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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

‘the cishets are ruining pride’ no, CAPITALISM IS RUINING PRIDE. pride being MARKETED as a COMMODITY is the problem.

how bout lets NOT mindlessly parrot an aphobe dogwhistle and instead call it like it actually is. 


since at best half of you can read, let me clarify: 

cishet’ is not a dogwhistle. ‘cishets are invading lgbt spaces’ is a dogwhistle. understood? great. 


there are so many people who are indistinguishable from cishet people from the outside who belong at pride.

You can’t know that someone is bi if they’re with their opposite sex partner. You don’t know if someone is ace or pan or transgender. Even people who describe themselves as cishet maybe there for moral support for a friend too nervous to go on their own, they may be honoring someone who had passed away, or might be closeted.

Gatekeeping lgbt spaces hurts the community and does nothing to stop the real problems.

Source: scofflawsins

Friendly reminder to all wlw: u don't have to be butch OR femme. You can be both, neither, 55% butch and 45%, whatever, but you don't have to be one or the other if you don't want to. Those aren't the only options of expression for wlw


Butch and Femme are lesbian only terms


They arent, they've been used by the black and latino working class lgbt community before upper middle class white lesbians decided we couldn't use them anymore and then later stole them. Stop viewing lgbt through a cis, white lens and if you're going to make fun of me, at least don't be a coward about it. :)

Here are some sources:







I'm begging white LGBT+ people to click these links and educate yourselves. I've been seeing so many white wlw erase Black and Brown history. I also encourage fellow Black and Brown LGBT+ folks to read up on our history. As someone who uses butch, and is Black, I wanna make sure everyone knows that butch and femme aren't lesbian only terms. There's even terms exclusive to Black LGBT+ folks as well. Do research about the history of stud and terms likes bull dyke.

I'm tired of people pushing shit that was made up by white TERFs. If y'all care so much about queer history then fucking do the research and learn about how people of color influenced the community. We help build it after all. Don't y'all dare bring up Marsha P. Johnson but then erase Black LGBT+ history. Don't.


Butch and femme were used before the lesbian/bi divide by both lesbians and bisexuals, and have been used at least that long in the gay male community as well. Y’all just look silly when you gatekeep.

Source: gnashingmyteeth-likeachildofcain