Don’t believe what you read about transition regret



Owl writes about transition regret over at Metro:

A recent story hit the headlines where a person claimed there are hundreds of people wanting to detransition – but there are no numbers that indicate this. 

The use of ‘increase in referrals’ to medical transitioning is often used with statistics that sound quite high, but they are never put into context of the general population. Even with increased numbers of referrals, the number of trans people are still just around one percent of the population in the UK. 

More referrals simply means there are more people seeking this type of health care. It doesn’t mean that everyone who is referred undergoes a medical transition. 

Getting access to these types of services is actually really difficult, and people have to wait several years for a single appointment at a gender identity clinic. So claims that someone can just enter a clinic

Owl points out that a large portion of very few who do experience regret about medically transitioning do so because of the social rejection they face when they come out as transgender.

More here.

[c+p’d almost directly from my anti-truscum post]

tl;dr, regretting medically transitioning is extremely rare, and most people who do regret transitioning regret it due to adverse social consequences and bad surgery, not because they realise they’re not actually trans.

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