[ID: a horizontal five-striped pride flag. In order from top to bottom, the stripes are hot pink, light pink, pale blue, blue, and dark indigo. End ID]

Omni- flag redesign

Uses the same colours as the original, but edited to flow better.

Omni-: Attraction towards all genders, but may not see them as the same and can distinguish each gender as different, and appreciate them as different. Different from pan-, but can be used as interchangeable.



Bi Lesbian Pan Lesbian

Poly Lesbian ♡ Omni Lesbian

i made pan lesbian, ply lesbian, and omni lesbian counterparts to the main bi lesbian flag i made and use for requests ive gotten! (edit: i altered the ply lesbian flag bc i wasnt happy with its original look! its easier on the eyes now i think :3 )


mspec gay masc/male flags for anon! i’m definitely open to suggestions for edits, since i myself am not an mspec gay person

bi gay | pan gay
ply gay | omni gay



Flag design!

My ideas for m-spec gay flags, inspired by @bi-lesbian​’s m-spec lesbian flags!

Top row: bi gay, pan gay

Bottom row: ply gay, omni gay (not to be confused with omnigay/omnique)

Finally getting back into the swing of things! The colours here don’t have any particular meanings, I just combined the colours from existing flags and adjusted from there ^_^; I like how they came out though!

Credit me if you use!

mogai drawtober 2019 day 6: omni-

an omni osprey (Pandion cristatus)!

omni-: attraction towards all genders, but may not see them as the same and can distinguish each gender as different, and appreciate them as different.

[link: how are pan- and omni- different?]

[image description: a simplistic drawing of a bird, coloured in the omni flag colours. end image description]


Sorry for being another day late, but have @sleepy-eyed-dreamer‘s Aether, an omnisexual agendercutie

Day 5 of Drawtober: Omnisexual

[image description: a drawing of a moth-like creature waving an omni- flag. end image description]


(Image description: the genderqueer, genderflux, demigenderfluid, anarcha-queer, omnisexual, questioning, queer, anarcha-feminist, and genderqueer flags as Neko Atsume kitties. End image description.)


july 10th of @mogai-month: pluralian

the images read:

boldly bi | beautifully bi-ply-pan | magically multi
marvelously multiflux | outstandingly omni | perfectly pan
positively paro | phenomenally pluralian | poetically ply

@ the anon who was asking about ‘roga’ identities:

i meant to save the ask as a draft and then posted it and then i accidentally deleted it… rip … so, here’s my answer:

do you mean a person attracted to anyone regardless of gender but with a preference for a certain gender(s)? in that case, it’d be pan-/omni- with a preference. 

if you mean a person of any gender attracted to a specific gender, you could use:
attraction to men: ma-, mascic
women: woma-, femaric
men & masc-aligned nbs: uranic, bi-, poly-,
women & fem-aligned nbs: neptunic, bi-, poly-,
unaligned nbs: enbian, enboric, stellaric (exclusively to unaligned nbs, whereas enbian & enboric can include unaligned nbs & aligned nbs)
men & nbs: bi-, poly-, uranic
women & nbs: bi-, poly-, neptunic
men & women: bi-, poly-,

i think that covers it all!
(roga=regardless of gender)



Throwback to my childhood… pride edition!

1. Demigender

2. Demiboy

3. Demigirl

4. Bigender

5. Intersex

6. Omnisexual


~ James ~