what it means to be to be Omni-


So Pansexuality and Omnisexuality overlap A LOT, but they aren’t 100% the same. And some people may identify as both, or a mix of the two (Omnipan-) 

Pansexuality can be defined in two main ways

1) Attraction to ALL genders

2) attraction to people REGUARDLESS of gender


While Omnisexuality, which has many different definitions, I define in these main three ways

1) Attraction to all genders equally (this is where pan and omni overlap)

2) Attraction to all genders, but not seeing them as the same and can distinquish each gender as different,and appreciate them as different (Not gender blind, like some pan- people identify)

3) Attraction to all genders, as well as attraction to people who identify as otherkin/therian. (May or may not have specific preferences; Aka one may prefer forest animal therians over other forms of otherkin, or they may be attracted to all equally)

Or, one may identify as a mix of any of the definitions above (I identify as Omnisexual, referring to definitions 2, and 3)


What I’m trying to get at, is that both Omni- and Pan- mean attraction to all genders, but you could say Omnisexual is a bit more specific.

They are NOT completely the same, and should be respected as separate identities..All people attracted to multiple genders are valid, no matter how they identify.

Don’t tell people their identity is the same as something else.. It can be very harmful, since it can be VERY difficult for one to even come to a conclusion about their identities. 

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