Anonymous asked: So you know that chart you use sometimes for when someone asks about the effects of T and how long it will take to happen? Do you have an equivalent chart for estrogen?


Lee says:

You betcha!


[Image Description: The image is a 3-column chart for the effects of the estrogen hormone on the body. There is a word in bold at the top of each column, which are “Effect”, “Expected Onset”, and “Expected Maximum Effect”. There is a superscript “B” at the end of “Expected Onset” and “Expected Maximum Effect”. Underneath each label are rows of corresponding information.] These are the effects of estrogen on the body:    

•  Body fat will be redistributed, and this will occur for 3-6 months, but can last as long as 2-5 years.   

 •  Muscle mass and strength will be decreased, and this should occur for 3-6 months, but can last as long as 1-2 years. There is a superscript “C” at the end of “1-2 years”.   

 •  The skin will become softer and less oily, and this should occur for 3-6 months, but how long it can possibly last is unknown.   

 •  One’s libido will decrease, and this should last for 1-3 months, but can last as long as 3-6 months.    

•  Spontaneous erections will decrease, and should last for 1-3 months, but can last as long as 3-6 months.    

•  Male sexual dysfunction occurs, but the time length of the effect varies.    

•  Breast growth occurs, and should last for 3-6 months, but can last for as long as 2-3 years.    

•  The size of the testicles decreases, and should last for 3-6 months, but can last as long as 2-3 years.    

•  Sperm production decreases, but it’s time length varies.    

•  Body and facial hair thins and its growth is slowed, lasting for around 6-12 months, but typically can last for anywhere under 3 years. A superscript “D” is at the end of 3 years.    

•  Male pattern baldness occurs. There is no regrowth for already-lost hair, and the loss should stop after 1-3 months, but can take as long as 1-2 years.

[here’s a chart for the effects of testosterone for afab people!]

Anonymous asked: im supposed to start hrt soon and was wondering if there were any effects no one really talks about that. should be or smth?


really absolutely depends on the HRT you’re taking, whether it’s estrogren+spiro or Testosterone

since you asked me I assume you mean testosterone so im gonna get into some stuff, cw for discussion of bits and nsfw themes, this is gonna b long

  • one of the absolute first things most people get before anything else will be clitoral growth. they warn you about this and it might seem weird or even gross from a perspective of someone who does not have a bit that Looks like that normally, but it feels normal when it happens to you. be prepared to just send a message that’s just ‘MY DICK?’ to someone
  • it WILL probably feel weird and possibly bad to wear tight fitting underwear for a bit as this happens, itchy or overstimulated or sensitive
  • you have probably never had to do this before but when this growth happens you’ll need to start washing in the shower a different way since you now have like a whole other bit where skin cells and the like will congregate. pull the skin back and wash with a warm cloth (but not with soap). not to be blunt but your clitoral hood will probably very much be like a foreskin and just like other peebus havers you’ll have to retract that and wosh
  • T will probably do whack things to your sex drive. you’ll still be you through and through but when I started T for the first couple monthsish ANYTIME I wasn’t doing anything my brain was like 😏 what if u beat ur meat. T will eventually make it slower for you to lubricate so if you get off using penetration PLEASE do yourself a favor and invest in lube just in case. do not do what I did and give your dick rugburn
  • you’ll have more energy! it will be easier to do some stuff and you might see a stamina increase
  • for most people T is like an automatic muscle building machine. timeline of that depends on a lot of factors but I suggest that you take advantage of easier muscle growth by working out once a week or just picking up a newfound appreciation for lifting heavy things
  • i found it almost instantly harder to cry. i still had those emotions but for some reason after starting T i just didn’t reach the point as often where i would actually cry, there is some scientific indication that T does actually make the threshold for crying harder to reach. at the same time, I’ve never been more stable emotionally, and that’s saying a lot
  • invest in a skin care routine and get a good razor! i like dollar shave club and i have a promo code if u want, I like it bc I don’t have to worry abt going out and buying razors, but I also use double edge safety razors bc you can get a pack of 100 blades for 8 bucks, the downside is that they’re the razors associated with self harm + there is a small learning curve to shave with them. don’t buy them if you don’t feel safe with those in your house
  • you will start sweating more. take more showers
  • take pictures often to compare and figure out your progress
  • you don’t have to do intramuscular injections! I cannot stress this enough! it’s the default way Testosterone Cypionate is prescribed, but it is also useable subq in that form, it’s just technically a quicker process if you do it IM. you CAN use 25 gauge/insulin needles to do your injection in fatty places like your tummy. it hurts less, is less intimidating to stab yourself with the smaller needle, and for me, I’ve always found I’m infinitely less sore. it does take longer to inject but the difference in needle size makes it still so much more pleasant

sorry that was so long! if anyone else has anything to add, feel free to do so, and also good luck!