Royals in pain

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Glorien masterlist


The city of Koia is the centre of a mighty Empire. A year since Vasri ascended to the throne, the self-made noble Darren attacks and starts a civil war, with the aid of his two eldest sons. But when Darren’s second son dies in battle, everything goes downhill. When the war is still going on, he commits suicide.

Glorien is Darren’s youngest son. Too young to fight, Glorien stays in Koia, where the Emperor and his family are looking for him. With his older brother still fighting, it is up to Glorien to survive.

-whump, medieval whump, royal whump, dance whump, a ton of characters: be warned-

CW: whump of minor (17 y/o) (until chapter 17), a lot of death, captivity; from chapter 19 on there appears some noncon/dubcon

Keep reading

Pinned Post a masterlist because tumblr mobile is a bitch whump oc my writing glorien medieval whump royal whump dance whump


CW: implied no-con/sex trafficking; domestic abuse; drug abuse/substance abuse; insanitary living conditions; abusive family; glass; cruel whumper; dehumanization;

The kitchen was dark, because the lightbulb didn’t work anymore and brother hadn’t purchased a new one. It smelled fucking terrible too, the whole house always did, and there was something on the floor… so, they tripped, and the glass cup shattered. 

…Avery stared at the glass on the floor, sighing heavily. Brother wouldn’t be happy when he saw this. They were never happy when Avery left their room uninvited, anyways. But, they wanted some water. 

Of course brother came to check what the noise was. Avery had prayed he was too far gone - that they all were - to come and check. But no, he was… altered, for sure, but still coherent. They heard brother’s friends laughing loudly on the other room. So they had been using it, today. Of course they have. Why else would these idiots come over, anyway?

“The fuck you are doing here” Brother asked, staring them head to toe. 

…They kept their eyes down, and started to clean the cup shards.


“…Bathroom is beside you bedroom, idiot”

“…Yeah but the sink is  rusted” They mumbled. Maybe they should have drank the rusty water. It would be less pitiful than this “It tastes bad…”

“I don’t care” 

And brother stomped over their hands, forcing them on the glass. They bit back a sob, staring at them with pleading eyes. Screaming would be worse. Screaming would make the friends come to check, too.

“S-stop! P-please! Please! I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” 

…He let go, as Avery held their hand back, close to their chest. They could see the shards stuck under their skin but they’d have to go to their room to look, where the lightbulb still worked.

“You’d make a nice pet, you know?”

…They didn’t know what to answer, so they didn’t. Their brother stared at them as if they were prey, and to say that was unsettling would be an understatement. 

“…You are my little nice pet already, aren’t you? But… I’m sure someone would pay good money for you”

“Please… Don’t joke about it” They whispered. Putting the rest of the shards on the trash. Brother… wasn’t being serious, was he?

“Sure, sure. But you know, it’s not like you’d be good at doing anything else. You can’t do shit for yourself” brother sighed, gesturing “Back to your room, now. Or else I’ll let my friends play with you…”

…A shiver ran through their spine. No, no that. Not being touched by them. They nodded, quickly escaping into their room and locking the door.. Not that it would hold them back if they wanted in. Had happened before, they had simply slammed the door until it broke, and now, it was poorly put together on its hinges. Brother didn’t stop them. Avery figured he had actually charged them for it but… there was no way to prove it, was there?

…They cleaned their hands the best they could, and curled up under the blankets. It was the only thing in that house that smelled half decently, because Avery bothered to wash them. It was somewhat comforting, but… If they wanted in, the blanket wouldn’t help, either. It didn’t keep the monsters away.



Orfeu Whumpee my beloved.

@summer-of-whump  @whumpzone , @tears-and-lilies , @cupcakes-and-pain , @twistedcaretaker , @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight , @pinkraindropsfell

CW: Minor whump; religion-themed whump; cult abuse; institutional abuse; kneeling over sharp object; gaslight; exhaustion; whipping;

"Breathe, Enoch" Father instructs, pushing his trembling form down, back into his knees. It was hard to sustain himself like that, kneeling sharp, tiny rocks. His knees were bruising and soon would start bleeding "Remember, you are doing this for God. It's a sacrifice, to atone for your sins. You sacrifice your sinning body, the mortal life, to purify your immortal soul. Only if the soul is pure will you be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven"

He whimpered softly, shifting his weight as if that would help. The pebbles dug deeper on the skin of his knees, starting to form wounds and meld. If he stood over them long enough, they would get stuck in his skin, he wouldn’t be able to pull them out by himself.

Father walked behind him, picking up the ritual whip. It was easier when there were other people doing it as well. Then, there would be music, and chanting and congratulations at the end. They would be cleansed as a group. It felt less personal, less humiliating to know he wasn’t the only one, in front of the prying eyes of the congregation.

But he found himself in this room more than any member of his congregation. His sins, for what was worth, seemed to be unforgivable, ingrained to him like second nature. Yet he tried. He tried to ignore the people watching, and focus on the moment, on his prayer, on his love for God. He closed his eyes, pretended it was Just him, Father, the heavy scent of wax from burning candles, the gloomy altar… and the otherworldly congregation: the shadows and monsters only he could see, watching him.

"Are you ready to atone for your sins, child?"

"I want to atone, Father," he whimpered. It was true. He just wanted to be good. He wanted God to love him. He wanted to be worthy. And it was all important. God needed them to want to atone. It had to be done voluntarily. It wasn’t ‘punishment’, it was purification, sacrifice, it was God’s love.

"…Your prayer might begin”

...he bowed his head in submission and adoration, to the loving God. He started to pray. He knew the words by heart, reciting them flawlessly, but couldn’t help making detours, in his mind. Begging for strength to endure the cleansing, and that he, somehow… didn’t commit sins again. If he had God by his side, to guide him, show the way… He truly just wanted to be good. In his deepest fantasies… He imagined himself being an acolyte, himself a vessel for God to speak his word.

...As the whip came down on his back, he let the words take control of him. It was easier that way, focusing on the words, the prayer, in God’s love. Not in pain. That, that should be secondary, meaningless in comparison to his faith.

Because the whip on his back was temporary pain, was good, was cleansing.

But the fire of hell was eternal, and he, more than anybody else, needed God's mercy to escape from there. He wanted to be a vessel for God, but right now… He was closer to the Devil.

Sometimes he wondered if he even could change. How many times had he been here, under this whip? How many wounds and blood and lashes, and none of them had made him less of a monster. Lost, lost cause.

Then, he reminded himself that God was Mercy, eternal and pure and love. But for such a dirty sinner like him, that fell back on his vices time and time again, on an endless circle... He wasn’t sure he would ever truly be worthy of Said Mercy.

The sheep that was lost, God brought back. None left behind.

But maybe he wasn’t a sheep, after all. Maybe he was a snake, his teeth and eyes were a sign of the times, his shadows and monsters were the demons of hell announcing their attack…


Father said he was a child, that in time he would learn better. He hung onto that hope, even if every other child in the congregation was already better. They were born better, pure, and innocent. They didn't have teeth to be pulled out, none of them atoned through the whip and the pebbles, they just prayed. Prayed and prayed and prayed to the God of love, that to them had always been kind, a friend, a guide. But to him, had always been silent.

He feels tears starting to slide down his face, and warm blood from the gashes. Father set the whip down, and placed his hand on his forehead, soft fingers among the dark hair.

"Oh, Lord. Forgive your lost son who fell into sin, for we are weak without your guidance" he started "Forgive your son and let him return to your love and grace, for he atoned in blood"

He closed his eyes, trembling, as he kept praying for his soul, as people left the church, and the chanting died down.

He needed Father's help to get up, his legs shaking like twigs on the wind, blood streaming from his bruised knees, some pebbles still stuck on his skin.

He breathed in relief as he was led back to his cave-like room, put on his mattress.

"...Finish your prayers now" Father instructed ""I'll be back by dusk to clean your wound"

"Yes, Father," he whimpered softly.

This was the hardest part of his probation. Father left him alone, in the dark room with only one candle lit. It was gloomy, he was tired and in pain, and the monotonous nature of prayer quickly swung him to sleep.

He tried to fight it, because it was wrong. He had to stay awake and finish his penitence. He had to. But he was a worthless dirty sinner, and fell asleep, to his awful, dark dreams of death and suffering.

…And he was worse, later. When Father asked him if he finished the prayers first, he said he did, so he wouldn't get in trouble. He couldn't do this all again.

Father smiled at him. And he was a dirty little liar, who ruined his entire sacrifice. He deserved no mercy. He would burn in hell and it would be out of his own doing.

no :( whumpee orfeu♡ fave

Anonymous asked:

Blue, bite Haru.

sideblogformindtrash answered:

…As the movie started, Orfeu sat to cuddle with the boys. He sat on the corner today, letting Blue in the middle. Maybe that was a mistake, because halfway through Blue bit… Haru. Haru whimpered loudly, as Orfeu tried to take Blue away, gently, but firmly.

“Blue! No! What did we talk about? You can bite me, but not anyone else. Especially not Haru. Haru doesn’t like when you-”

It was Blue’s time to whimper… As Haru had bitten him back, with a big smile, as he sunk his teeth on Blue’s shoulder.

Orfeu sighed, and let Blue go, sitting back on the couch and trying to watch the movie as Haru and Blue had a biting duel.

awww everyone is biting each other XD fave

Anonymous asked:

BB, ask Farlan about the bite on his neck. Who else is biting him? 😡

sideblogformindtrash answered:

“T-TREASON!” BB pointed at Master, and he froze where he stood for a moment, in the middle of writing something. He frowned, staring at them as if they were crazy. BB shook their hand again, pointing “BETRAYAL”

“…What are you talking about?”

“OOooh s-so now y–you’ll p-pretend you don’t know, hm?!” BB slammed their hands on the desk. As Master was sitting, they were taller than him, for  once.

“I… really don’t. Sorry, BB”

…BB sighed, heavily annoyed.

“Y-you let someone else bite you! That’s cheating!!” BB crosses their arms, and pouts “I’m the only one allowed!! The only oneee!! Maybe Blue if he wants to, but no one else!”

…Master just stares for a second, mouth open, then blushes a little and covers the mark with his hand. 

“I don’t think… they had the same motivations as you, BB…”

“Who did it? Who bit you, Master Fanfic?? Why did you let them?” 

“Orfeu” Master sighs.

…BB sits on the floor, narrows their eyes and thinks for a moment. 

“…Goth boy. Hmm…. Y-you know what, I’ll allow it. His teeth are too cool not to bite with. But, but you are on thin fucking ice, Master Furnace. If, If BB c-catches you cheating again, y-you’ll be in deeeeeep trouble!”

…And they crawl away, leaving Master to wonder what the fuck just happened.

amazing thank you🤣🤣 master Fanfic XD fave pet whump

Anonymous asked:

Sweet pea, break something expensive

sideblogformindtrash answered:

CW: Pet whump; cruel whumper; foot whump; blood;

Sweet Pea whimpers at this command. No, no, he can’t. He is a good pet. He has been trained, he has! It’s been so long… SO long, he is a good pet, luxury Pet, expensive and can’t afford to make mistakes, he can’t…

But as he dances through the living room, making a small, but still very much rehearsed, performance to his Master… He makes a spin. He is in full control of it. He knows very well where he will land. He knows he will knock out that pretty porcelain idol.

But he does so anyway, bringing his dance to an end.

As the idol smashes on the floor, Master blows a bunch of smoke from his fancy cigarette, staring at his pet with cold eyes.

“Keep dancing” …Sweet Pea nods, the nearly transparent silk flowing around him, and starts his steps again. Master stops him with a gesture, and points at the broken pieces “On the glass. I want you to bleed

…He closes his eyes, and makes the first, terrible step, as the shards break skin. He jumps, spinning in the air, and winces as he falls, sending the glass shards deeper on the soles of his feet.

He leaves behind a red trail. But he is good.

He keeps on dancing.

ooooo cruel!! fave pet whump i love this!

Anonymous asked:

> Sweet pea, bite your master

sideblogformindtrash answered:

…There we go with biting again, >:)

CW: Nsfw-ish; fingers in mouth; choking; biting; creepy whumper, whipping,

Sweet Pea was choking. He was trying to be good, he was good, he was a well trained, well behaved Pet, that would do whatever Master wanted

But Sweet Pea couldn’t breathe, and the instinct to survive was carved deeper on his soul than any training could ever be. He closed his teeth around the fingers that abused his throat, drool sliding down his chin. It felt disgusting, invasive, to be touched like that. On his insides, fingers pushing down at his throat until the shape was visible from the outside. It hurt but he could take the pain. It was humiliating, and he could take that too. But he couldn’t not breathe.

Master cursed, pulling his fingers away. The backhand was immediate, indicating Master was really furious. And… within reason. Master wouldn’t be angry if Sweet Pea hadn’t give him a reason to.

He fell to his knees immediately, forehead to the floor.

“I’m sorry, Master. I’m so sorry, I didn’t meant t-”

You didn’t mean to?” Master whispered, and edge to his voice. Sweet Pea swallowed the knot on his throat.

“…Please, punish me”

“With pleasure”

Master walked to get his toys. Sweet Pea… Stared at his hands for a moment. No, no, no, no, he was better than this. He should be better. He, he had been there for so long, years, years, years, he lost his entire life to that, it was all he knew, all he had ever done, how could he commit such a stupid mistake, such a-

…A piece of leather cracked in front of him. Whip. He took a deep breath, straightened himself on the appropriate posture to take the punishment. Close your eyes, breathe, stay calm. Punishment would make him better. It would make him perfect.

…Blood and tears fell on the carpet, all the same.

D: fave pet whump

abitefullofwhump asked:

👄 put a knife in Glorien's mouth. Maybe with the threat to cut his tongue out?

tears-and-lilies answered:


CW: knife, threat to cut off tongue

‘You’d better behave’, Triban said. She was holding a knive, pressing it down on Glorien’s tongue.

He started sweating, his breathing becoming ragged. His back was pressed against the wall. He wished he could even go back further, away from the knife.

‘Lately, you talk too much. It’ll get you into trouble, and I mean really into trouble.’

His eyes were wide, staring at the noblewoman. He didn’t dare move.

‘I didn’t train you to be this way.’

Go away, please go away…

‘I’m trying my best to not get you killed. Do you understand that?’

He whimpered. He was afraid he would accidentally cut himself from trembling too much.

‘Dancer, promise me you will stop insulting the Emperor. Or else I will cut off your tongue, for your own safety.’

He tried to nod, very very slightly. Triban took it as a sufficient answer and put away the knife. Glorien gasped.

‘Th-Thank you, lady Triban.’

‘You’re welcome.’


Ah, this is perfect. I love seeing Glorien so scared his defiance doesn't shine through. 😏


It is lovely! >:)

Source: tears-and-lilies

abitefullofwhump asked:

👄 put a knife in Glorien's mouth. Maybe with the threat to cut his tongue out?


CW: knife, threat to cut off tongue

‘You’d better behave’, Triban said. She was holding a knive, pressing it down on Glorien’s tongue.

He started sweating, his breathing becoming ragged. His back was pressed against the wall. He wished he could even go back further, away from the knife.

‘Lately, you talk too much. It’ll get you into trouble, and I mean really into trouble.’

His eyes were wide, staring at the noblewoman. He didn’t dare move.

‘I didn’t train you to be this way.’

Go away, please go away…

‘I’m trying my best to not get you killed. Do you understand that?’

He whimpered. He was afraid he would accidentally cut himself from trembling too much.

‘Dancer, promise me you will stop insulting the Emperor. Or else I will cut off your tongue, for your own safety.’

He tried to nod, very very slightly. Triban took it as a sufficient answer and put away the knife. Glorien gasped.

‘Th-Thank you, lady Triban.’

‘You’re welcome.’

my writing oc glorien triban mouth whump !!!!!!! tho no mouths were harmed sadly