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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

the unholy trinity of piss-poor caretakers, tag yourself:

  • tomboy, meaning "this child is clearly queer but let's hope it goes away"
  • sensitive, meaning "clearly neurodivergent and often distressed but let's keep going until they grow numb"
  • mature, meaning "traumatized but let's ignore that"
Source: floating-goblin
tag yourself i got sensitive and 'mature' okay time for the *vent tag lol apparently mature is so not accurate stays in the sidelines enough to not get in trouble? yes mature? no in fact staying in the sidelines is the exact reason i'm still not mature enough lol working on it though

I think I’m going to stop reblogging those ‘half the world’s wealth is owned by like 7 people’ posts. Not because they’re not vaguely accurate, but because they’re too often mis-interpreted as describing a problem (7 evil dudes) instead of describing a symptom of the actual problem (capitalism).

Truth is, 7 people are not our problem and we can’t solve our problems by killing 7 people. Gloriously entertaining as that might be.

If we could kill the 7 richest people of the world, capitalism would survive. If we could kill them and appropriate all their wealth and somehow distribute that equally across the workers of the world, we’d have a very chaotic period of hyperinflation and shifting balances of power but capitalism would probably survive that too.

And if the richest 7 people of the world would be visited by the ghost of Christmas and suddenly became the 7 most charitable people on earth, capitalism would survive that too. Because most of the wealth of these rich bastards is not in their bank accounts as disposable income, it’s in the imagined value of their companies. And the moment they’d stop prioritizing profit, that imagined wealth would vanish as investors flocked to the stocks of different bastards and the imagined wealth of those different companies would rise. In the face of the systems of capitalism, these people are not actually as powerful as they imagine themselves to me. If they’d stop serving profit, they’d lose most of their power.

So yeah, we need system change.

And like… one of the reasons I think it is important to talk about this is because ‘A few evil people secretly hold all the power and if we just killed them all the world’s problems would be solved’ is at the core of most conspiracy theories, from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion all the way to QAnon. It’s the same story over and over and whenever these kinds of theories spread, minorities pay the price.

And when ‘A few evil people secretly hold all the power and if we just killed them all the world’s problems would be solved’ sounds vaguely intuitively true to people who have heard something similar on a leftist blog… those people are a little more receptive to those conspiracy theories. So maybe it’s not something we should be implying?


Billionaires are evil, otherwise they wouldn’t be billionaires. But if we eat them, unless we’re also creating systemic change, new billionaires will grow in their place. Now that might sound like a good sustainable food source, but the damage caused by growing billionaires far offsets their nutritional value.

Source: queeranarchism

imagine being the guy who discovered microorganisms trying to explain to people that you promise there are millions of little secret guys on everything


Imagine: you're a Dutch cloth salesman named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, and you want to take a closer look at your threads, so you make a microscope. Then you get very interested in making microscopes, and you start making better ones. Like really good, powerful for the time microscopes, without formal training, just because you like looking at stuff.

At the insistence of your doctor friend, you send the notes you've been taking to The Royal Society in London. They say "that's nice" and put it on the fridge. Overjoyed, you keep sending them drawings and notes about all the stuff you see, and they give you a fatherly hair tousle.

Then you tell them you've found tiny animals under your microscope, and they yell that you're full of shit, sending a brigade of scientists to your house. It takes them a year to believe you.


Source: canthaveshitingotham

every time i see people trying to normalize fatness by sexualizing it i think of that post thats like “what are you gonna tell a fucking 12 y/o? dont cry dude youre so thick? stop it” bc like. truly. not only do i personally not want my body to be sexualized lol but also its so harmful to kids like?? being fat is normal in all contexts not just when youre in lingerie with a beat face looking pouty at the camera like can we talk about the variances in human bodies without resorting to making them normal only when theyre sexy, my god


your body is good, not because it is desirable to others, but because you live in it


“your body is good, not because it is desirable to others, but because you live in it”


Thats what carries your soul, cherish it


Y'all have no idea how many posts I come through everyday on various social media platforms saying “being fat is sexy” while looking at the camera with a pose or pouty lips or in a lingerie- sure, that’s good, but even without all of that, you’re still amazing.


I just want to feel normal while wearing a hoodie, jeans and no make-up - while FAT. Maybe I’ve brushed my hair, maybe I haven’t- that part isn’t important. 
The important part is normal. As normal was the person next to me wearing the same thing.  

Source: iseultstristan