Anonymous asked:

I’d love to learn more about the science behind taking E, do you have any anecdotes or links to info? ❤️Thanks


Yeah! I have some cool sources here! 

My personal Experience:

I have been on estrogen’s for a little over a year. Main changes include soft skin (seriously almost immediately my skin became softer and held moisture better), differences in fat distribution (breast growth/thighs have formed cellulite), and thicker hair. My shoe size has also oddly shrunk but that’s not totally normal so don’t count on it! I started when I was 15 and no matter what age you are, you will see physical changes with hrt.

Medical Overview of E (+ how it affects change w/ age):

40 year old trans woman account:

 Gen Forum Posts:


If you want to find out more about hrt there are some great discord servers and sub-reddits specifically about transgender health! I personally used reddit a lot during my journey of  finding out if i really wanted hrt and remember no matter what they may under go for transitioning, a trans person is still trans! 

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  9. st0nefemme posted this
    I’d love to learn more about the science behind taking E, do you have any anecdotes or links to info? ❤️Thanks