
hey, guys !! i told y’all i would make a few announcements today and that’s what i’m about to do !! 2020 was one hell of a rollercoaster of a year to put things lightly and so with that said, in 2021, i have a bunch of new plans that i’m gonna be doing for the new year.

First of all, I’m intending on making a new Youtube channel in the new year once I get all the technicalities set up. I honestly don’t know what this’ll mean for this blog, or how active I’ll be on it, especially if I manage to get more followers and subscriptions and start rising up, but I hope to see at least see some of you guys suscribe there! there’s gonna be all kinds of content on there, including but not limited to: possible tarot readings, talking about autism and mental health advocacy, lgbtq+ education, personal shit and maybe even vlogging as time goes on, animanga, series I like reading/watching ie ASOIAF, the potterverse, etc., conspiracy theories, mythology, witchy shit, playlists, maybe even some gaming and podcasts and a lot more, and in fact, @inkblccd​ and I are already intending on starting a podcast before we’ve even started our yt channels and i’m really excited! I honestly have no idea when this’ll happen yet because I still need to get the proper equipment and all that stuff but i’ll let you guys know all about it when it does come up!!

Finally, similar to something I did earlier this year, I’m doing a mass unfollowing / softblocking spree because the majority of my followers are pretty much like cricket silence with me ( blogs who’re low activity or on hiatus don’t apply to this procedure ) but this does apply to my mutuals who 1) never respond to starters i’ve written for them, 2) people who never send me memes / asks / etc, 3) answer memes i’ve sent them 4) people who never respond to our threads, and 5) otherwise making no genuine attempts to interact with me beyond clicking the follow button and never speaking to me ever, all while being clearly active on the dash. Now, please don’t get me wrong, i’ll be happy to refollow anyone who approaches me expressing genuine interest to interact with me and my muses and yes, I know that especially these days, it’s busy with everything going on in the world, breaks are bound to be taken for whatever reason, such as a vacation, big school project, or internet loss, and I know that being shy and/or having anxiety is a real thing, trust me, but it’s just for me to make sure that my dash has active people who actually care about interacting with me and that i’m not just another number on a followers roster list. You’ll need to show me and put some genuine effort into it, you don’t have to write a novella or anything but there needs to be some sort of communication between us. I’m here to enjoy myself and it’s not exactly fun when the majority of your followers never speak to you or bother to interact with you and sometimes I just stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back at me. I promise, it’s really nothing personal, this whole procedure is just so I can clean up my dash and to see who’s actually interested in interacting with my muses and/or with me. I’ll be reblogging this multiple times, so if I’ll be unfollowing a fuckton of people by the time this year ends. So, without further ado, smash that heart button if you seriously want to interact with me.
If you don’t like me and/or don’t want to interact with me for whatever reason, do us both a favor and simply softblock me. everyone who reads this has exactly one month - precisely until January 1st to be exact, to either send me an ask ( ic or ooc ), like a starter call, check out my interest tracker, talk to me about literally anything under the sun, reply to a thread, plot with me, interact with my muse(s), or send me literally anything on discord; show me we’re interacting. everyone who doesn’t do any of the above, unless if you are on hiatus, we’re new mutuals, you are currently in an emergency, or are low activity will get softblocked. no exceptions.
09:45AM     13

Loretta: Please, for me?

Marco, sighing: Don’t do that.

Loretta: What?

Marco: You think whenever you say, “please, for me?” that I’ll just do anything you want.

Marco: But it’s not going to work this time.

Loretta: Please, for me?

Marco: …Okay.

09:59AM     0


dir. Andrew Adamson

04:44PM     2558     via     src


My life is once again the sum of my choices, not someone else’s crimes.

04:25PM     3092     via     src


Mary Stuart + Green

04:24PM     611     via     src



hey, guys !! i told y’all i would make a few announcements today and that’s what i’m about to do !! 2020 was one hell of a rollercoaster of a year to put things lightly and so with that said, in 2021, i have a bunch of new plans that i’m gonna be doing for the new year.

First of all, I’m intending on making a new Youtube channel in the new year once I get all the technicalities set up. I honestly don’t know what this’ll mean for this blog, or how active I’ll be on it, especially if I manage to get more followers and subscriptions and start rising up, but I hope to see at least see some of you guys suscribe there! there’s gonna be all kinds of content on there, including but not limited to: possible tarot readings, talking about autism and mental health advocacy, lgbtq+ education, personal shit and maybe even vlogging as time goes on, animanga, series I like reading/watching ie ASOIAF, the potterverse, etc., conspiracy theories, mythology, witchy shit, playlists, maybe even some gaming and podcasts and a lot more, and in fact, @inkblccd​ and I are already intending on starting a podcast before we’ve even started our yt channels and i’m really excited! I honestly have no idea when this’ll happen yet because I still need to get the proper equipment and all that stuff but i’ll let you guys know all about it when it does come up!!

Finally, similar to something I did earlier this year, I’m doing a mass unfollowing / softblocking spree because the majority of my followers are pretty much like cricket silence with me ( blogs who’re low activity or on hiatus don’t apply to this procedure ) but this does apply to my mutuals who 1) never respond to starters i’ve written for them, 2) people who never send me memes / asks / etc, 3) answer memes i’ve sent them 4) people who never respond to our threads, and 5) otherwise making no genuine attempts to interact with me beyond clicking the follow button and never speaking to me ever, all while being clearly active on the dash. Now, please don’t get me wrong, i’ll be happy to refollow anyone who approaches me expressing genuine interest to interact with me and my muses and yes, I know that especially these days, it’s busy with everything going on in the world, breaks are bound to be taken for whatever reason, such as a vacation, big school project, or internet loss, and I know that being shy and/or having anxiety is a real thing, trust me, but it’s just for me to make sure that my dash has active people who actually care about interacting with me and that i’m not just another number on a followers roster list. You’ll need to show me and put some genuine effort into it, you don’t have to write a novella or anything but there needs to be some sort of communication between us. I’m here to enjoy myself and it’s not exactly fun when the majority of your followers never speak to you or bother to interact with you and sometimes I just stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back at me. I promise, it’s really nothing personal, this whole procedure is just so I can clean up my dash and to see who’s actually interested in interacting with my muses and/or with me. I’ll be reblogging this multiple times, so if I’ll be unfollowing a fuckton of people by the time this year ends. So, without further ado, smash that heart button if you seriously want to interact with me.
If you don’t like me and/or don’t want to interact with me for whatever reason, do us both a favor and simply softblock me. everyone who reads this has exactly one month - precisely until January 1st to be exact, to either send me an ask ( ic or ooc ), like a starter call, check out my interest tracker, talk to me about literally anything under the sun, reply to a thread, plot with me, interact with my muse(s), or send me literally anything on discord; show me we’re interacting. everyone who doesn’t do any of the above, unless if you are on hiatus, we’re new mutuals, you are currently in an emergency, or are low activity will get softblocked. no exceptions.
04:05PM     13     via     src

Reblog if others can send you sinday asks even if you’re not ship partners.


Sometimes the possibilities for a ship can come to light by answering curious asks about your muse’s interests!

Add in the tags whether or not you’re open to answer (soft) sinday starters/starter memes. 

Multi’s feel free to add in the tags for which muses these apply.

04:00PM     1773     via     src
Hey y'all, I know this is odd and it comes from out of nowhere but… I’ve seen this both on the dashboard and in my personal life lately and it’s really disturbed me on how much this word is used as an insult, please do not use the word “freak” because it is a word with aphobic, homophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, intersexist/dyadist, racist ( ESPECIALLY towards dark skinned people of color, including black people, pasifika, notably native hawaiians and native americans, inuit, but it was also aimed towards sámi, ainu and other indigenous peoples ), albinophobic, and especially ableist and sanist connotations, historically speaking, unless you are in one or more of these marginalized communities and the word is yours to reclaim; it was designed to other disabled people most of all, it was associated with “freak shows” where people who were very small, tall, large or with other visible differences or impairments or people who were seen by white supremacist society as “other” were put on display for the public gaze in 17th, 18th and 19th centuries and even in the modern day, it literally means “strange or abnormal”, this should not be used because it also implies that these human beings with lives and feelings of their own are but dehumanized objects of fear and horror and that simply isn’t true, so if you’re an able bodied and/or neurotypical, please for the love of god don’t EVER use this to insult someone, especially not towards a disabled and/or mentally ill individual, that is a disgusting word that should never be used to dehumanize someone else, have some compassion for fuck’s sake.
11:08AM     0


Originally posted by penguinlove1001

HAPPY NEW YEAR OF 2021 EVERYONE!!! 🎉🎉❤️❤️🎶🎶✨✨

12:05AM     4

God… where do I even begin, y’all… for me, 2020 was, like, that one slide race in Super Mario 64 where you had to race this massive cutie blue fuckin’ penguin down an icy slide and try not to fall off and die while on the ride and get all those gold coins and beat him in a race and then if you won, you got the star, and honestly, I’m still wrapping my head around it.

But I managed to get the star, in the end, after a long, slippery and terrifying slope. 2020 was the hardest year of my life by far on so many levels, and I stumbled and fell flat on my face so many times that I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it out alive. And it grieves me greatly to say that not everyone did… an old mentor friend I’ve known from childhood, included and so many others, so I want to give a moment of silence to respect those who died this year, whether it’s due to Covid, the injustices of our corrupt justice systems, or other reasons. I apologize for being so grim and solemn, but I feel as if it’s so very important to remember those who’re gone from this world, and remember their names and the people who’s names are not seen on our news. But with death, there is also life, and with the respect and honor we give to our dead, we can hope and fight for a better future for all of us.

2020 was the year where, by the end of the beginning of this new decade, I became a phoenix rising from the ashes of who I used to be to the point where I honestly don’t even recognize who I was anymore. This was the year where I discovered my true purpose and mission in life, the year where I discovered who I truly am. That is power. I stand taller now, I speak my mind with more confidence, compassion and ferocity than I’ve ever had in all my short twenty years, and I am stronger, kinder, fiercer, and more bolder than I have ever been, and while I still struggle from time to time, I’m confident that I can take on the world since I began my spiritual awakening in the summer and after everything I’ve been through this year. I am love, I embody love, I don’t need to seek it outside myself, it’s been within me this whole time, and when you truly understand that, it’s a game changer, and I set myself free.

2020 was the year where all my dreams and passions fell apart until I had to pick up all the shattered glass shards and pick them up again with bleeding hands. 2020 was the year where I’d lost friends due to multiple different reasons, or… the veil between the living and the dead dividing us. 2020 was the year where I’ve cried my heart out more than I have ever before to the point where it felt like an unseen deity had punched a hole where my heart should’ve been, but I’ve also genuinely laughed and smiled, because I’ve also made new friends and reconnected with long lost friends, and began to finally know what it feels like to love myself unconditionally, and that in itself is a truly liberating feeling, and I will never go back. And most of all? I survived. 2020 was the year where I truly became ambitious. 2020 was the year where I’d finally began writing my own novella and working on myself in all aspects. 2020 was the year where I’d finally felt genuinely happy in a long… long time.

Angie is dead and Arcana is born.

I believe in me. I’ve seen me go through the worst and come out still warm, still loving, still compassionate. I see myself forgiving and using my words to heal. I see me. I appreciate my commitment to growth. I do not expect me to be perfect or expect me to be better than everyone else. I’m just me. Resilient and loving. I love that about me. I’m a continuous learner in life and my failures serve as a lesson, not a defeat, I grow from my mistakes and become stronger and better from them, a phoenix rising from the ashes and reborn again. I aspire to be smart, hardworking, reasonable, disciplined, laser focused on helping myself and my family and the ones I love and finding success and happiness while being fully in control of my destiny and fully intending on getting anything I set my mind to. 

I’m alive. I’ve survived the worst nights I’ve ever experienced. I picked myself up when I was at rock bottom. I’ve made it through the worst relapses, loneliness, heartbreak, failure and darkness in my life. When I wanted to disappear, I stayed, time and time again. I can make it through anything, and I will get through this, too. The new year will bring peace and balance. The new year will renew me and bring forth positive change. I am committed to self care, I strive to create, I will work on my self image, I will be kinder to myself, I will tend to my needs, I will prioritize my health and wellbeing, I will be stronger by the end of next year, and I will seize opportunities. I hope the new year will give you all of these things as well, I love each and every single one of you so much, and I honestly couldn’t have gotten this far without you guys, the ones who helped encourage, support and care for me, and that’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay. I love you all so much, and I wish you all the best of luck.

On a semifinal note, I wanted to give a special shoutout to Izzy ( @kaigyokus ), Marzi ( @gciltyascharged​ ), Peypey ( @faithheartily​ ) and Whitley ( @imbicilite ) for all the sweetness, compassion, patience, encouragement, love, laughter and support you’ve given me this year, and you guys helped make me the better person I am today.

So, in conclusion, thank you, whoever you are, if you’re reading this, I’m thanking you. for being here, for following this blog despite my fluctuating activity, and loving my muses as much as I do, and I’m thanking you for waking up today, for drinking water and eating your food, for doing your day to day things, for taking a shower, for taking a nap, for taking care of yourself, for getting through yet another day on this planet, and even if you did none of those things, thank you, please believe me when I say that this world needs you, all of us are unique, and there’s nobody like you in this entire world. Thank you for existing, I love you.


08:31PM     9

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