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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

patient: so the symptoms I've been having are—



God I wish that were me. Literally every single person in my family has a thyroid disease and my doctor still claims my symptoms are "just anxiety" and refuses to test me


turns out doctors will test your thyroid if you have literally anything except a thyroid problem


You guys know you can switch doctors or demand that they indicate in your chart that they are refusing to test you, right?


I spent my entire adolescence going around to over 30 different absolutely clueless specialists more than half of whom insisted on testing my thyroid function despite being able to see in my records that it had already been tested a dozen times but thanks I guess


"Just switch doctors and make demands "??? In this economy???


Learning to advocate for yourself at the doctor is one of the biggest hurdles of early chronic illness. Here are some things someone could practice saying (practice with family, friends, or other safe people who will play this out with you):

“my thyroid function was checked recently. That information should be accessible to you in my chart. If it isn’t, please let me know so that I can get you those results. In the meantime, what else might be causing my symptoms?”

“Ive explored that avenue with other physicians. what else might be causing my symptoms?”

“I’d like to test ____. Can you order that one?” [if they say no] “Please note in my records that I requested that test and you declined to order it. I’ll wait here while you do that.” [then, ask the nurse for an after-visit summary that includes the doctor’s notes to check that they did it]

When in doubt- bring a friend!! There’s no reason why doctors appointments have to be solitary, and a friend can help you remember stuff you wanted to say, remember stuff the doctor said back, be brave and advocate for yourself, and if necessary, advocate for you.


I’ve recently had to explain “I have been suffering from anxiety/panic attacks for more than 20 years, so I know what those feel like. This is new.”

It worked, though.


Write things down before and during. Bring notes on what you need to talk about. Take notes on what the doctor is telling you.

If you request your records they have 30 days to comply or it’s a HIPPA violation. They can charge up to 10 cents per page for printing cost.


It can also be difficult to self-advocate if you have mental health problems on record. I know I’ve had doctors who pointed to my diagnosed anxiety disorder to claim I was just a hypochondriac when I was so sick it was hard to WALK.

One thing that seriously helps:

If you are having physical problems misconstrued as mental illness and have a good therapist or psychiatrist, ask them to vouch for you in writing.

My psychiatrist writing me a note that said, “actually my professional opinion is that this person’s anxiety is well-controlled, please take that into account and FUCKING BELIEVE HER PLEASE”, and he was listened to more than I was.

If you can get other professionals on your side it really is helpful.

Is it deeply fucked up that some doctors won’t trust that you know your own body? Yes. But in the moment, trying to find other ways to get yourself heard can be a necessary sacrifice. Do that first and lodge any complaints later — ESPECIALLY if you think you’ve been discriminated against or dismissed base on race/age/gender because that happens a ton.

And ALWAYS keep a paper trail.

EDIT: Even if you’re not dealing with illness actually I’d love if people would rb to spread it. Self-advocacy is hard and working needlessly difficult systems to get vital help all alone can be a deeply demoralizing experience.

Source: dragon-in-a-fez

I really hate that photo of Chief Spotted Elk (commonly known as “Bigfoot” but pls don’t call him that bc it’s not his name) lying dead on the snow at Wounded Knee. Unfortunately, that’s the only one people ever seem to use of him, so when I did a history training on those events I went looking for a different one, and:


Look at the size of those hoop earrings. Look at that choker. Look at the horse fetish, and the intricate plant pattern on his chest below it. Look at those braid wraps.

Spotted Elk had so much style. I never want to see that photo of him in the snow again, knowing this is who he actually was.


Reminder on the anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre, please don’t share the photo of Spotted Elk frozen and dead.

Source: realbobdylan

Narcissistic Abuse

This will likely be something that I talk about again and again. The stigmatization of mental disorders and especially personality disorders is rampant all over the internet, led by misinformed / biased people. 

“Narc abuse” is an ableist and misplaced term used by many people who experience abuse that their abusers deny existed. When told that the term is harmful, they generally assume that we don’t want them talking about the abuse they’ve lived through. This is not the case, no one should be forced to be silenced when it comes to their trauma. However, using a disorder as a descriptor paints everyone with said disorder as inherently evil or abusive. Assuming all women are abusers would be sexist. Assuming that everyone from a specific race are abusers is racist. Believing that a disorder, something no one can control having, makes someone abusive is ableist. 

No disorder is just a bunch of abusive people, this is never the case. This is why people with NPD are upset that “narc abuse” is a normalized term, because its harmful. This is also why diagnosing abusers as “narcissistic” unprofessionally or diagnosing yourself with NPD because you have abusive / manipulative / self absorbed behaviors is absolutely inappropriate. It leads people outside of the community to believe that narcissism = abuse, which is absolutely awful and stigmatizing. People with the disorder can be abusive, because everyone has the potential to be abusers.

Instead of using “narcissistic” as a descriptive word for abuse(rs), please describe the actual kind of abuse you’re experiencing (no, it’s not “actually” narcissistic abuse, please reread the post if this was your immediate response).

There are 6 kinds of abuse that are most recognized:

- Physical
This abuse is the most well known and recognized. Shoving, pulling hair, scratching, biting, hitting, smacking, punching, kicking, using objects to hurt you, etc.

- Emotional
This kind of abuse is centered around verbal attacks. Blame, denial, insults, etc. Unrealistic expectations, invalidation, blackmail/unreasonable grudges, arguing for the sake of arguing, nitpicking, treating you as an inferior, blaming you for their mistakes, making fun of you, being condescending, being controlling, reading your messages / stalking your media, etc.

- Psychological
This abuse is often seen as a sub-type of emotional abuse. Manipulation, outright denying events or actions took place, convincing you that you’re crazy or unstable, sometimes going as far as hiding your things or moving items to make you second-guess yourself. Shaping how other people see you, lying to your friends or family. Usually this is to make you completely trust the abuser’s word, making their opinions and views law. 

- Sexual 
Unwanted kissing, groping, rough sex. Refusing condoms, preventing/ altering/ messing with birth control. Not telling you about STI/Ds they have, pressuring /manipulating you into sex, including pressuring you while drunk, high, or otherwise not in your right mind (can include when you have unstable / dissociated / upset emotions). 

-  Financial
Controlling budgeting, trying to shape how you spend your personal money, putting you into debt, demanding to be added to your bank account / joining accounts, ruining your credit, not telling you about their debt or bad credit before you’re joined, etc.

- Cultural 
“Cultural abuse happens when abusers use aspects of a victim’s particular cultural identity to inflict suffering, or as a means of control.” Not letting you observe the dietary or dress customs of your faith or culture (verbally attacking you for following kosher, removing or telling you not to wear a hijab, bashing you for being modest, insulting your beliefs, getting upset by cultural jewelry or dress, ect), racial slurs/insults, outing you as gay/trans to your friends and family (or threatening to), lashing out or refusing to let you speak your native language, etc.

Please use these instead of “narcissistic” when talking about your abuse.




This is a really good point!

Source: ask-a-narc


amazon’s entire schtick is to run other businesses into the ground by undercutting prices then ruling over their peasant customers. 


FedEx just refuses to deliver to my house. It’s too rural. They just won’t do it. The USPS is gutted. If I need supplies or food or any emergency anything, am I going to risk the package being destroyed or never getting to my house, or grit my teeth and go with the chaotic evil monsters who will nonetheless give me the food or medicine I need? 

And guess what? Amazon is directly and indirectly responsible for both the state of FedEx and the state of the USPS. They were allowed to create a monopoly and they were PREPARED for the further gutting of the USPS we’ve seen in late 2020. In my rural area, with a pandemic on? I think people don’t understand what I mean when I say I have no choice sometimes, the same as I have no choice but to buy Comcast internet even tho it’s overpriced and unreliable. 

It. Is. A. Monopoly. By. Design. We’re being given no choice. The solution isn’t to attack the consumers; it’s to force the government to undermine the company and to actually support its citizens with things like the USPS. 


Ethical consumption is a luxury afforded to the rich.

Source: guerrillatech

Anonymous asked:

Seeing climate change happening before our very eyes makes me worried. I don’t know how much I can take. How do you deal with it and not feel like going off on your own terms by jumping off a building and not just slowly die by the harsh climate change?

solarpunkwitchcraft answered:

I’ve talked about this before, but here are the Cliff notes of “How to Not be Totally Despairing About Climate Change All the Time”

1. There is positive news out there, if you know how to find it. Mainstream media doesn’t report on climate change very often, and when they do, it’s very negative. However, more left-wing publications like Yes! magazine and Mother Jones cover climate change much more frequently, the good news and the bad. Most of the optimistic stories are not coming from politicians but from on the ground: Indigenous people in the Amazon taking down loggers’ equipment, growing anti-pipeline protests, Puerto Ricans creating shared solar communities in the face of climate change, imperialism and international indifference. This is solarpunk. It’s hopeful, grassroots, radical change. Focus on that.

2. Green technology gets better every day. Solar cells, clothing that creates energy from the sun and wind, building materials that soak up carbon. All these things are real and getting better. It’s only the greediness of capitalist fossil fuel industries keeping us from living in a renewable energy future.

3. On that note, do something! Nothing fuels hope like action. Even if it doesn’t feel exactly “environment related,” doing something that’s good for the world gets us a little bit closer to a better future. Volunteer at your local Food not Bombs chapter, protest a pipeline, unionize your workplace, donate to  Puerto Rico. Anything that chips away at the Earth-killing, unjust, capitalist system that we live in will make you a little more hopeful, and make the world a little better

4. Remember that despair is a privilege. The people who are most affected by climate change are the poor and in many climate change-ravaged communities, there is no time to be despairing. Climate change is a question of survival and we have to stand with those affected communities and realize our place in climate capitalism and climate colonialism. Stand with those in Puerto Rico, in Standing Rock, in Louisiana. Turn your despair into rage. It is the only way to stay afloat.

Source: solarpunkwitchcraft

like, idk the three 21st century “philosophies of revolution” so far are either the Laclau-Mouffe one, the Hardt-Negri one, or the Zizek one

the pragmatic neo-Gramscian populism of Laclau and Mouffe is my fave bc i always tend to be that sort of historically informed pragmatist. Like the others have sold more books but thats bc people like this model of revolutionary change

step 1: say “I’m out of order? This whole society is out of order!””
step 2: ?????
step 3: ?????
step 4: ?????
step 5: paradise

versus the like, “oh hey we should pay attention to facts and stuff and like, being able to actually do things” of Laclau-Mouffe

Bc like, that’s lame! No one want’s to hear about how we love facts and reason, that’s basic bitch lib shit. That’s “I have a sign in my lawn that says Believe In Science” shit. But like…im sorry its kinda the only shit we have. Facts don’t care about your feelings, even your millennial angst and ennui. 


Currently putting together a list of major philosophers whose work i have actually read who I still like


In order of appearance (on Earth): Thomas Hobbes. Voltaire, JS Mill, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Friedrich Nietzche, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Pierre Bourdieu


For some more modern boys, umm: Stuart Hall, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Homi Bhabha

like, the post-colonialists and the neo-Gramscians, although I’ve only read Fanon and Cesare secondhand unfortunately. 


self-proclaimed activist and leftist living in imperial core thinks new bill imposing restrictions on sex work is “good idea,” and will “definitely be applied with women’s best interests in mind”


local leftist who has based their entire identity around pointing out and opposing the flawed system says “the system is probably gonna work for us in this case. this time it’s probably gonna be really good for us actually. i don’t get why criminalized and vulnerable people aren’t excited for this”


local leftist who thinks “protecting ‘innocent’ women” is more important than the ability of women who dare to exchange sexual services for money to avoid homelessness and starvation


feminist anti prostitution movements also demand social services to be put on place so that women dont have to resort to prostitution

also, ever heard of the nordic model?

none of you actually look into the opponents side. cause one of you will call protecting women from being abused terf rhetoric and start a fear mongering. you hear the word “swerf” and plug your ears.

i just want to remind all of you that youre fucking mad over porn sites creating a verification system so that rape videos wont be uploaded.


I live in Scandinavia you braindead fucking idiot

I live under the nordic model and I can tell you clearly it fucking sucks, sex workers here despise it and have consistently campaigned for a reform of the entire thing because of how horrible it is for them. this model makes it more difficult and risky to do this work, there’s a huge issue of police r*ping sex workers, there’s a huge problem with girls not feeling safe reporting bad experiences, assaults, rapes, trafficking, there’s a huge issue of johns also not feeling safe reporting bad experiences, assaults, rapes, and trafficking that they see, precisely because it so often falls on deaf ears with the authorities and frequently means their entire livelihood gets taken away, and in the latter case, you literally get imprisoned if you’re a john and try to bring concerns to anyone if you’ve seen a girl be mistreated or who may seem underage, for example. these are not issues you have to dig deep to run into, you’ll hear it from a lot of sex workers who’ve worked in countries with this model in place.

as for the thing about ‘feminist anti-prostitution policy’ norway has one of the most robust welfare systems in the world and a strong economic safety net and it turns out that this means fucking nothing and won’t stop anyone from doing sex work - it makes life a tiny bit more cushy for people at the bottom rungs of society but not much more and it does not stop them from seeking that kind of work to earn more, nor does it eliminate it, and by this point in the year 20 fucking 20 i shouldnt have to explain how prohibition is a shitty model that doesn’t work and “just throw money at them” will in fact not solve the problem even if it keeps them out of absolute poverty.

i’m also just gonna copy/paste most of my other response because you made some snide post earlier about me - you seem to think the only reason i oppose this bill is because i’m a “coomer” who just wants to watch ‘child r*pe’ which is a fucking insane accusation to make against someone and it’s incredible that this is the immediate place your mind goes. so just to be clear: this proposed bill literally has loopholes allowing for legal child porn, this is something plenty of people have pointed out, this is one of several reasons that i am INCREDIBLY OPPOSED TO THE BILL, which is something your stupid ass would know if you decided to “actually look into the opponents side” which you just whine that “no one does” on here. (big surprise the dipshit terf n swerf is projecting lolol) you’re the one whose actions seem consistent with wanting those things to stay legal, i’m here trying to get people to oppose it because it’s obviously wrong and harmful to women. you’re not protecting anyone from being abused you’re facilitating and yes you’re spewing pure TERF and SWERF rhetoric. 

to quote my earlier post: did you know this bill does in fact leave open loopholes for child porn to be legally uploaded and i’m basing my criticism of the bill off everything i’ve heard SWer friends say about how it’ll impact them? did you know that this is like both useless at fighting the things your dumb ass thinks it will AND is in fact allowing for the very thing you think it wouldn’t allow for? the one thing you’re saying is good about this bill is something it literally does nothing about and if anything, enables. so yeah this thing isn’t doing shit about anything you claim to care about but it IS clearly very very good at getting prude idiots like you on board with harming women though. but yeah no, i’m sure with the US’s history of treatment of women’s rights, this bill is gonna be wonderful and nothing will go wrong and the countless warnings you’re hearing from SWers with actual experience are all just lies planted by evil ‘coomers.’ you sound like you really deeply understand this issue and definitely aren’t driven by the same insane hate of sex work the old men who made this bill have lol


Anonymous asked:

Considering that communism has led to the systematic murder of many, many more people than fascism, and uses many of the same totalitarian methods (secret police, propaganda, work camps, secret prisons, torture, state terror, mass executions), why would you make common cause with communists? Moreover, why make enemies of the libertarian/don't-tread crowd while making common cause with communists?

antifainternational answered:

Most communists are by definition anti-fascists.  We are also anti-fascists.  As anti-fascists in an anti-fascist movement, we are happy to work with other anti-fascists and are able to reserve our political nitpicking for after we have put fascism back in its grave.

Fascism is more than the sum-total of totalitarianism and believing fascism to be just another brand of totalitarianism demonstrates a lack of understanding of fascism (we would recommend reading more about fascism such as Robert O. Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism or Umberto Eco’s Ur-Fascism for starters).  It’s as much of a mistake to characterize fascism as simply another word for totalitarianism as it is to characterize communism as simply another word for totalitarianism (but for very different reasons!).  

Your comparison of communist mass murder and fascist mass murder is a bit off-the-mark, Anon.  For one thing, the most successful fascist regime - nazi Germany - was only in power from 1933-1945.  During those 12 years, they intentionally and systematically murdered at least six million Jews, 250,000 Roma, 250,000 disabled people, 8.7 million Soviet POWs and non-Jewish civilians, 312,000 Serb civilians, and about 72,000 others.  That’s 15.5 million people murdered over 12 years.

The most successful communist regimes have been China and the Soviet Union.  The USSR existed for 69 years.  China has been communist for 70 years.  For them to match the murder rate of the nazis, they would have to both murder 1.3 million people every single year for seven decades.  They haven’t.  When it comes to homicide, fascists > communists.

The other thing you’re missing is that many of the deaths attributed to communism stem from the failures of communist leaders to avoid things like famines or paranoid attempts to purge perceived enemies.  This differs fundamentally from fascism, which as a key part of its ideology, identifies ethnic outgroups for marginalization that inevitably leads to extermination, and then prioritizes attempts to exterminate those outgroups it has chosen to scapegoat and attack.  Communism lacks this ideological drive towards genocide.

Do you know what economic system is responsible for more deaths than communism or fascism?  Capitalism, which is likely responsible for more deaths than communism or fascism combined (80 million indigenous North Americans + 2 million murdered African during the slave trade + 10 million Congolese killed by Belgian colonial rule are but three examples of this that quickly get us to 92 million people killed by capitalism).  Yet we don’t hear you decrying the genocidal drive of capitalism or demanded that, as anti-fascists, we refuse to make common cause with capitalists.  How interesting. 


“I don’t believe in the death penalty.... unless it’s for pedophiles and rapists” then u DO believe in the death penalty and you’re def doing some mental gymnastics if you can’t understand that this will still negatively impact minority groups. Men of color, especially black men, have historically had false accusations of rape leveled against them by white women that resulted in them being unjustly murdered. Transfems are often made out to be pedophiles and rapists. Gay men & bi men are often made out to be pedophiles. Meanwhile, white cis male rapists get off basically Scott free and cis female rapists/pedophiles are hardly even acknowledged. The death penalty is never defensible as it doesn’t even deter people from committing crimes that are considered punishable by death & allowing it will always provide the state an undue amount of power over citizens that will be primarily exercised over marginalized peoples

Source: inuzukahana