Anonymous asked

Anonymous asked:

can you help me with a labeling thing? i'm nonbinary and i feel closest to the labels nonbinary, demi girl, and cat gender. i'm also queer, and even though i'm afab and demi girl i feel like my attraction to men is gay? like i'm just me but i know people (esp guys) wouldn't really consider me guy adjacent and i'm just like. 0_o? i love men in a very queer way but like. tdlr. is it ok for someone who's girl adjacent to call their love for masc genders gay?

if you feel that fits, absolutely! you could also be attracted to men in a queer way without it necessarily being gay, so if you feel that queer fits you better, you can also use that!

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  5. neopronouns reblogged this from thepokedexisgay and added:
    oh yeah, i didn’t even think about those! anon, you may like shadowfloric (coined as shadowvincian, but i prefer not to...
  6. thepokedexisgay reblogged this from neopronouns and added:
    There are also the shadoworientations (this sounds like shadowfloric/shadowvincian to me)