
do most people on mobile tumblr know you can hold down the reblog button to fast reblog a post to your blog? you know you can reblog things with one click right? please please reblog things if you enjoy them, lack of exposure is killing content creators on this site 




Please pass this information around! Long press on the reblog button and then your blog icon will appear so you can swipe up into it:


Two click reblog and one click like is why the notes on my posts look like this:


Theres also a fast queue option, if you’d prefer!

It a hidden feature in tumblr labs, here is where you find it!


It looks like this-


You can hold it down to queue to different blogs, too!


please reblog art/content if you genuinely like it! it’s the best thing you can do for us artists/content creators!

Posted on Saturday the 14th of November 2020 at 10:47 AM
Reblogged from wolfcat-hybrid
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