
“Hi everyone,

Basically, I noticed that (from my experience) reproductive justice groups never talk about trans women, and I want to change that. 

I’m doing paid interviews ($30) with trans women who are parents now or want to be parents in the future.

Video interviews will last between 45-90 minutes. This project got IRB approval in June 2019.

I also have compiled a full-spectrum list of parenting resources for trans women, so feel free to share this as well – and let me know if you have any questions.

Find me on Twitter at @ DerekPSiegel

Here’s the list of parenting resources – let me know if you have any feedback, and again, share with anyone who might find it useful!”

Posted on December 10, 2020 with 1,802 notes
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    “Hi everyone,...Basically, I noticed that (from my experience) reproductive justice groups...