Little Writing Haven

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

One word prompts by Violet :) Betrayal

whump-me-all-night-long answered:

“How could you do this?” Whumpee’s voice was a whisper before they looked up from where they were kneeling, eyes burning with tears and rage. “How could you do this?” they screamed.

Caretaker glanced back at them, still headed towards the door. “What do you mean, Whumpee?” they asked cooly.

Whumpee glared at them, tugging at the chains on their wrists. “You know what I mean,” they said, a note of hysteria in their voice. “You betrayed me. How could you? We- I thought we were friends.”

Caretaker laughed, a cold and cruel sound. “Friends?” they repeated. “Oh you stupid creature, we were never friends. And I couldn’t have betrayed you because that would mean that we were ever on the same side to begin with.” They smirked. “And we weren’t.”

They glanced back at the door, and through it came Whumper. They wrapped an arm around Caretaker, clearly a familiar position, judging from the genuine smile that flashed across Caretaker’s face.

Whumper took in Whumpee’s disheveled appearance, tears streaked face, chained arms. They smiled at Caretaker. “Aw, you brought them back for me? How sweet.”

Caretaker grinned back, looking back at Whumpee. “You were always Whumper’s,” they said, almost gently.

whump whumpee whumper caretaker caretaker to whumper bad caretaker betrayal

Anonymous asked:

Could you maybe write something where the hero is gifted to villain/team of villains by hero's team as something like a peace offering? Love your work!

villain-enthusiast answered:

“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Leader said, fingers splayed out on the letter Villain had sent them a few hours ago, gaze flicking through the contents once more.

Hero nodded, pushing away the doubt and fear settling in the pit of their stomach. “If it’s the only way to get Villain to stop, then I’ll do it.”

Leader eyed them warily. “The consequences of giving yourself up to one of the cruelest people in this whole damn city—,”

“Is nothing if this whole damn city is blown to smithereens,” Hero snapped back. “It’s my choice.”

“Your choice to get beaten up and used and tortured,” Sidekick said from the back of the room. “You could die, Hero.”

Hero bit their lip. “I know,” they muttered. “But lots more people are going to die if I don’t.”

Everyone was silent for a moment, then they made to get ready. Hero took a deep breath to steady the pounding of their heart.

By what Villain had written in the letter, Hero was to be restrained and gagged before they met at midnight just outside of Villain’s headquarters. The trade was to be quick and easy, in and out without so much of a scuffle.

Soon, Hero was locked up in heavy metal shackles and a cloth had been placed between their teeth and tied around their head to immobilize their speech. The team helped them out the door as they headed to the enemy’s base.

Villain was already standing outside the door when they arrived. They were flanked by two henchmen.

“Have my payment?” they mocked, sliding their hands into their pockets casually. Their eyes were dark with malicious intent.

“They’re not payment,” Leader hissed. Hero clenched their jaw and lowered their face, teeth digging into the cloth in the mouth.

Villain grinned. “Say your goodbyes.”

Sidekick was the first to embrace Hero in a tight hug, body shaking with sobs. Then one by one, everyone joined in and murmured their farewells. Hero closed their eyes, savoring the warmth and love of their teammates that they probably wouldn’t feel again. A lump formed in their throat.

“I’m waiting,” Villain interjected, their voice like a knife through Hero’s chest.

“You’ll call off the attack if we give them to you, right?” Leader said, tugging Hero over gently by the arm.


Leader nodded and walked Hero over, allowing Villain to take them. Hero immediately tried to jerk away, but Villain held fast and pulled them close to their body possessively.

“Rule number one,” Villain whispered in their ear, making them shiver, “never pull away from me. You’re my property now.” They slammed their leg into Hero’s back, who released a muffled cry and collapsed onto the ground.

Through their haze of pain, they saw their friends lurch forward, but Villain’s henchmen stepped forward, bearing guns and forcing them away.

“You might as well leave,” Villain said casually, but the threat was clear. The guards lifted their weapons, loading the barrels.

Hero lifted their head, back throbbing, and nodded at Leader.

I’ll be okay.

Leader exhaled and lifted their hands up. “We’ll go, we’ll go. No need to get all fussy.” They glanced back once at Hero, eyes shining with apology.

Then they were gone, along with everyone else on the team.

Hero groaned and tried to prop themselves up, but Villain grabbed their hair and yanked them to their feet.

“That was almost too easy,” Villain murmured. Hero tried to snarl at them, but their efforts were futile thanks to the gag in their mouth.

“We’re going to have so much fun together.”


((Okay now make it sexy))

Source: villain-enthusiast

Side Note To Fan Fic Authors


Here’s the thing.

I read a lot of scripts.  A lot.  From professionals to aspiring writers to complete newbies.  Features and pilots.  Specs and treatments.

And 8 times out of 10 the fan fic that I’ve read over the last, oh, 15 years is leagues better than this stuff.  It’s more inspired.  It’s more compelling.  It’s genre bending and creative and heartfelt.  It’s well-paced and intense and funny and sexy and meaningful.  It’s smart and thoughtful and good.  It’s novel-quality.  Better than, sometimes.

Rare is the script I don’t want to put down, but how often have we stayed up until 3am to get to the last chapter of a 100k fic? And it’s not even a fan fic author’s day job.  This is what they do on the side.  In their spare time.  For free.

So my point is, fan fic authors, you’re good.  You’re good writers and great storytellers.  I know it doesn’t always feel like it, especially if you’re one of the authors who’s not a BNF and doesn’t get the notes/hits that a few do.  And  because some people still view fic as “not real writing.” You guys know the shit that gets made into movies.  You’re better than that.  So be better than that.  If writing is what you think want to do, then just know you’re already doing it.   You’ve already started.

And you’re more talented than you might think.


This goes to more than fanfic authors. Online, self published authors are so amazing, and so incredibly talented.

So many of you wow me all the time! Truly.

I’m tagging authors I think need to see this but please know I read EVERYTHING I can get my hands on (seriously, ask anyone close to me, if I can find it, I’ll read it) and I’m going to forget people not because you’re not amazing but Bc there’s so many of you and I’ve got small brain right now.

@lonesome–hunter @crowned-avery @tears-and-lilies @starnight-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whump-it @spookyboywhump @spook-queen @ihaventwritteninsolong @brutal-nemesis @legallylibra @whumpqin @redstainedsocks @shapeshiftersandfire @getyourwhumphere @whatiswhump @galaxywhump @boxboysandotherwhump @knivestothroats @whumpfigure @pretty-face-breaker @pretty-thoughts-and-a-pen @as-a-matter-of-whump @robotwhump @my-whumpy-little-heart @endless-whump

I’m absolutely sure I’ve missed at least ten stories I follow, probably way more. I’ll update this all night I’m sure.

Source: twobirdsonesong
GRIM made me WAAA again

Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Masterpost

Source: compassionatereminders
executive dysfunction

Prompt 66

“If you’re going to kill me, at least make it quick.” The hero’s defiance was undercut by the tremor in their voice.

The knife trailed the hero’s body, dancing around the ropes smoothly. “What good is the experience if you don’t savour it? No,” The villain’s other hand tightened on the hero’s neck. “I like to play with my food while it’s still interesting.”

The hero suppressed a shudder. “Torture won’t work on me. I don’t break.”

“And I don’t do anything as simple as torture. At heart, I’m a thief. I steal.”

“Then the knife’s a little misleading.” The hero’s breath hitched when the blade slid down their arm. “I have nothing worth stealing.”

The villain hummed. “You’re a musician, are you not?” They stroked the hero’s hand almost lovingly, blade dangling carelessly above. “I’ve heard you play. Masterful.”

“Gonna kidnap my piano?” Mocking helped control their dry mouth and pounding heart.

“Not exactly.” The villain’s grip tightened on two of their fingers. “Here’s how I steal your art.”

“Wait don’t-“

The knife slashed.

tw implied amputation


Ok I’m starting another tag game because why not

Egg: Fried, over easy

Steak: Medium rare

Milk: whole (but not by itself, only in things)

Alchohol: I’m a minor but I guess banana daquiris

Warm drink: Mocha

@jo-the-nerd @nakitengoku @lostinthoughtsandfandoms @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @5-dollars-in-the-slug-jar @bonobos-candy-bar @lesserbeans and anyone else who would like to participate :)


hopping on this because it looks fun.

Eggs: poached on toast

Steak: honestly I never eat it

Milk: chocolate. but if that doesn’t count, then full cream but only in/with other things

Alcohol: I am, in fact, a minor, but the closest I’ve come to alcohol is Lemon Lime & Bitters, which is really good, so I’m gonna say that

Warm drink: hot chocolate, babey

(no pressure) Tag Crew: @fifty-for-the-racer , @oh-bright-new-day , @chaotic-disaster-gay , @tsavorite-gay , and anyone else who thinks it’d be fun


Egg: omelette

Steak: vegetarian so no

Milk: almond

Alcohol: I’m a minor, so give me sparkling apple juice 😅

Warm drink: black coffee

No pressure tags: @starship-squidlet

@jojodelaguerras-wooden-stick @galaxy-creationz @sh1t-artist

Tagging people who tagged me :) @nocturnalnewsiestrash @watchin-all-the-worms-watchin-me


Egg: scrambled

Steak: medium well I guess??? Idk it’s been a while since I’ve eaten it

Milk: almond (the only kind I’ve had access to for the last several months)

Alcohol: I’m also underage so no

Warm drink: hot chocolate/tea


@i-just-reblog-stuff @consistantly-changing @legallylibra


Egg: scrambled in fried rice

Steak: Medium rare

Milk: Chocolate! (and lactose-free (-_-|||))

Alcohol: is my biggest fear

Warm drink: Hot cocoa

Not tagging anyone cause im sleeby and I dunno if any one wants to, if you do, go hogwild


Egg: boiled or scrambled with vegetables

Steak: not on my plate (I’m a vegetarian)

Milk: almond

Alcohol: Gin Tonic

Warm drink: Milk Oolong tea

Tagging: @pretty-thoughts-and-a-pen @brutal-nemesis @spookyboywhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @whumpfigure @whumpasaurus101


Thanks for the tag!

Egg: scrambled, better with cheese.

Steak: I can only remember having steak one (1) time in my life and I have no idea…

Milk: whole. Boil it, put it in a mug and chug it straight.

Alcohol: nope. I’m a minor.

Warm drink: elaichi chai! (what is english)

Tagging: @galaxywhump @my-whumpy-little-heart @simplygrimly @softsharpdaydreams @spookyboywhump (please call off your anti-milk soldiers)

Source: russianalpacafromoldzealand
tag game

Horrific Silence


Hello! I’m here to commit my favorite crime, noncon surgery, but not on my own OC! @spookyboywhump is letting me operate on his lovely boy Wren 💕 It’s part of the “Bad Timeline AU” in his story (which if you haven’t read it yet, get out of your dang rabbit hole). So enjoy the Surgeon’s little operation on Wren and Scalpel (aka Joseph) feeling guilty about it.

Ingredients: noncon surgery, dehumanization, mild gore, mentioned starvation/underfeeding

Joseph felt like he should be used to it by now. The screams, the struggling, the pleas. He knew this was going to be another rough one the moment their client walked in with his…pet. Their patient. The boy on the leash was looking around warily, defiant fire simmering beneath the surface. He didn’t know why he was here yet. What his owner wanted done to him. Looking down at the forms in front of him, Joseph knew the boy wasn’t going to like it. He took a deep breath and stood up. He couldn’t afford to feel sympathy.

“Nicholas Fairfax for, uh, Love?” The man nodded and Joseph handed him the forms to sign. The boy, there was no way Joseph was going to mentally refer to him as “Love”, was starting to look more and more nervous.

“What the hell is this place? What are you trying to do to me, you sick bastard?” The man’s eyebrow twitched.

“I’ve decided to finally shut you up for good, Love.” The boy looked confused for a moment, but as the meaning of his master’s words dawned on him, all his fire disappeared.

Keep reading

NEMI I CAN'T WORDS IN THE MORNING BUT cough it's afternoon cough THIS MAKES ME !!!!!!!! AMAZING noncon surgery dehumanization mild gore