
[Flag ID: 6 stripped flag, start with 3 stripes of peach-orange getting darker, medium pink, dark pink lastly dark indigo/purple-blue. :End ID]


A gender related to beauty and passion

Omorf : omorfiá : beauty : Greek

Colors based on multiple color pallets of "beautiful" and "passion" (+ choosing ones that give us those vibes!)


[banner reads: Do Not Interact: truscum, anti endogenic, gender critical, anti MOGAI, anti neopronouns, anti mspec gays (lesbain/vincians) :end id]

So it seems like its super common for the lesbians who at least try to have an argument against the use of the word futch (as opposed to just like arbitrarily proclaiming that butch and femme are like sacred identities that should never be tainted) is that it was somehow invented for the "futch scale " meme as a joke, and because it started as a joke that somehow makes it irrelevant. Not only is that a stupid argument ( lots of gay terminology began as jokes, including things like twink) its also easily disprovable.

The "Futch scale" meme started in 2011, but there are urban dictionary definitions of "futch" matching the current meaning from at least 2007, and in fact they note that a Lesbian reality star of the time was using it as a self ID. Moreover, a five second search on google brought up a bio from the Advocate from 2002 where a 41 year old lesbian IDs as "futch" .


This is almost 10 years prior to the creation of the meme, and its unlikely that this woman was the first to use the term. More detailed research reveals an article from 1992 which use the term futch , describing it as a relatively new term in use among lesbian communities of the time.


From this it seems likely that the term was probably coined either circa 1990 or sometime in the late 80s, although its possible it existed well before that.

This predates the "futch scale" meme by 20 years, and probably is older than many of the people arguing against its use, at least on Tumblr, and the claims of it being a "joke term" while irrelevant, are also clearly untrue.

thinking about it- there’s been a “personification” of the whole system i’m in that’s been active recently (as ‘it’? they&? tends to be during coping/traumatic situations) that’s grown enough to have a gender that encompasses us all, more or less. still systemfluid, genderfrithet maybe! possibly kylänine sometimes.

they& has/have a name and everything, currently very sapphic and slightly-less-but-still-very mlm because of the sudden bloom of strong-personalitied sapphics and wildian(?)/carnation gays. intentionally masc- and neuro-xeno-ing our presentation because of the lack of passing woes.

‘s interesting to me because we’ve never bought into the idea that there was ever One Person we were meant to become (it’s not possible for us, anyways, we’re basely endogenic past all our trauma) but j—- is what we’ll blend healthily as.

update to this:

we’ve started collectively identifying as butch. the way we’re conceptualizing it now is that our body— despite not being its own system member and not being sentient on its own— has its own gender and its own transition needs separate from our individual ones.

our leadership’s changed to reflect that; the newly appointed system leaders are mostly butch, and we’ve begun speeding up our medical transition plans.

since our body and our singletsona are so intertwined, the microlabels making up that identity are now something we’ll be looking at. butch/femme has also become an integral part of our future marriage(!!!), which puts our past attractions into better focus but in a different light. current microlabels we’re 👀-ing at are (still) kylänine, systemfluid, plurisgenus, and genderbrutalist.

as for me, i’m not a part of the leadership, though me n’ one other person have been very in tune with our medical transition from day one. my gender stuff will continue on its own discovery path independent of our body’s.

flag redesigns! this time it’s transfem and transmasc. there has been some discussion and proposals for new flags, for a few reasons:

  • original designs are hard to reproduce
  • original designs are eyestrain-y for some
  • colors and gradient theme implies changing from one gender to another, which does not represent many people’s experiences
  • some feel the colors do not represent nonbinary transmasc and/or transfem people
  • some feel the colors imply a person’s assigned gender, which is generalizing, and erases intersex and nonbinary experiences

so! here’s my take on a redesign :] obviously modeled after the trans flag, color meanings are as follows:

  • blue - masculinity (not inherently or exclusively male)
  • pink - femininity (not inherently or exclusively female)
  • yellow - nonbinary gender, as well as freedom from binary ideas of sex, gender, and gender presentation 
  • white - transcendence of binary sex and gender, purity

i’m sure these flags aren’t perfect, but i wanted to make An Attempt!

[these flags are inclusive of all trans, nonbinary, mogai, intersex, and cultural genders, and open to all peoples who wish to claim them]

[OP does not support or allow interaction from transphobes (this includes transmeds), enbyphobes, mogaiphobes, ableists, racists or xenophobes]

[image description: four flags, two representing transfems and transmascs. the left two are the older flags, and the right are the redesigns.

the top left flag, transfem, has seven thin, horizontal, symmetrical stripes. the outermost are blue, while the others are pale to gradually deepening pink towards the middle.

the top right flag, transfem redesign, has six wide, horizontal, symmetrical stripes. the outer stripes are white, the midway stripes are saturated pink, and the center stripe is yellow.

the bottom left flag, transmasc, has seven thin, horizontal, symmetrica stripes. the outermost are pink, while the others are pale fading to light blue towards the middle.

the bottom right flag, transmasc redesign, has six wide, horizontal, symmetrical stripes. the outer stripes are white, the midway stripes are saturated blue, and the center stripe is yellow. end image description.]


this is all you need to see and know. im not going to subject you to a 2 mile post of vicious transphobia. if you see someone with “hygienic” in their url or description they’re probably a terf.  

link to original thread

[Image Description: A screenshot of a tweet by user @MalinaGarciaxo_. Her post reads UPDATE: I’m a transwoman who just had a heated argument with my transphobic family, they found out i was on HRT and it got bad. Been staying at this cheap motel, need studio apartment asap if anyone reading this can help. I’m in AZ venmo is MalinaGarcia20]



Nimiarumian: a gender that is “too much” or has too many parts to be completely understood by the user. The user of this may just use this to identify the entire identity. It can be connected to pangender, but does not have to be.

This gender has many facets to it, and can simply not be known for a long time and might simply be hidden inside of other genders.

From Latin ‘nimius’ meaning ‘too much, too great’

asker portrait
Anonymous asked:

what happened exactly with tgce? i know it has to do with indigenous people and as someone with indigenous blood im really curious



alex (tgce) made a post about not wanting anti-vegans to interact with his blog and bootlegndn reblogged asking if it was okay for people who hate anti-indigenous vegans to interact. alex responded in a rather racist way - i’ll put a screenshot of the og post at the end under a cut - and bootlegndn pointed out that the reply was racist. after that, alex told bootlegndn that she didn’t have reading comprehension and continued getting mad at people pointing out his racism. once enough people got mad his headmate avery-starsong took over the blog for a bit and basically acted like alex was a victim until alex came back and posted an apology.

many native bloggers who were involved (especially bootlegndn, who is STILL being harassed over this) feel that alex’s actions should not be fully forgiven and that his apology is inadequate. this is also not the first time he’s been shitty towards someone over a disagreement.

Keep reading

i also have these posts archived, if anybody wants them, hope this is okay to leave here 

asker portrait
Anonymous asked:

what happened exactly with tgce? i know it has to do with indigenous people and as someone with indigenous blood im really curious


alex (tgce) made a post about not wanting anti-vegans to interact with his blog and bootlegndn reblogged asking if it was okay for people who hate anti-indigenous vegans to interact. alex responded in a rather racist way - i’ll put a screenshot of the og post at the end under a cut - and bootlegndn pointed out that the reply was racist. after that, alex told bootlegndn that she didn’t have reading comprehension and continued getting mad at people pointing out his racism. once enough people got mad his headmate avery-starsong took over the blog for a bit and basically acted like alex was a victim until alex came back and posted an apology.

many native bloggers who were involved (especially bootlegndn, who is STILL being harassed over this) feel that alex’s actions should not be fully forgiven and that his apology is inadequate. this is also not the first time he’s been shitty towards someone over a disagreement.

Keep reading


Do not repost/screenshot

Fleuric Tweaked/Simplified Flag

a gender that’s soft yet passionate & related to flowers/nature/earth in some way

Partner requested this! :3


[image description: a flag with five horizontal stripes. they are light red-orange, very pale orange, off-white, baby blue, and light green. end description.]

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