SinB - ending fairy

20.12.18 ‘Boss’ KBS Special Stage


Hi! I actually feel bad for doing this, but can I ask some money to y'all just for some celebration food this Christmas? We’re really stuck in hell ever since pandemic. I’m supposed to be studying and working but because of this pandemic, my dad didn’t allowed me to. Because if I got the virus, it would cost too much and my dad is afraid that he can’t get me out of the hospital due to some bills. Any help will be appreciated, and please reblog too. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

PayPal: dusthzc


americans are like fuck america until it’s time for fahrenheit-celsius discourse 😒 then you mfs basically pull out the pledge of alliance 😒 like ok fourth of july. didn’t know units of measurement had oil 😒


the relationship between wlw and their fictional male fav who sucks extremely bad but lives in their mind anyways is extremely complex and can’t be explained


sending so much love to everyone who feels like they’re never chosen as the best friend, as the partner, as the favorite. sending love to all of you who have been treated and felt like second best. sending love to all of you who have felt rejected and unwanted. to all of you who have had to try really hard to fit in because you felt like you never will. 

you are so loved. you will be seen and heard by the right people. you can trust that you are valuable and not defined by other people’s perceptions of you. if someone doesn’t see your worth, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


ok look at me look at me. its muslim with a soft s. not muzlim. its not mazlim. its muslim. where did you get the maz from tell me. its muslim with a soft s. مسلم. with the letter س. muslim and the s sounds like the s in saw/seen/sandwich. the same way with islam. the s is soft. its not izlam its islam. girl help


chuu voice fancam 201206