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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

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Pinned Post alex wont shut up

Stop saying the dwarves of Khazad Dum ‘dug too greedily and too deep’ DWARVES DIG. IT’S WHAT THEY DO. I did’t see any of you popping over to let Durin VI know that he’s on top of a Balrog, how was anyone supposed to know! Saying it was ‘too deep’ or ‘too greedy’ is just Sindar propaganda, as if yall weren’t super content to sit pretty and huff weed in Menegroth while everyone else did the heavy lifting. Maybe if you’d done ANYTHING during the first age there wouldn’t BE a balrog under there in the fIRST PLACE!!! EVER THINK OF THAT? CELEBORN?



This is the real tea right here

Source: lesbiansforboromir

oh would you look at that it’s Projecting My Asexuality Onto Jon & Martin Time again already

anyway as soon as Jon finds out that Martin is also ace he becomes a huge cuddler. it’s the combination of Jon being touch starved basically ever since he and Georgie broke up, and their close quarters in the safehouse, and the idea that it is Safe for Jon to get touchy-feely with Martin because Martin won’t assume he wants to have sex.

obviously communication has fixed that problem in Jon’s past relationships, but even then Jon had sort of felt bad for getting into his partner’s personal space in a way that could insinuate that he was Interested, or in a way that would inadvertently make them Interested, when they knew that Jon couldn’t deliver on it. he usually let them take the initiative instead and tried not to cuddle them any more than necessary.

and for the first few days of his romantic relationship with Martin it’s like that too, until they finally figure out that neither of them wants to have sex. the next time Jon feels the urge to drape himself over Martin he realizes he doesn’t have to hold back, because Martin is definitely okay with cuddling and he won’t assume that Jon wants anything else from him, and better yet he won’t want anything else from Jon.

this sort of opens the floodgates for Jon “Touch Starved” Sims, which confuses Martin at first because where did this cuddlebug come from and what has he done with Martin’s boyfriend. Martin will be lying on the sofa reading a book and Jon will literally just walk up, say hello, and promptly lie down on top of Martin and go to sleep. Jon’s a good foot and a half taller than Martin so sometimes he’ll stand behind him, drape his whole body over him, and stick his face in Martin’s hair like he’s trying to turn himself into a hoodie. Jon is also now Finally allowed to be the big spoon and he takes full advantage.

and while Martin is confused but also very pleased and super Not Complaining about it, Jon’s just reveling in the fact that he can just casually touch his boyfriend without having to qualify everything he does or feel guilty about it or hold himself back from enjoying himself. he’s never really had a lazy lie-in in the morning before with another person and the first time it happens with Martin he sort of privately loses it for a couple seconds, he’s so happy.

Source: dickwheelie

doctor who: by design a fun campy mess, mileage will vary with each season based on personal taste, occasionally treats its women and gays okay, multiple episodes of actually outstanding quality, on the whole a net positive culturally

supernatural: started off okay, only got worse. cautionary tale about beating a dead horse. enjoyable if you can look past the flaws but Oh Boy The Flaws. some episodes very good, somehow. deserves to be mocked but if u still care i respect ur tenacity

sherlock: genuinely should never have been made. terrible as an adaptation and a show. prime example of homophobia as written by a gay man, unbearably up its own arsehole, every autistic person alive deserves compensation for the high-functioning sociopath line. zero redeeming qualities. every copy in the world should be erased and replaced with hbomberguy's video. if ur still invested in 2020 im so sorry


The fucking what line.


if u made it thru 2012 w/o "i'm not a psycopath, anderson, i’m a high-functioning sociopath. do your research." being permanently burned into ur brain im so jealous and, also, incredibly sorry to have made u read it now

Source: notquiteaghost
Source: annevbonny