MOGAI Monarchs (Posts tagged mogai communtiy)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I know, I know, another update post. With that out of the way, would y’all mind voting on this poll real quick? We have a few articles we’re trying to decide between for right after I finish getting all of the MOGAI-archive terms put in order and on their page and we want your in put.




~Mod Starry

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We’ve got our first page done and posted! It’s on @mogai-monarchs as they were kind enough to reblog our intro/game plan post before we even had anything up and were also one of the first MOGAI blogs we found.



So I’m slow and completely forgot to link the page.

Keep in mind that the genders they coined are gonna get their own pages with a bit more about event around the terms, pictures of the flags, etc.

Anyways, @mogai-monarchs here you go!



This is amazing! ~Mod Che

mod che mogai-wiki mogai community mogai things mogai stuff mogai mogai post mogai blog mogai account mogai love mogai heaven mogai friendly mogai safe mogai communtiy


Can I use one of y’all’s flags?

Yes! Just reblog and/or credit the post and don’t claim it as your own!

Can I use one of you’re genders/pronoun sets/orientations for one of my characters?

Of course! Honestly just tag us in it because we’d love to see y’all’s work!

Can I use the color pallet of one of your flags for a character?

Yes! Again, just tag us in it so we can see!

Will you do flag edits/requests/redesigns/combo flags?

Yes! We’re always willing to do new, changed, or combined flags for any reason!

Can I send in an idea for a gender/orientation for you guys to work on a little and coin?

Yes! We’re always ready to help anyone who needs/wants a gender/orientation coined!

Would you ever help coin a troll gender/orientation?

It kind of depends. If it’s obviously a troll and it’s offensive, then no. But if it’s either not obviously a troll, or obviously a troll but we think it could be a helpful term regardless, we would.

Could I ask for something specific to be trigger tagged?

Of course! If anything on our blog triggered someone, we’d want to help as best we can!

Do you have any recommendations for other MOGAI blogs?

Beyond-mogai-pride-flags, lgbtqiarchive, variant-archive, neopronouns, and the-gender-collecter-emself at the moment, but there’ll probably be more in the future!

How often do you guys post?

We try to post at least ten posts a day (including 2+ queued posts)!

How do you come up with flag colors?

It kind of depends. A lot of times we use colors that mean something close to a connection the gender/orientation has with something! Other times, we’ll use color pallets that match those of the thing the gender/orientation/pronoun set is based on or connected to! The other few times, we just use the colors of the vibes the gender/orientation/pronoun set gives off to whichever of us!

Would you do a gender/pronoun set based on a certain character/show/movie/book/etc.?


Would you ever do name-based pronoun sets?

Yes! Mod Starry and Mod Shady both use some based on their real names!

Would y’all ever do face reveals?

Probably not.

Would you ever have mod applications?/Do you have mod applications open?

Probably not. It’s easier for us to work with people that we already know and it also makes organizing posts and things a lot easier. That doesn’t mean that we’ll never have new mods on the blog, though.

How often will you add new mods?

If any of our friends that we think would be a good fit here seem interested, they’ll probably join. So there’s really no promise on how common that’ll be.

Why haven’t you answered my ask yet?

There could be a few different reasons. Sometimes, the mod who’d be the best equipped to answer the ask or who the ask was sent for doesn’t have the energy to answer it. Other times, we’re working really hard to find the best genders/orientations/pronoun sets for you (or characters if it’s a head cannon ask). And sometimes Tumblr just eats asks.

Will you ever open submissions?

Maybe. We’re hesitating at the moment because we’re worried about haters possibly sending in… less than savory images and we’re not sure if any of us can mentally handle that right now.

faq mogai blog mogai community mogai post mogai account mogai mogai communtiy

I feel like I should outline the basic plan for how this whole thing is gonna work and what’s really going on in the first place.

This blog is run by four out of the six system members behind the Wikipedia page. MOGAI is a hyperfixation of some of us and we all decided to work on this together.

What we’re doing with this blog is getting as much information on every aspect of the MOGAI community that’s available on Tumblr and compiling it into one blog.

Between that and the sources we have from outside of Tumblr, this should all be enough to get a full Wikipedia article.

We’ll also be putting in things from trolls. This isn’t trying to validate them in anyway, rather because, like it or not, they did (to an extent) have an effect on the community and one of the main goals of this is to get as much about all of the MOGAI community as we can.

The only thing is, it’s going to take forever to get everything compiled. The plan with that is that we’re going to get a fairly basic, bare-bones article up and then share the link once it’s approved, so others out there can help us out.

Also, if there’s something one of you’ve noticed we missed (we’ll just tag terms with their name[s]), please let us know!

We’re all really excited for this project and hope it’ll all end up great!



Holy crap, this project actually seems so cool! They don’t have any posts up yet, but please go check these guys out! I think this is gonna turn into something really amazing!

~Mod Che

mod che boost promo go check them out! go check him out go check her out go check it out mogai mogai community mogai blog mogai account mogai communtiy mogai post mogai heaven mogai friendly mogai safe mogai stuff mogai things

So, I got the thing done pretty quick because I may or may not’ve had some of it done already! Anyway, please only take this if you have ADHD, because I don’t want the results to be messed up.

Non-ADHD people can reblog to boost! Please do, actually!

~Mod Che

mod che survey mogai adhd mogai communtiy mogai post mogai blog mogai account mogai things mogai stuff mogai friendly mogai safe mogai love
Travelic: A slightly or fully fluid gender that feels like it’s always traveling or can’t stay in one place for too long. It’s constantly moving and picking up bits of “culture” or souvenirs from wherever it travels. It sometimes has to stop and get...

Travelic: A slightly or fully fluid gender that feels like it’s always traveling or can’t stay in one place for too long. It’s constantly moving and picking up bits of “culture” or souvenirs from wherever it travels. It sometimes has to stop and get “gas” filling it with aspects of one or more other genders.


Yellow ~ Connection to travel

Green ~ Connection to driving through nature

Blue ~ Connection to driving at night

Purple ~ Connection to sleeping in the car

@beyond-mogai-pride-flags @neopronouns @gender-resource Boost?

~Mod Che

monarqueue mod che mogai coin mod coin mod che: coin mod gender coin mod che: gender coin coining post gender coin mogai gender mogai flag mogai blog mogai account mogai communtiy mogai mogai friendly mogai safe mogai stuff mogai things mogai term mogai label mogai identity mogai post

Just a heads up, there’s probably gonna be a huge influx of flags soon. My hyperactivity is starting to kick in and I’m going into a flag making frenzy.

I’m gonna put all of them in the queue and set it to post at least 2-4 a day, just to get them out in a short-ish amount of time (relitively), without overwhelming the rest of our posts.

~Mod Che

mod che flag making flag maker mogai flag mogai flags mod update mogai mogai blog mogai account mogai communtiy mogai community mogai post

So, in the past day or two (I have ADHD and no concept of time), I said that I was gonna be doing flag designs for genders that didn’t have them. I’ve been thinking about that, and I also kinda wanna do redesigns for flags that have kind of eyebleeding colors or that I just don’t vibe with for whatever reason

If any of you have flags that you want redesigned (or just edits of them), let me know; I’d be more than happy to do so!

~Mod Che

mod che mogai mogai post mogai community mogai flags mogai flag mogai communtiy mogai friendly mogaireal mogai real mogai account mogai blog mogai term mogai things mogai stuff mogai positivity mogai pride mogai safe mogai support mogai genders mogai heaven