Posts tagged "nonbinary positivity"
Anonymous asked:
I've been feeling pretty dysphoric lately and i could use some affirmation. I'm somewhat confused about who I am but I've been having to wrestle with a lot of shit recently. I'm not sure what affirmation I need exactly, I guess something along the lines of denying I'm a transtrender and what I'm going through, although unorthodox, is not wrong.

Originally posted by skookumthesamoyed

[gif of a large fluffy white dog turning around to look at you with its tongue lolling out]

You are valid. You are good. Your feelings are real. Your experiences are true. Change does not make you inadequate, wrong, or flawed. Change is a natural process that is intertwined with being alive. What you’re going through is your story, your journey, your reality. Don’t let side characters take over your personal narrative. You’re you, and that’s okay. 


Anonymous asked:
Hey y'all! I just wanted to thank you for providing a positive space for questioning, growth, and information. I've been following this blog for nearly two years, and it's really helped me become more comfortable with IDing as nonbinary :)

Originally posted by mlpmemes-and-mlpthings-123

[gif of Fluttershy from my little pony exclaiming “yay” to Rainbow Dash from my little pony] 

!!! I’m very happy this blog has been supportive and helpful for you !!!


sovereignoblivious asked:
Hi again! I understand that one can identify as both genderqueer and nonbinary, though I've decided to identify as genderqueer instead of nonbinary since it seems to be more well-known than nonbinary is and seems to be easier to explain to others when asked about my gender. Also, I got fingerprinted the other day so now I am one step closer to legally being known as Sage!! Yaaay!!! Now, my mom and I just gotta wait for the court date!

Originally posted by lematworks

[gif of an explosion of stars and hearts]

Congrats! That is awesome 🦄


sovereignoblivious asked:
Yaaay! I’m getting my name legally changed (with help from my mom)! My mom is also gonna get me a shirt with my pronouns (they/them) on it and the words are the colors of the genderqueer flag!! I also have a scarf of the nonbinary flag (yellow/white/purple/black)!!! This Pride Month is gonna be great!!!!! Now, I just gonna get the people around me to consistently use my pronouns.

Yay! Congrats! 


Originally posted by stefanieshank

[gif of a happy rainbow weiner doggo] 


Anonymous asked:
Hi, could you provide some validation for nonbinary boys? Im struggling a lot with accepting myself because im afraid if im out about being a boy people will immeditely try to push me into the binary box and expect mr to act or present or be certain things in order to be valid. Its hard to allow myself to just be me

Originally posted by glassy-colors

[gif of a person with pride flag colored hair with the caption “you’re strong”]


Originally posted by lookhuman

[gif of an angry cat with the caption “do not misgender me!”]


Originally posted by trenchersneversaydie

[gif of Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club “In my opinion, it’s more important for a person to be recognized for who they are, rather than what sex they are”]


Originally posted by sp8cebit

[gif of genderqueer/nonbinary flag with the caption “you are enough”]

Hello friend, you are valid. You are enough. Your experience is real and good. Your identity is yours.  


confused-and-anxious-shoebill asked:
Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that I read the FAQ’s and the pronoun dressing room was amazing!! I’ve recently started exploring my gender identity and have started to go ‘ick’ when people use she/her pronouns for me. This really helped me affirm that I really prefer they/them pronouns so thank you guys so much for the continual resources!! โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

Originally posted by chibird

[gif of a cartoon birb being showered with hearts]



To my baby enbies who are only teens:

I am 20. I came out on Facebook to my family and friends. My parents immediately switched names and went from saying I was their daughter to that I was their child. It wasn’t easy, but it got done.

My partner is the same age as me and they work with teens. Their pronouns change, and even though they live in the middle of the Bible Belt, they explained their identity and the teens were curious about their gender identity and listened when they were told not to use slurs. They changed their label a few times, worried what I would think, but I told them that exploring your identity should be an adventure.

My good friend is in the same class as me, and she uses either she/her or they/them. Sometimes she binds, sometimes she doesn’t. 24/7, she makes jokes about being the biggest Lesbian to walk the planet.

My manager at work is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. Our coworkers respect their pronouns, and they are a fantastic boss. They’re in their early 30s approximately.

My newest university professor introduced themself and stated immediately that their pronouns are they/them. They are sweet and a successful artist, and they’re 5 years into teaching at my university. They’re also in their 30s.

Being nonbinary isn’t a thing “for teenagers on tumblr”.

Being nonbinary doesn’t mean that you have to keep it a secret.

Being nonbinary doesn’t mean that you have to limit your success or your identity.

Being nonbinary is for anyone who identifies that way.

There is no one way to be nonbinary, there is only the way you want to be nonbinary.

I hope that your coming out goes smoothly, and I hope it happens when you’re ready and you want it.

May you all find love, success, and joy during the summer months <3

Anonymous asked:
I recently started IDing as genderqueer/nonbinary, and I've been thinking about gender neutral nicknames/pronouns I could use to refer to myself, but I've been stopped by a huge worry that I'm being fake or throwing other enbys under the bus. I'm AFAB and like looking "girly" sometimes because I love intricate and delicate looks. But I am afraid that if I ID as nonbinary, still look/act "girly," and am 'obviously female passing,' I'm harming androgynous enbys and their ability to be accepted.

You are valid. Androgynous enbys are valid. Masculine enbys are valid. Feminine enbys are valid. You are not fake, flawed, pretending, etc. You are you and that is lovely and true. There is not a nonbinary tome which declares some people as nonbinary but not others. Live your life in a way that keeps you safe, healthy, and happiest to the best of your ability. Don’t let others police you into presenting a specific way. We all struggle in our own ways but we don’t have to push ourselves or others down to survive. 


Originally posted by wholesomethemedmemes

[gif of a literal seal giving its approval] 
