““ Prayer for the Genderfucked, early draft, by mercuriane
June 2020
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Prayer for the Genderfucked, early draft, by mercuriane

June 2020

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Part of killing cringe culture and respectability politics is embracing the messy parts of the queer community.

The drag, the gender fuckery, the butch & femme folks, the complicated and contradictory orientations & genders, the trans people who don’t pass or aren’t conventionally attractive or who don’t medically transition…

We cant do shit if we can’t accept and embrace the parts of our community that got us to where we are in the first place.


The biggest sin you can commit according to exclusionists is to be unboxable. If they can’t fit you in either L, G, B, or T they get really angry, and start accusing you of being [insert one of the letters above]phobic in an attempt to get you to fall back into line. Because ultimately, exclusionists are assimilationists who need all of us to be easily digestible by cishets, and they’re furious that some of us are brave enough to become unpalatable


there is nothing cooler than genderfuckery. mogais, girlfags + guydykes, futches and femmy butches and butchy femmes, fagdykes, boygirls, orientationgenders like “bisexual is my gender”, trans male lesbians and trans female gays, i fucking love all of y’all and all my other genderfucks.


Tie Dye Magiboy and Magigirl Flags!

Free to use!


“"MOGAI”“ genders and orientations will continue to feel threatening to the soul and progress of the community so long as your priority is to appeal to the sensibilities of the oppressor class and try to gain their approval in order to access their privilege.

Abandon that mentality for the self-defeating lost cause it is, and you no longer need to tailor yourself to be palatable to your oppressors, to fear or reject your allies, or to constantly calculate which vulnerable people you are willing to sacrifice for your own conditional acceptance.

Then and only then can real liberation happen.


You can wear an anarchist badge and post “Be Gay Do Crime” but If you’re still calling queer a slur and telling trans people to be less angry and more respectable if we want to be treated like humans, then you’re still just another cog in the machine that wants you dead.

You can call yourself a trans activist and reblog “trans women are women” over and over again, but if you’re telling trans people what we can and can’t reclaim or identify as, if your telling trans men and nonbinary folk that we don’t face oppressin for being men or nonbinary, then you’re just another radfem that’s killing us.

You can yell about police being at pride, but if you still attend police parades and capitalist rainbowism, if you’re promoting “respectability” and using the “correct labels” you’re not protecting other queers, your just preforming a false sense of wokeness.


full offense to people who try to use the word against me but I really love calling myself a faggot.




[id= tweet by HTHRFLWRS “not nonbinary as in ‘add a third X gender marker to licenses’ but nonbinary as in 'remove all genders from licenses, holy shit why would you want a cop to know you’re trans’” /end id]


It is not the question “how do I access the same structures of power as my oppressor” that needs to be answered, on the contrary. The force that drives us is “how do I destroy these cruel and unjust structures?” Anything else seeks to obtain advantages that only exist because others suffer.