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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


MYCOLDENDRUM - coined by me (aspenshoard)

An umbrella term for different “species” of fungi-related genders. This is including mycoldendress (fem), mycoldendror (masc), and mycoldendrix (nb/genderless).

“Mycoldendrum” is a gender related to mushrooms and other fungi, especially those that grow on living or fallen/dead tree trunks. The word for the noun version of the term is mycoldendria. The adjective word form is mycoldendric. Example: A mycoldendric person experiences mycoldendria.

It feels positive, grounded, calm, and determined. It feels like the calmness of being amongst the flora and fauna of a dense forest, in the shade from the canopy of leaves above, watching your surroundings like a good spirited fly on the wall (or more accurately, a mushroom on a tree).

This gender represents growth and fertility (though that’s mostly fertility in a metaphorical way, as in reaping wealth or wisdom from hard work, although it doesn’t necessarily have to be).


base: they/them/their/theirs/themself







AU where all the other Diamonds end up disguising themselves and joining the rebellion for different reasons (Blue because she realized that Pink is right about Earth but is afraid that the others will punish her if she supports her, Yellow because she wanted to personally stop the Crystal Gems but she started to admire Rose Quartz and White because she knew what they were doing and wanted to see how long they were going to pretend to be normal gems) but never found out each’s other true identity until shortly before Rose was going to give birth to Steven.


A fic by @sokindofyoutojoinme !

“ wulfgendurxeno-alignedstellunarianproud-nblmebulaBOOK RELEASE!
Download PDF: Goggle Drive | DeviantART
The Spectrum Dictionary is my attempt at regrouping every single gender and romantic/sexual orientation there is, this being its...

wulfgendurxeno-alignedstellunarianproud-nblmebulaBOOK RELEASE!

Download PDF: Goggle Drive | DeviantART 

The Spectrum Dictionary is my attempt at regrouping every single gender and romantic/sexual orientation there is, this being its first iteration but not the last. I want to bring awareness to the sheer vastness of identities and promote open-mindedness through education. I wanted a place to help people navigate this vast and complex world of identities, a place that attempts at compiling everything, a dictionary of our own: The Spectrum Dictionary.

Please feel free to ask me questions or to give suggestions for the next version!

Share the words! The Spectrum dictionary is out! Finally a reference book for the queer words.

Keep reading

Source: thatmahblog

Simple NeoPronoun Guide For Everyone 🎃

If you’re new to neo’s or having a hard time learning someone’s pronoun sets, this is an easy way to practice using them.

A simple list with a decent amount of themed and non-themed pronouns. This is a more mobile friendly version of the long pronoun list.

A more lengthy version that might be a little stressful for beginners, but really useful! It’s easier to read on pc. ❤︎

If you want to see if a pronoun set works for you, try this site! It puts your name, gender, and pronouns in sentences for you.

Share your personal pronouns and stay updated on your friends’ pronouns. You can also share names you use, and gendered nouns you’re comfortable and uncomfortable with! (example in bio)

If you want more information, I highly suggest reading Anagnori’s tumblr post. ‘A non-binary person’s guide to invented pronouns’


Google Drive of all the pride flags in my collection



You can download the full size of everything in one go. All the flags, resources and symbols, all the PSDs, all the combos, all the triforces.

Disclaimer: It’s pretty disorganized. But most everything is there.


The main folder is basically my to-do list as well as a few of the most common templates. 

If you wanna help out and redo some of the more complicated ones in 5000x3000 and submit, then that’d be really appreciated. You can upload them on imgur.com and link me, it should keep the original quality. If it has a symbol on it, could you also please upload a transparent png of it too?

  • Chevrons have every chevron I’ve made in there. 
  • Templates are for ya’ll to make your own HQ flags without having to draw out the stripes each time, and they’re all the “standard” 5000x3000 I use in my gallery. 
  • Scraps are random flags I’ve (usually) created that don’t have a term to go with them and are perfectly free to claim for something you ID with. Just be sure to send me a message saying you intend to use it for something so more than one person doesn’t use the same flag for two different things. 
  • Uploaded is for things I’ve uploaded to the DA but haven’t posted yet. I move them to “Posted” when I do. And then I move them to their own organized folders when I upload them to the main tumblog.
  • Everything else should be self explanatory I think.


Source: ask-pride-color-schemes