying something aren't that serious?

Time Blindness

  1. Do you have a hard time keeping track of time?
  2. Do you feel like you’re often late to things?
  3. If not, do you have anxiety, and often panic about the time?
  4. Do you often have a hard time keeping a schedule?
  5. Do people say you have poor time management skills, but no matter what you do, you can’t fix it?

Habits, Executive Dysfunction and Disorganization

  1. Do you have poor hygiene?
  2. Do you struggle to remember to brush your teeth?
  3. Is it hard taking a bath/shower? If so, does it take a long time to get into the bath or shower?
  4. If left to your own devices do you wear the same outfit for days?
  5. Do you often look disheveled despite trying to be organized and clean?
  6. Do you often rub off makeup or have messy hair?
  7. Do you try to be organized but no matter what, you can’t?

Boundaries, RSD, and Volume Control

  1. Do you struggle with boundaries?
  2. Do you have a hard time controlling your volume (either too loud or too quiet)?
  3. Do you feel like you’ve ruined everything when someone tells you that you did something wrong?
  4. Do you think you’ve offended people when you haven't?
  5. Do you have a hard time judging reality correctly (like you think you’ve offended or hurt someone and you feel awful but it didn’t bother them that much)?

Disclaimer: Don't say someone who self diagnoses is faking. If you relate to these questions and symptoms, you definitely are not faking. ADHD is a disability that is incredibly hard to manage. People who have it don't like it as they have likely struggled all their life. Being undiagnosed and unmedicated is damaging and traumatizing. Be kind to people, especially if they don't have access to medical help.



Hey guess what dude! You're not invalidating anybody! I started out with a self dx and two years later, I got an official diagnosis!

The fear of overreaction- that's really common with ppl with adhd, because we can't regulate our own emotions, which causes people to call us dramatic, drama queens or crybabies. But we're not. We just can't regulate our own emotions.

You deserve a space here and I'm so sorry you've felt invalidated in the past. Please find this as a guide for self diagnosing. I hope you get treatment at some point. So many people are in the same boat as you, and none of you are faking it. Please remember that.

Take time to process this and don't let yourself feel as if you're faking cause you're not. It's okay. Denial and dissociation is common in these circumstances.


I got 30-


There's only about 5 I Don't relate to


same @definitely-a-living-human​


Question : How do I get to my dreams if I can't even organize my room

Like I was making progress in my room and I was feeling pretty proud of myself: no trash, no dirty laundry, all books organizerd by category and the flor was swept.

But then a few minutes ago my mom asked what I did in my room all this time. I told her and she said " I saw your room. It's still a mess. " like all she did was GLANCE at my room. And there's no empty surfaces. Thats all you can tell when evaluating the organization of other people. Glance at it and see if there's any empty surfaces. Thats all that matter. I could have just put everything on the wardrobe and I'd have my mother approval.

The next thing she said was: "My word has no value for you huh."


That shit broke my heart and I'm still crying

Like mom I TRIED

I really did

How do I even get a job like this


For starters, I deeply apologise your parent would say such things, that was completely uncalled for and she has no right to treat you like that even if she's "family."

Second off, it's literally not your fault you couldn't live up to the standards of someone who is looking for something to dislike. There is no use reasoning when they can't even take more than a glance at what you've done. Her approval sounds unreachable and I'd recommend evaluating whether those expectations are healthy or not. And you should set your own different from hers.

And thirdly, I am incredibly proud of you and the work you have done. You deserve a round of applause because executive dysfunction is debilitating and hard. You did amazing from what you could do.

But remember not to push yourself past your limits. And learn to take care of yourself before you bite off more than you can chew. I understand those expectations are extremely difficult to live by, but the trick to living with this disorder is knowing your limits and your weaknesses. Because we will all see bad days, and good days can be tough too.

I implore you not to sacrifice yourself to meet the unreachable goals of others. You deserve validation and respect. Focus on your own self worth and what it means to get by. Hold on tight to your dreams.

If noone else does, I believe in you.

Source: adhbabey

ADHD and autism is basically being considered rude for the dumbest reasons


those reasons are usually 1. ADHD/autistic person didn’t literally read your mind for the Correct Social Cue(s) 2. ADHD/autistic person has a need or a boundary that doesn’t actually harm anyone, but it’s not a Correct Social Cue thing so you think they shouldn’t


3. ADHD/autistic person forgot/didn't realise/doesn't know/is just too damn tired to perform the Correct Tone


4. ADHD/Austistic person struggled to understand/ needed a seemingly obvious thing clarified or explained to them and got accused of sealioning/asking in bad faith.


5. ADHD/autistic person got infuriated by Bad™ Sounds™/Textures™/Images™ and tried to keep from reacting, but still slipped up once, and because it's not a Correct Social Reaction to a Correct Social Cue, they got everyone upset at them for "blowing up over nothing" before they had the chance to apologize.

6. ADHD/autistic person tried to imitate Correct Social Cue but didn't quite do it Correctly, and now the person they were interacting with thinks they were being dismissive and condescending instead of the reluctant-but-accepting they were trying for.

7. ADHD/autistic person couldn't spare the brainpower to identify their emotional state until they burst into tears for no discernable reason. They didn't even feel the need to cry and still don't, but their body won't stop. This results in the other person becoming convinced the ADHD/autistic person is trying to guilt-trip them, which in turn guilt-trips the ADHD/autistic person for not being able to stop crying on demand.

8. ADHD/autistic person physically couldn't stop themself from internalizing a vaguely-negative comment, and then couldn't focus on anything but the comment. When the others nearby try to regain their attention, they likely won't be able to without losing patience, which makes everybody's moods worse once the ADHD/autistic person can see them.

i could go on


9. ADHD/autistic person has learned to perform Correct Social Cues through mimicry, but the people they mimicked don’t perform them Correctly for the group the ADHD/autistic person is currently in so it comes across as wrong. 

10. ADHD/autistic person heard a stray comment that sent their mind on a tangent and they burst out with an observation that seems wildly inappropriate for the moment but makes perfect sense to the ADHD/autistic person, because that’s where their train of thought led them. 


4 and 10 hit different😔


Let me just add

11.) ADHD/Autistic person tries to calm their emotional upset by stimming and now everyone thinks they are being rude/ignoring them to do a seemingly pointless task that they don't understand the reason of and ADHD/autistic person isn't calm enough to explain to them.


12. ADHD/ autistic person answers with the truth to a question thinking it would be helpful but apparently is the Wrong Moment To Be Honest™ and the other part get upset




13. ADHD/Autistic person asked how they can help. Somehow this is the wrong thing to say



Source: legsdemandias

Flavor of Love season 1 — (2006)


only reblogging cause ive seen this meme a thousand times but ive somehow never seen it in motion


how the fuck did i never put together that these are the same person what


Her name is Tiffany “new york” Pollard and she’s fucking hilarious. These are also her:


Dude I have like mild face blindness and I had no idea these were all the same person what a legend

Source: chewbacca

I think we should talk more about how adhd affects artistic hobbies. Some adhd artists, writers, and musicians might be able to hyperfocus on their art, but I also bet there are many adhd people who can't engage with their hobbies at all, even when they want to. Who tell themselves over and over "just create something, god damn it" but can't.

Those who feel like imposters, who think "I should want this, I need to want this, I need to do this, or else maybe I don't actually want to be an artist like I thought." Even without imposter syndrome, it's soul-crushing to be unable to start, sustain, or enjoy the hobbies that once fulfilled you.

You are seen.

Source: llshoefacedll