I only halfway apologize.

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

hear me out; cleo has to have some muscle she has to. remember that scene where she lifted up abe like it was nothing? well jfk is 6”1 and abe is atleast a head taller so he must be at least 6”7. the average weight for a skinny 6”7 male is 198 pounds.

after doing the math and research i’ve come to the conclusion that clone high cleopatra can lift 198 pounds (90kg for you fellow europeans) like it’s nothing.

so i am begging you to accept my headcanon of cleo working out regularly.


Abe has said that he’s 104 lbs (about 47 kg) in the basketball episode, but I love this theory so much. Queen is stronk! ✨

kalashutup reblobbed txt clone high cleojoan she’s just so good Abe is so freaking tall I’m laughing so hard

Broke: Shipping StrongStar and completely demonizing Marzipan

Woke: Shipping StrongStar and realizing that, though Homestar and Marzipan were toxic as romantic partners, they’re still good friends and now can repair their platonic bond without the stress of Straight Expectations. Also, Strong Bad and Marzipan unexpectedly bond over how much they care about Homestar and form their own separate friendship. Basically, all three of them are healthier for it and nobody hates anybody!  Also Marzipan like girls.


Anyone who thinks that they don’t like each other needs to listen to “Sensitive to Bees” a couple times. You look me in the eye and tell me that’s not the sound of friendship!

kalashutup reblobbed txt hsr strongstar none of them are cishet and you can’t change my mind

Okay let me say it again but where it makes a bit more sense for you nonblacks. Creating fanart of characters saying black lives matter or participating in the black lives matter movement, shows others that you have some disconnect with the real world that you are unable to consume real problems and real fucking issues through a lens that isn’t fictional. Like at some point you need to be able to take shit head on and learn about real issues that’s not YA media. Not everything is Harry Potter or omg that’s so like the Hunger Games. Like no! Keep that shit to yourself because my people are fucking dying out there and I don’t need to see Hermione Granger waving a black power fist because you never learned to grow up and learn some tact!

Source: hazelmagix
reblobbed not something i’ve considered before but fair point race racism blm